Atos 13:26
Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon
Atos 13:26. Men and brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, and whosoever among you feareth God, to you is the word of this salvation sent.
IN tracing the steps of the Apostle Paul, I see exactly what every minister of Christ should be: he should live but for one end, To save the souls of men: and, for the attainment of that end, he should account no labour too great, no sufferings too intense. He should live for it altogether, and, if need be, die for it also. Methinks I here see a minister addressing his stated congregation. He comes to them as an ambassador from God; bringing salvation, as it were, along with him, and declaring to every one of them, “To you, and to you, is the word of this salvation sent!”
Sustaining, through grace, this blessed office, I will now, in God’s name,
I. Unfold to you the true character of the Gospel which we preach—
It is nothing more nor less than this, “The word of salvation.” This admirably describes the Gospel; of which it may be truly said,
1. It reveals salvation clearly—
[No other book under heaven can tell us how a sinner may be saved — — — But this reveals to us the plan which God the Father devised, and God the Son executed, and God the Spirit applies to the souls of men. It opens to us all the wonders of redemption, through the incarnation and death of God’s only dear Son. It sets him forth, as making an atonement for the sins of men, and as working out a righteousness wherein they may stand before God, and as imparting out of his own inexhaustible fulness whatsoever is necessary for every individual of mankind. All this it states with a clearness and precision which no man can mistake, unless Satan, the god of this word, has blinded his eyes.]
2. It offers salvation freely—
[It calls on no man to purchase salvation by any merits of his own; but offers it “freely to all, without money and without price [Note: Isaías 55:1.].” The light of the sun is not more freely given than this, provided we be willing to accept it. We may see how free it was in its first offer to man in Paradise. Our first parents even fled from their Maker, instead of imploring mercy at his hands; and God followed them, and, without any solicitation on their part, promised them that “the seed of the woman should bruise the serpent’s head [Note: Gênesis 3:15.].” Thus it is in every instance that occurs; “He is found of them who sought him not, and made known to them who inquired not after him [Note: Isaías 65:1.].”]
3. It actually confers salvation on all who will receive the inspired declarations—
[The instant the word is received in faith, it becomes “effectual to turn you from darkness unto light, and from the power of Satan unto God.” The sins of him who receives it are “blotted out as a morning cloud,” and his soul is “made a partaker of a divine nature:” he is also admitted into the number of God’s children [Note: João 1:12.], and “his name is written in heaven.” Say, brethren, whether this be not true? Say whether some of you, at least, cannot attest it by your own blessed experience? Then you see how justly that Gospel which we preach unto you is called “The word of salvation.” There is no other word whereby any man can be saved: nor does any man truly receive this, without being saved by it. Hence, then, if you would understand it aright, and appreciate it aright, you must view it in this light, and receive it for the end for which alone it is revealed.]
Having stated the true nature of the Gospel, I now proceed to,
Execute the commission which we bear in relation to it—
St. Paul had a mixed audience of Jews and Gentiles. The former he addressed as “the stock of Abraham;” the latter he included under those who “fear God [Note: Compare the text with ver. 42 and with Atos 10:35.].” Now, though we have not exactly the same description of persons here, we have others who very nearly correspond with them; whom, therefore, we will distinctly address.
1. Those who, on account of their attachment to the law, may be supposed not to need the Gospel salvation—
[There doubtless are here many moral, and, in a qualified sense, religious persons, who think by their own repentance and good works to save themselves. But, beloved, the very best of you are sinners, and stand in need of mercy at the hands of God; as well as of a new nature, which God alone can create within you. “Your Father Abraham had this Gospel preached to him [Note: Gálatas 3:8.]:” Moses also preached it, both in the ceremonial and moral law [Note: Hebreus 10:1.Romanos 10:4.Gálatas 3:24.] — — — And if the Apostle Paul, who was, “touching the righteousness of the law, blameless,” was constrained to “renounce all hope in his own righteousness, that he might be clothed in the righteousness of Christ [Note: Filipenses 3:9.],” so must you do: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified — — — “To you, then, is the word of this salvation sent;” and if you accept it as God’s word to you, it shall prove “the power of God to the salvation of your souls.”]
2. Those who, through their alienation from God and his law, may be supposed to be beyond the reach of salvation—
[Dear brethren, there is no limit, either to the mercy of God, or to the efficacy of his Gospel. “The blood of Jesus Christ, sprinkled on the soul, cleanseth from all sin:” “nor shall any one who comes to God in his name ever be cast out” — — — Remember, then, that to you, even to every one of you, however far you may have gone from God, is “the word of salvation now sent:” nor is there one of you that shall ever perish, if only you truly and cordially embrace it.]
Behold now the effect of proclaiming this word, in the case of the Apostle Paul:
Some desired to hear more of it—
[They desired that “the same words might be preached to them again the next Sabbath,” and on the intervening days before it [Note: See ver. 42. The Greek.]. Let it have the same effect upon you, my brethren; and suffer no means of instruction henceforth to pass away unimproved — — —]
2. Others, on the other hand, “contradicted and blasphemed” the word [Note: ver. 45.]—
[So you must expect to find it at this day. But be not stumbled at it. If, when delivered by the Apostle Paul, and by our blessed Saviour himself, the Gospel was in many cases rejected, wonder not if it be so when delivered by us. But shall the unbelief of some make the faith of God of none effect? God forbid. “Let God be true, but every man a liar [Note: Romanos 3:3.]” — — —]
3. Others were effectually saved by it—
[Yes, some “glorified the word of life; and, having been ordained to eternal life, believed it [Note: ver. 48.],” and were saved by it. Thus let it be glorified by you. It is worthy of all your submission, and all your trust, and all your confidence: and if you will “glorify it” by faith and obedience, it shall surely “glorify you” with everlasting life [Note: 2 Tessalonicenses 3:1.] — — — From this moment, therefore, let nothing divert you from it, but “continue steadfastly in the grace of God [Note: ver. 43.].”]