Hebreus 11:8-10

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Hebreus 11:8. By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: for he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

THERE can scarcely be proposed to our consideration any subject more important than the practical efficacy of faith. It is the one subject which pervades this whole chapter: and it is set before us in the most advantageous way that can be imagined, being exhibited in living examples, in whom it was so embodied as to be visible, as it were, before our eyes. Had the Apostle launched forth into a general description of it, we might possibly be thought to lay an undue stress on any expressions which he has used: but, when he merely refers us to historic fact as illustrative of the point, we feel, that there is no room for misapprehension on the part of any candid inquirer.
The Apostle has already adduced instances which occurred before the flood: and now he comes to specify others which took place at different and distant periods, almost to the apostolic age. At the head of these is the case of Abraham, who, both in this chapter, and in other parts of Scripture, is more celebrated for his faith than any other of the children of men. We propose to consider,

I. His conduct under the influence of faith—

It is but a partial view that we shall be led to take at present of Abraham’s faith, because other, and yet more remarkable, circumstances will come under our consideration at a future time. We now notice only two things:

1. His departure from his own country—

[Whilst Abraham was in Ur of the Chaldees, God appeared to him, and said, “Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land which I will shew thee [Note: Gênesis 12:1 and Atos 7:3.].” Whether this was done in a vision, or by a voice, we are not informed: but it is clear that it was done in such a way as not to leave the smallest doubt upon Abraham’s mind, that the command proceeded from Jehovah, the only true and living God. It was a command which required much self-denial: for every man naturally feels attached to his country, and his kindred, and his possessions; and, unless induced by the prospect of some great advantages, is averse to leave them. But the self-denial was the greater, because he was not informed whither he was to go: it was to a land which should afterwards be shewn him. What would all his friends and relatives think of him, when he told them that he was about to forsake them all, and did not so much as know whither he was going? Would they not account him mad? Yet did he obey, without hesitation, and without a murmur. God, at the same time that he issued this command, had engaged to “make of him a great nation,” and to raise up from his loins the promised “Seed, in whom all the nations of the earth should be blessed [Note: Gênesis 12:2.]:” and of God’s power or fidelity he had no doubt [Note: Romanos 4:18.]: he therefore went forth, willingly renouncing all present comforts in obedience to his God, assured that, however despised or ridiculed his conduct might be, it would prove in the issue to be the path of happiness and wisdom.]

2. His sojourning in the land of promise as in a strange country—

[When he went forth from his own country, he took with him Sarah his wife, and Terah his father, and his nephew Lot. But though he went towards Canaan, he stopped short of it in Haran; and there abode five years, till his father’s death: when he proceeded to Canaan [Note: Atos 7:4.], where, except when driven from it by a famine, he abode during the remainder of his days. But did he then merely change one inheritance for another? No; he had not there the smallest inheritance, “no, not so much as to set his foot on.” He had not even a stationary abode; but dwelt in tents, which were moved from one place to another, as occasion required: thus avowing himself to be a mere pilgrim and sojourner there, and to be “looking for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” The city which he had left in his native land, and those which were in the land of promise, had their foundation in the dust, to which they would all in time be reduced t but the heavenly city, which God had formed for his own habitation and the eternal residence of his saints, would continue for ever: and to that he looked as his home; content to have no abiding place here, if only he might attain to that as his eternal rest [Note: Hebreus 13:14.]. Nor was it for himself only that he chose this unsettled mode of life, but for his children also, even for “Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise:” for what he desired for himself, he desired for them also, the enjoyment of the Divine favour, and the possession of an unseen, but everlasting inheritance.]

But whilst we contemplate his conduct in these respects, it will be proper to shew,


How far his example is a pattern for us—

It is evident that the whole catalogue of saints here enumerated is intended to illustrate the nature and efficacy of faith. Yet in considering the conduct of the individuals, we must make due allowance for the difference of circumstances, and rather mark the principle by which they were actuated, than the particular acts in which it was displayed. If, for instance, we should imagine that we were called to forsake our country and kindred in the way that Abraham did, we should greatly err. But I conceive, that, in the two following respects, all will confess we are bound to follow him:

1. The authority of God should in our minds be paramount to every other authority—

[As he “consulted not with flesh and blood,” when once the Divine will was intimated to him, so neither should we: it should be sufficient for us that God hath commanded any thing: there should then be no inquiry whether the command be easy or not; nor should there be any regard to consequences in obeying it: there should be in us a fixed determination of heart to fulfil his will at all events. If, for instance, the Lord Jesus Christ say to us, “If any man will be my disciple, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me;” we must not stand to inquire into the extent of the self-denial that may be requisite, or the weight of the cross which we may have to bear, but leave that to his wise and gracious disposal, being intent on nothing but the performance of our duty to him. If he add, that we must “forsake all, and follow him,” not only not loving, but actually hating, in comparison of him, our own nearest and most honoured relatives, yea, and “our own lives also,” we must not reply, “This is an hard saying; who can hear it?” but must set ourselves instantly to fulfil in all its extent whatever he has required of us. If men, who know not God, despise, and revile, and persecute us, we must be ready to welcome it all for his sake; and to reply to the menaces of the most ferocious adversaries, “Whether it be right to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.” In a word, we must spare no pains to ascertain the mind of God; and, that once learned, neither men nor devils should deter us from labouring to fulfil it.]

2. The interests of the eternal world should be paramount to every other interest—

[Abraham had never seen the heavenly city; but, in the hope of reaching it, he counted all earthly possessions, interests, or pleasures, as unworthy of notice. We too are ignorant of what awaits us in the eternal world: we have no conception of the glory that shall be revealed to us at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. But by faith we may even now get such views of it, that all earthly glory shall vanish before it, as the stars before the meridian sun. How empty did all the glory of Egypt appear to Moses, when he had respect unto the recompence of reward which awaited him in a better world [Note: ver. 26.]! And to St. Paul all his accumulated afflictions appeared lightness itself, whilst he looked, not at “the things which are visible and temporal, but at those which are invisible and eternal [Note: 2 Coríntios 4:17.].” And thus it will be with us: it will be a small thing to us that we have no inheritance here, or even that we are called to give up an inheritance we already possess. We shall even “take joyfully the spoiling of our goods, knowing that we have in heaven a better, and an enduring, substance [Note: Hebreus 10:34.].” We shall contentedly live as pilgrims and sojourners here, and seek our rest only in the world above.]

Let us then take occasion from this subject to inquire,

1. Whether we be children of Abraham—

[Our blessed Lord has told us, that, “if we be Abraham’s children, we shall do the works of Abraham [Note: João 8:39.].” Do we then these works? Do we in these respects “walk in the steps of Abraham [Note: Romanos 4:12.]?” Inquire what authority has God’s word with you? Do you set yourselves to obey every command of his as soon as you know it? and are you anxious to know his will in order that you may obey it? Inquire also, what influence the world has over you? If you belong to Christ, though you are in the world, you are not of it: “you are not of the world, even as Christ was not of the world [Note: João 17:14.]:” you love it not, nor any thing that is in it: “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, are shunned by you as ensnaring, and despised by you as unsatisfying [Note: 1 João 2:15.].” “The very friendship of it you avoid, as enmity with God [Note: Tiago 4:4.]:” you “come out from it [Note: 2 Coríntios 4:17.];” and will “not be conformed to it [Note: Romanos 12:2.]:” you are even “crucified unto it, and esteem it as a crucified” object in your eyes [Note: Gálatas 6:14.]. Say, is it thus with you? and do you regard it thus in reference to your children, as well as unto yourself; contented that your children after you should live in tents, if only they may attain an everlasting inheritance? The description of all true Christians is, “They walk by faith, and not by sight [Note: 2 Coríntios 5:7.]”. And surely it is no difficult thing to ascertain what your habits are in this respect. Oh! remember, that if you are not Abraham’s sons, you have another father, even the devil. This may sound harsh; but it is the declaration of Him who “spake as never man spake [Note: João 8:38.].” I pray you, leave not such an interesting subject any longer in suspense: nor rest till you have given evidence that you are “Abraham’s seed,” by walking as Abraham “walked, and as Christ himself also walked [Note: 1 João 2:6.].”]

2. How you may become so—

[It was by faith that Abraham was brought into a justified state: and by faith are we also to be made partakers of that happiness. By our works we must prove our relation to him; but by faith only can we obtain an admission into his family. We must believe in the promised Seed, as he did; and then shall we be Christ’s, as he was: “And, if we be Christ’s, then are we Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise [Note: Gálatas 3:6; Gálatas 3:29.].” Now it is of the utmost importance that we understand this matter well. For there are many who imagine, that to sequester themselves from the world is meritorious, and to live as monks or hermits is to secure the favour of their God. But this is a fatal error. There is no acceptance with God but by Jesus Christ, even by faith in his atoning blood. The Apostle especially guards us on this head. Abraham was circumcised: yet his righteousness came not by circumcision, but by the faith which he had whilst he was yet uncircumcised [Note: Romanos 4:9.]. So it is not by any obedience of ours that we are to purchase an inheritance in heaven; we must receive it as the free gift of God through Christ Jesus; and then press forward towards it in the way of his commandments. Let us walk with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in this world, and then we shall “sit down with them for ever in the kingdom of our God.”]

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