Mateus 13:36

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Mateus 13:36. His disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.

THERE is much in the Holy Scriptures which unenlightened reason cannot comprehend. Hence the proud and self-sufficient continue ignorant of many truths. But they who seek Divine teaching have more enlarged views. God can “reveal to babes what he hides from the wise and prudent.” Nor will he leave any in darkness who pray for his Spirit. The Apostles set us an example worthy of our imitation. Our Lord delivered many parables which none clearly understood. But while the Scribes and Pharisees stumbled at them, the more teachable Apostles entreated their Lord to explain their import. Both the parable of the tares and the explanation of it are contained in this chapter [Note: ver. 24–30 and 37–43.].

To elucidate it more fully, we observe, that the members of Christ’s visible Church resemble wheat and tares growing together;

I. In their present growth—

The Church, like a field in which different grains are sown, contains persons of very different characters—
[Jesus sows much “good seed” in this wretched world: whatever use he makes of his ministers, the glory is his alone. But “Satan” is indefatigable in “sowing bad seed” in the Church: he takes advantage of the sloth and carelessness of Christ’s servants [Note: ver. 25.], and raises up hypocrites wherever Christ raises his elect.]

These grow together to the grief of all who are truly upright—
[Faithful ministers carry their complaints to their Lord and Master; and from zeal for his honour would pluck up the tares [Note: ver. 27.]: but God will not suffer them to make this arduous attempt. No man whatever is capable of distinguishing all characters. Many, who have specious appearances, would be left by us as wheat; while many, who are inwardly sincere, would be plucked up as tares. From regard to these God commands us to forbear [Note: ver. 29 and Mateus 18:14.]. He suffers us indeed, and commands us, to exclude the notoriously profligate; but he reserves to himself the office of judging the hearts of men. Till the harvest day therefore we must expect this mixture. Nor will it, in the issue, prove injurious to the saints. They are now stirred up the more to watchfulness and prayer; and hypocrites themselves have the offers of grace and mercy continued to them.]

The reproach occasioned by this will all be wiped away,


In their future separation—

The day of judgment is as the harvest—
[The angels are represented by our Lord as his angels; and these he will use as his reapers [Note: ver. 39.]. He will endue them with wisdom to discern the characters of all, and will guide them infallibly in the execution of his will.]

Then the different characters shall be separated from each other—
[The “tares” are they who “offend,” that is, by a false profession cause others to stumble at the ways of God [Note: ver. 41.]; and they, who, making no profession, “commit iniquity” without restraint. All these shall be gathered first and “bound up in bundles [Note: ver. 30.].” Thus will they, who have been partners in sin, be made partners in misery. Alas! what groups of profane persons, formalists, and hypocrites, will then be bound together! May “our souls never be gathered with these;” but be “bound up in the bundle of life with the Lord our God [Note: Salmos 26:9; 1 Samuel 25:29.]!” The “wheat” are “the righteous,” who are renewed in the spirit of their minds: they too shall be gathered in order to receive their portion.]

What a wonderful, but awful separation will there then be!
[Among the tares, not so much as one grain of wheat will be found: nor among the righteous will there be left one ungodly person. The ungodly husband shall be torn from the arms of his compassionate wife, and the profane child from the bosom of his religious parent. God will shew no respect to one rather than another. The wicked, stript of their veils, will be consigned over to punishment; and the righteous, freed from mutual jealousies, shall unite in perfect harmony.]
The awfulness of this separation will be more fully seen,


In their eternal destiny—

The wicked will “first” receive the doom for which they are reserved—
[They will be cast, like worthless tares, into the furnace [Note: ver. 42.]; nor, however God pities them now, will he shew them any mercy then. Not that the fire shall consume them utterly as it would tares: to prevent this mistake, the metaphor is intentionally changed. They will “wail” the mercies they have despised and the opportunities they have lost: they will “gnash their teeth” with anguish and vexation of spirit—against themselves (like a ruined gamester) for their folly—against each other, for having enticed each other to sin—against God, with impotent malice, for so punishing their transgressions [Note: Apocalipse 16:9; Apocalipse 16:11.]. And this doom will be inflicted “first” in the very sight of the godly [Note: ver. 30.]. Thus will the godly see how great mercy they have received.]

The righteous will then receive the kingdom prepared for them—
[They, as wheat, shall be treasured up in the granary of heaven. Not that they shall continue there in a state of inactivity. To correct this idea the metaphor here is also changed. God himself will not be ashamed to be called “their Father.” They shall shine forth in his kingdom like the sun. Their splendour shall burst forth as from behind a cloud [Note: Ἐκλάμψουσιν.]. They delighted to enjoy God; they shall now see him face to face. They longed to glorify God; they shall now have every faculty employed in his service for evermore.]

The most suitable improvement is suggested by our Lord himself [Note: ver. 43.]—

1. Let the profane “hear”—

[You can be at no loss to determine whether ye be tares or wheat: your conduct will decide that point beyond a doubt [Note: 1 João 3:7.]. And are you willing to be daily ripening for the furnace? Know that, as ye are at death, ye will continue to all eternity. But ye may now be changed from tares to wheat. Though this change cannot take place in nature, it can in the kingdom of grace. Entreat the Lord then that ye may become new creatures [Note: 2 Coríntios 5:17.]. All that are now in the granary of heaven were once as ye are [Note: Efésios 2:3 and Gálatas 4:12. in the Greek.]; and ye, if ye will seek the Lord, shall become as they are.]

2. Let self-deceivers hear—

[It is in vain to think yourselves the Lord’s people when ye are not. Inquire whether ye have been truly born again [Note: João 3:3.]? See whether ye differ from the world, and from your former selves, as much as wheat differs from tares. Be not satisfied with “a form of godliness,” and “a name to live.” The day of final separation is near at hand: let every day therefore be spent in earnest preparation for it.]

3. Let the upright also hear—

[The unavoidable mixture in the Church is doubtless a burthen to you; and if you be not careful, it may also become a snare: but, without judging others, strive to approve yourselves to God [Note: 1 Coríntios 4:5.]. Speedily will the period of your happiness arrive. Look forward then to death, with composure and gratitude; regard it as the waggons sent to convey you home; and, till it arrive, be praying for the influences of the sun and rain. So shall you be gathered in due season as a shock that is ripe, and be transported with joy to your eternal rest.]

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