1 Crônicas 6:77-81

Comentário de Ellicott sobre toda a Bíblia

(Comp. Josué 21:34.) 1 Crônicas 6:77.

(77) Unto the rest of the children of Merari. — Rather, Unto the sons of Merari, the remaining Levites, as at Josué 21:34. The cities of the Kohathites and Gershonites having been rehearsed, it was natural to speak of the Merarites as “those who were left.”

Were given.They gave, as before (1 Crônicas 6:71).

Rimmon... Tabor. — Heb. Rimmônô. The reading of Josué 21:34 is quite different. We there find mention of Jokneam, Kartah, Dimnah, and Nahalal, “four cities.” The first pair of names may be accidentally omitted from our text. Dimnah, in Joshua, should probably be Rimmonah, answering to the present Rimmono or Rimmon (Josué 19:13). Rimmon, the Assyrian Rammânu. (See Note on 2 Reis 5:18.) Nahalal is mentioned again (Josué 19:15) as a city-of Zebulun; while Tabor is only known as the name of the mountain which rises north-east of the plain of Esdraelon, and is famous as the traditional scene of the Transfiguration (Juízes 8:18; Salmos 89:12). Nahalal means “pasture,” or “sheep-walk” = Nahalôl (Isaías 7:19); and the original reading of our text may have been, Nahalal-tabôr (pasturage of Tabor)a compound proper name like Hamm-thôdôr, and many-others.

(78, 79) Bezer in the wilderness. — A city of refuge (Deuteronômio 4:43). The phrase “on the east or Jordan” fixes the meaning of the indefinite expression “on the other side Jordan.”

Jahzah is a form of Jahaz, originally meaning, “to Jahaz.” (Comp. the modern names Stamboul = ἐς τὰν πόλιν, Stanchio = ἐς τὰν χίω) Jahaz was assigned to Reuben at the partition of Canaan (Josué 13:18), along with Kedemoth and Mephaath. Mesha, king of Moab, recovered it from Israel (see Note on 2 Reis 1:1). Mephaath belonged to Moab temp. Jeremiah (Jeremias 48:21). It was, according to Jerome, a garrison town in the Roman age. (See also Josué 13:18; Josué 21:37; Deuteronômio 2:26.)

(80) Ramoth in Gilead. — A city of refuge (Josué 21:36). Jazer, Heshbon, Mahanaim, were given by Moses to the Gadites (Josué 13:25). Ramoth Gilead (see 1 Reis 22; 2 Crônicas 18; 2 Crônicas 18, and 2 Reis 8:28). Its position is unknown.

Mahanaim, now Maneh, lay on the north border of Gad.

(81) Heshbon, now Hesbân, on the south border of Gad. (See also Isaías 15:4; Jeremias 48:2.)

Jazer belonged to Moab in the eighth century (Isaías 16:8; Jeremias 48:32).

In regard to this entire list of the Levitical cities, it has been asserted that it is based upon a theory which is historically false; the theory, namely, that certain towns with their pasture-grounds were assigned by lot to the Levites for their exclusive possession. The objection is irrelevant, for the sacred records neither affirm nor imply that none but Levitical families dwelt in the forty-eight Levitical cities. It is à priori probable that the bulk of their population would be ordinary Israelites of the tribes in which they were situated. (Comp. Levítico 25:32, and 1 Crônicas 6:55 supra, and Números 35:1.)

Variations in local names, such as we have noted in comparing this list with those in Joshua, are not at all surprising, when it is remembered that centuries elapsed between the composition of the two books; and that names of places, like other names, are liable to phonetic change in the course of time. Something also must be allowed for errors of transcription.

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