Apocalipse 22:16

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Apocalipse 22:16. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

THE Revelation which had been made to John, contained predictions of an uninterrupted series of events from that time even to the end of the world. They had indeed been made to him through the instrumentality of an angel: but they were nevertheless as certain, as if they had been delivered immediately by God himself; seeing that the angel had received his commission and instructions directly from Jesus, who is “the Lord of the holy prophets [Note: Compare ver. 6. with the text.].” It seems to have been with a view to assure John, together with the saints in all succeeding ages, of the truth and certainty of all that had been spoken, that Jesus gave this description of his own character: in which we may see,

I. His personal character—

That Jesus was “the offspring of David,” is obvious enough—
[He was to be so according to the Scriptures [Note: Isaías 11:1.]: and that he was so, both by his father’s and his mother’s side, the genealogies that are given of him expressly affirm [Note: Mateus 1 and Lucas 3.]. Indeed Divine Providence so ordered it, that, in consequence of a taxation decreed throughout the Roman Empire in the time of Cζsar Augustus, his reputed father was under the necessity of going up to Bethlehem, to be taxed there: by which means there was a public enrolment of the name of Jesus, (who was born there at that time,) as belonging to the house and lineage of David [Note: Lucas 2:1.].”]

But He was no less “the Root” also of David—
[How this could be, was but little understood, till after the day of Pentecost. Jesus did indeed often speak of himself as God; but still his Disciples did not clearly apprehend his meaning. Yet that the Messiah, who was to be “a Child born and a Son given,” was also to be “the Mighty God,” even “God with us,” was fully and distinctly revealed in the prophetic writings [Note: Isaías 9:6 and Isaías 7:14. with Mateus 1:23.]. But the most learned of the Jewish Rabbins, when a remarkable prophecy to this effect was adduced from the Psalms by our blessed Lord, were unable to solve the difficulty proposed to them: they could not explain how David’s Son could possibly be David’s Lord [Note: Salmos 110:1. with Mateus 22:41.]. Nor can our modern Socinians ever return a satisfactory answer to our Lord’s question; which can only be answered by acknowledging, that Jesus is God as well as man; the Creator of all things in his Divine nature, though himself a creature according to his human nature. It is in this sense that he was “the Root,” at the same time that he was also “the Offspring,” of David: and to this agree the most decided testimonies of Holy Writ [Note: João 1:1; João 1:14.Romanos 1:3; Romanos 9:5.] — — —]

Our Lord proceeds to mention,


His official character—

The voice of prophecy announced him as “a Star that should come out of Jacob [Note: Números 24:17.].” But in our text he designates himself as “the Morning star.” Now it is the office of the morning star, not merely to give light, as others do, but to usher in the day: and in this particular view the title assumed by our Lord should be exclusively considered. We observe then, that,

1. By his first rising in the world he introduced the Gospel day—

[Previous to his appearing, there were some faint glimmerings of light, by means of the types and shadows of the Mosaic law: but as soon as he entered on his ministry, he diffused a light around him; dispelling the mists by which the Pharisees had obscured the law, and exhibiting in his own person a perfect pattern of that obedience which the law required. By his death he accomplished the prophecies, and shewed more clearly what were the designs of God respecting the redemption of the world: and by his resurrection and ascension, and sending down the Holy Ghost to testify of him, he gave to the benighted world the light of perfect day. Then he appeared as “the Day-spring from on high [Note: Lucas 1:78.],” even as “the Sun of Righteousness, that had arisen with healing in his wings [Note: Malaquias 4:2.]”

2. By his rising in the heart he now introduces the day of salvation into the soul—

[That there is to be a manifestation of Christ to the hearts of men, different from any thing that is vouchsafed to the unregenerate soul, is certain [Note: João 14:21.]: and St. Peter speaks of it expressly as “the day-star arising in our hearts [Note: 2 Pedro 1:19.].” What kind of a manifestation this is, may be conceived from the history of Zaccheus, to whose soul it was made, and who experienced the instantaneous benefits arising from it [Note: Lucas 19:5; Lucas 19:9.] — — — This change was by no means peculiar to him; it is wrought in all who truly embrace the Gospel [Note: Atos 26:18.], though, in respect of suddenness, it may greatly vary. The distinguishing effect of this manifestation is, that the glorious character of Christ, which was before hidden from our eyes, is now distinctly seen [Note: João 1:4; João 1:9; João 1:14 and 2 Coríntios 4:6.]; and he is embraced, as the most valued treasure of the soul [Note: Filipenses 3:7.], the ground of ineffable and eternal joy [Note: 1 Pedro 1:8.]

3. By his present light he gives us an assured prospect of yet a brighter day even in this world—

[It is certain that there is a day approaching, when the light now vouchsafed to the Church shall be greatly increased; when “the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be seven-fold, as the light of many days [Note: Isaías 30:26.].” This will surely take place in the Millennium, when “the Lord will bind up the breach of his ancient people the Jews, and heal the stroke of their wound.” Then the whole Gentile world also shall be made to behold his glory: and “the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as completely and as deeply as the waters cover the sea.” This idea seems to be peculiarly referred to, inasmuch as the morning-star is the sure forerunner of a brighter state under the influfluence of the rising sun. In this view, all that has hitherto been done for the Church shall be only as the drop before the shower, seeing that the whole world shall form, as it were, but one great temple, which “God himself will fill with his glory, and the Lamb shall be the light thereof [Note: Apocalipse 21:23.].”]

4. By his appearing at the end of the world, he will introduce eternal day—

[He tells us that at that period he will “give to his obedient people the Morning star [Note: Apocalipse 2:28.].” Yes, he will come again in his glory, and in all the brightness and majesty of the Godhead: and then will all remaining darkness be for ever banished. Now we “know but in part,” and “see but as in a glass darkly: but then shall we see face to face.” Then all the mysterious designs of God from the beginning will be brought forth to light, together with the reasons of all his dispensations: then will all the perfections of God shine forth with united splendour, not only in the work of redemption as wrought out by Christ, but in the salvation of every individual amongst his people. And how will the wisdom of a life of godliness then appear! — — — Then indeed will be consummated the happiness of man; and God be glorified in all.]


To those who have never yet beheld the glory of Christ—

[As in the days of his flesh, so in this day, it is not every one to whom the light comes, that duly apprehends it [Note: João 1:5; João 1:10.]. Satan is yet successful in blinding the eyes of many [Note: 2 Coríntios 4:4.]. If you have never yet seen Jesus as “fairer than ten thousand, and altogether lovely,” this is your unhappy state. O pray then that God would open your eyes, and “call you out of darkness into his marvellous light!” Till then you can have no real fellowship with God, nor any hope of acceptance through the blood of Jesus [Note: 1 João 1:6.]

2. To those who profess to know and love him—

[Happy is it for you if your profession be justified by your actual experience. But you must remember, that there are many who “say, they are in the light, and yet are in darkness even until now;” yea, they “walk in darkness, and know not whither they go, because that darkness hath blinded their eyes.” Would you know, who are in that state: I answer, All they who, in the midst of a profession of religion, are indulging any of those tempers that are contrary to love and charity [Note: 1 João 2:9.]. Hear ye this, O ye censorious and uncharitable, ye proud and envious, ye fretful and passionate professors! Talk not of the light ye have in your heads, whilst there is such darkness in your hearts. You must be able to say of your tempers, as well as of your principles, “The darkness is past, and the true light now shineth [Note: 1 João 2:8.].” If you cannot appeal both to God and man for the truth of this, deceive not your own souls: for if you are children of light indeed, you must walk in the light, “even as Christ himself walked [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 5:5. 1 João 2:8.].” But, let such a change be wrought in your whole spirit and conduct, and Christ will surely “give you the morning star,” even the full enjoyment of his presence and glory in the eternal world.]

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