1 Coríntios 9:24

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


1 Coríntios 9:24. So run, that ye may obtain.

THERE is not any thing around us from which we may not draw some hints for our spiritual instruction. The habits and customs of the world, if duly improved, will afford us many valuable lessons. A reference to these is peculiarly useful when we wish to convey instruction to others; because it strikes the imagination more forcibly, and carries stronger conviction to the judgment. St. Paul, in writing to the Corinthians, availed himself of the Isthmian games which were celebrated there, to illustrate their duty with respect to their souls. Amongst other sports, that of the foot-race was held in high estimation; and great preparations were made by those who engaged in them, in order to qualify them for their extraordinary exertions. In reference to these the Apostle speaks of himself as running in this race; and proposes himself to the Corinthians as a pattern for their imitation, if they were desirous to win the prize.
We shall consider,

I. The direction here given—

The words of the text are not a mere exhortation to run our race, but a special direction respecting the manner in which we are to run it [Note: οὔτω refers to the manner in which the Apostle ran; and ῖνα to the end for which such exertion was necessary. To enter into the full meaning of the text, the whole chapter should be borne in mind: and in that view it will unfold to us a subject of no ordinary importance. This should be distinctly marked in all the passages that are referred to in this chapter.]. We should be, like the Apostle,

1. Disentangled from worldly cares—

[St. Paul, as he tells us in the foregoing context, had equal liberty with others to marry, and to take a wife with him in his journies. But he knew that such a step would involve him in many cares, and impede his exertions in the cause of Christ. He therefore lived in celibacy himself, and recommended it to others, both men and women, especially during those seasons of persecution, when they were liable every day and hour to be called to lay down their lives for the Gospel’s sake [Note: ver. 5. with 1 Coríntios 7:1; 1 Coríntios 7:7; 1 Coríntios 7:26.]. Now, though there is not any necessity for us to imitate him in this individual act, yet we must admit the principle in its fullest extent, and live under its influence continually. We must study to be “without carefulness [Note: 1 Coríntios 7:32.].” We must endeavour to “serve the Lord as much as possible without distraction [Note: 1 Coríntios 7:35.].” We must “not entangle ourselves more than is necessary with the affairs of this life [Note: 2 Timóteo 2:4.],” or multiply our cares in such a way as to rob our souls of the attention due to them. To do this would be as absurd as to “load our feet with thick clay [Note: Habacuque 2:6.],” when we were about to run a race. On the contrary, we should endeavour to “lay aside every weight [Note: Hebreus 12:1.],” conscious that cares of every kind impede our progress in the divine life, and, if suffered to increase, will endanger our ultimate success [Note: Mateus 13:22.]

2. Divested of selfish principles—

[Never was a selfish spirit more subdued and mortified, than in the Apostle Paul. Instead of claiming from the Corinthian Church that support, which God himself had assigned to every minister of the Gospel, he endured numberless wants and hardships, in order to set an example of disinterestedness to others [Note: ver 12–15]. And, when he himself was perfectly acquainted with the extent of Christian liberty, he “made himself the servant of all,” becoming all things to all men, that by all means he might save some [Note: ver. 19–22.]. Thus did he forego what he might have justly claimed, and consent, as it were, to pay, what none had any right to demand: he willingly sacrificed both his pecuniary rights, yea, and his Christian liberty too (as far as conscientiously he could) for the benefit of immortal souls.

Such is the way in which we are to run. But O, how many professors of religion have been retarded (yea, and have cast stumbling-blocks also in the way of others) by a rigorous exaction of their dues, or by an unwillingness to sacrifice their worldly interests! How many also have been kept from making a progress themselves, and from helping forward their fellow-sinners, by an unyielding zeal for Christian liberty on the one hand, or a bigoted attachment to human forms on the other! Happy would it be for every individual in the Church of Christ, if a desire of advancement in the Divine life disposed them to “look, not on their own things only, but also on the things of others [Note: Filipenses 2:4.];” and “to seek the welfare of others not only in conjunction with, but (to a certain degree) in preference to, their own [Note: 1 Coríntios 10:24.].”]

3. Determined, if possible, to win the prize—

[They who proposed to contend in the race, maintained, for a long time before, the strictest temperance [Note: ver. 25.], and habituated themselves to the most laborious exertions. In reference to them, St. Paul tells us how careful he was to keep under his body, and to bring it into subjection, in order that he might be the fitter to run the Christian race [Note: ver. 27.]. Thus must we be trained both in body and mind, in order that we may run well and “endure unto the end.” We must accustom ourselves to labour and self-denial, mortifying every corrupt affection, and “giving all diligence to make our calling and election sure [Note: 2 Pedro 1:10.]” — — —]

Let us next turn our attention to,


The argument with which it is enforced—

The Apostle’s expression is concise: but there is much implied in it:

We cannot win the race without running in this manner

[However persons strove for the mastery in the games, they were not crowned, unless they strove according to the laws prescribed them [Note: 2 Timóteo 2:5.]. Thus, however earnest we may be in running for heaven, we never can gain the prize, unless we conform to the rules that have been laid down. This is the course that we are to run over. It abounds indeed with rough places, and steep ascents: but we must not deviate from it. We may easily find a smoother path; but we must run in that which is marked out for us, and abide in it to the end — — —

Let us then inquire, whether we be treading in the Apostle s steps — — — And let the fear of coming short at last, stimulate us to unremitting exertions [Note: ver. 27.] — — —]

2. If we run in this manner, we are sure of winning the race—

[Of those who contended in the race, one only could win the prize [Note: ver. 24.]: but it is not so in the race that we run: every one that enters the lists, and exerts himself according to the directions given him, must succeed. None have any reason to despond on account of their own weakness; on the contrary, those who are the weakest in their own apprehension, are most certain of success — — — Only let us not be satisfied with “running well for a season;” but let us “hold on our way,” till we reach the goal [Note: Filipenses 3:13.]. Then we need not fear but that we shall “finish our course with joy, and obtain a crown of righteousness, from the hands of our righteous Judge [Note: Colossenses 3:23 and 2 Timóteo 4:7.]” — — —]

3. The prize, when obtained, will amply compensate for all our labour—

[Poor and worthless as the prize was to him that won the race, the hope of obtaining it stimulated many to contend for it. How much more then should the prize held forth to us, together with the certainty of obtaining it, call forth our exertions! Compare our prize with theirs in respect of honour, value and duration; how infinitely superior is it in every view! Theirs was but the breath of man’s applause; ours is honour coming from God himself. Theirs was a green chaplet, that withered in an hour; ours is an incorruptible, undefiled, and never-fading inheritance in heaven [Note: ver. 25.] — — —]

Let every one that is engaged in the race, survey the prize. Let him at the same time contemplate the consequence of coming short, (not a transient disappointment, or loss of some desirable object, but everlasting misery in hell,) and the labour necessary to attain it will appear as nothing. None that have succeeded, now regret the pains they took to accomplish that great object: though thousands that have refused to run, now curse their folly with fruitless remorse — — — Let not any then relax their speed: but all attend to the directions given; and “so run, that they may obtain the prize.”]

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