Atos 13:38-41

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Atos 13:38. Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: and by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses. Beware therefore, lest that come upon you, which is spoken of in the prophets; Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you.

NO one can read the New Testament with attention, without seeing that there is one point to which all the discourses of the Apostles tend, namely, the exhibition of Christ as the Saviour of the world. In Him all the lines meet, as in their common centre. The discourses of St. Paul embraced the whole circle of divine truth; yet he justly says, that “he determined to know nothing among his converts but Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” In the chapter before us is contained his address to the Jews in a synagogue at Antioch. He begins with a subject ever gratifying to a Jewish ear, a rehearsal of the distinguished mercies vouchsafed to that nation from the time of their departure out of Egypt to the time of David, from whose seed they all acknowledged that their Messiah should spring. He then declares, that that Messiah was come, even Jesus, in whom the prophecies had been literally fulfilled, both in the peculiar manner of his death, and in his resurrection from the dead. He then comes to apply the subject to their hearts and consciences, combining all the tenderness of a brother with all the fidelity of an Apostle. In opening to you that part which we have just read, we shall notice,

I. The declaration made—

It had been said by our Lord after his resurrection, that “repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations [Note: Lucas 24:47.].” And here St. Paul, executing his commission, declares that this way of salvation was,

1. Divinely appointed—

[There is no doubt or hesitation to be seen in his mode of expressing this truth: on the contrary, he speaks with most assured confidence; “Be it known to you, brethren, that through this man is the forgiveness of sins:” Be it known, that his death was a propitiation for sin,—that by that sacrifice, Divine justice has been satisfied,—that through it God is reconciled to a guilty world,—and that he has committed to us the ministry of reconciliation, and sent us on purpose to preach to you the forgiveness of your sins in his name [Note: 2 Coríntios 5:18.]. These are truths of infinite importance to every child of man: and we declare them without even a shadow of doubt upon our own minds; and desire that they may be embraced by you with the fullest assurance of your minds, and the liveliest gratitude of your souls [Note: 1 Timóteo 1:15.].

Beloved brethren, we announce the same glorious truths to you. Who amongst you is not a sinner before God? Who does not need such a Saviour? Who has not reason to leap for joy at having such a method of forgiveness proposed to him? Know ye then, that “to you is the word of this salvation sent [Note: ver. 26.];” and “we, as God’s ambassadors, pray you in Christ’s stead, Be ye reconciled to God [Note: 2 Coríntios 5:20.].”]

2. Universally effectual—

[There is no distinction now made between Jews and Gentiles: the word is no longer confined to one age or country; “it is gone forth unto the ends of the world.” Nor is there now any distinction of sins, as far as relates to the forgiveness of them through the blood of Christ. Under the law, there were many sins for which no sacrifice whatever could be accepted. The adulterer and the murderer, for instance, were left without any means of pardon provided for them by the law: nor was any presumptuous sin to be reckoned among those for which sacrifices were appointed [Note: Números 15:30. with ver. 39. of the text.]. But under the Gospel there is no exception whatever: “All manner of sin shall be forgiven unto men,” provided they repent of it, and believe in Jesus Christ for the remission of it: and, if the sin against the Holy Ghost be excepted, it is not because the blood of Christ would not cleanse from that, as well as from every other, but because the man who has committed it must have arrived at such a degree of blindness and obduracy, that he never will repent of his iniquity, nor ever look to Christ with sincerity of heart for the remission of it. We confidently declare, that sins even of a scarlet or crimson dye shall be forgiven [Note: Isaías 1:18; Salmos 51:7.]; yea, we declare that every sin we have ever committed is actually forgiven, the very instant we truly believe in Christ: even “the little children in Christ” may glory in this, as a truth on which they may most confidently rely, that on their believing in Christ, they not only shall be, but actually, as our text expresses it, “are justified from all things [Note: Colossenses 2:13; 1 João 2:12.].”]

To impress this blessed truth the more deeply on your minds, let us consider,


The admonition with which it is enforced—

Glorious as this salvation is, it is too generally despised—
[All the prophets prophesied respecting it with more or less clearness [Note: Atos 10:43.]: but all had reason to complain, “Who hath believed our report [Note: Isaías 53:1.]?” In the days of the Apostles the same complaint was made [Note: Romanos 10:16.]: and it may but too justly be repeated by us at this day. If this be doubted, let any man tell us, where “has the offence of the cross ceased?” Where is not the faithful exhibition of a crucified Saviour derided as enthusiasm? and in what place are not the followers of Christ gazed upon “as signs and wonders?” — — — But it is not the infidel only or the scoffer that despises Christ: for every man is guilty of despising him, who complies not with the invitations of his Gospel, and withholds from him the affections of his heart. O let us examine ourselves carefully on this head, and see whether the warning in our text may not justly be applied to us — — —]

If we be found among the number of his despisers, woe be to us—
[The Jews of old despised both the mercies and the judgments of their God: and the Prophet Habakkuk, expostulating with them, declared, that God would inflict on them such judgments by the hands of the Chaldeans, as they would not credit, however strongly his determination should be announced [Note: Habacuque 1:5.]. St. Paul declares, that similar judgments awaited the Jews of his day; and warns them against bringing on themselves such heavy calamities [Note: St. Paul quotes the Septuagint translation, which differs a little, but not materially, from the original Hebrew.]. But what are the calamities inflicted by the Chaldeans or Romans in comparison of those which await unbelievers in the eternal world? We declare to men, that God has wrought the most stupendous work of mercy in the redemption of the world by his dear Son, and that he will consign over to everlasting misery all who reject his Gospel: but men will not believe either the one or the other of these things: they will not so believe his promises as to seek an interest in them; nor will they so believe his threatenings as to endeavour to escape them. But as the judgments denounced against the Jews in former ages have come upon them, so will the judgments denounced against us. Methinks it were sufficient to hear God so strongly assert this, as he does in many places [Note: Marcos 16:16; João 3:36.]: but God condescends to appeal to us, and to make us judges in our own cause: “What shall the end be of them that obey not the Gospel of Christ?” “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” “He that despised Moses’ law died without mercy: of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God?” Can we hear such appeals, and not see the need of attending to the admonition in the test? O let us “beware,” how we reject or slight the salvation now offered us. Let us “beware” lust we bring upon ourselves that “wrath and fiery indignation which await the adversaries” of the Lord Jesus: and what I say unto one, I say unto all, “Beware.”]

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