Hebreus 3:5-6

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Hebreus 3:5. Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after; but Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.

IN order to have a just conception of the Christian dispensation, we must above all things acquire scriptural views of the person of Christ, as God and man, and of his mediatorial character, as Emmanuel, God with us. It is in this latter view more especially, that we are led to contemplate him throughout this whole epistle. As God, he is “the brightness of his Father’s glory, and the express image of his person;” whilst, as man, “he has purged our sins, and is set down on the right hand of the Majesty on high [Note: Hebreus 1:3.]:” but it is as God and man in one Christ that his sacrifice becomes effectual for this great end. It is in his mediatorial capacity, as God-man, that he is exalted above all the angels in heaven, who are expressly enjoined to “worship him [Note: Hebreus 1:4.].” And it is in the same capacity that we are now called upon to “consider him as the Apostle and High-priest of our profession [Note: ver. 1.].” As “the Apostle” of our profession, sent like Moses, to instruct us in the mind and will of God, he is superior to Moses, whose instructions he is sent to supersede. And, in like manner, will his superiority to Aaron also be declared, when we shall come, in a subsequent part of this epistle, to consider his priesthood. It is the comparison between him and Moses which alone we have to notice at this time.

We proceed then to mark,

I. The superiority of Christ to Moses—

The character given of Moses is most exalted—
[He was “faithful in all God’s house [Note: Números 12:7.].” From the first moment of his undertaking the office that was assigned him, he was faithful in the discharge of it. Whatever was commanded him to do, he did; adding nothing, omitting nothing, neglecting nothing. Whether the commands were moral or ceremonial, he was observant of every the minutest direction that was given him. He was aware that all which he was commissioned to say or do, had respect to a future period, and was intended to shadow forth something under a future dispensation: and so accurate was he in every particular, that there is not the smallest want of agreement between the Jewish and Christian codes, the one answering to the other, as the coin to the die by which it is stamped. As the tabernacle, even to the smallest pin, was “made according to the pattern shew to him in the mount;” so was that whole dispensation in perfect accordance with that under which we live.

Much he had to try him, and to shake his fidelity: but he was immoveable. Nothing could for a moment divert him from his duty, or cause him to relax his efforts in his Master’s cause. And in this fidelity he stood alone. Aaron and Miriam both turned aside from the path of duty; yea, both confederated even against Moses himself. But Moses was steadfast to the end, unmoved, unwearied, unrestrained.]
But Christ in this respect was exalted infinitely above him—
[Christ also was faithful in all his house. He delivered nothing which he had not previously heard and learned of his Father: but all which had been given him either to do or teach, he did and taught with all imaginable fidelity: yea, and what he was ordained to suffer also for the sins of men, he patiently endured, drinking the bitter cup even to the dregs, and never stopping till he could say, in relation to it all, “ʾTis finished.”

Thus far the two may be supposed to have been upon an equality. But there are some points of difference between them, which exalt the office and character of Christ far above that of Moses. Moses was “a servant in the house of another:” Christ was a Son, or Lord, “over his own house.” Moses only instructed his house: but Christ was the very source and builder of the house he governed; every member of it having been created by his power, and redeemed by his blood, and converted by his grace. The house itself would have had no existence but for him. Now, as the builder of a house, whether in a literal, political, or religious sense, must be far above the work which he has prepared; so must Christ, who formed his house, be far above every member of it: and as being the only true source of every thing in the Church, he must be truly and properly “God [Note: ver. 4.];” and consequently have infinitely higher glory than Moses, who was only a member of the very house which he himself was appointed to instruct and govern.]

That this superiority of his is not a mere speculative point, will appear, if we consider,


Our interest in it—

“We are his house”—
[The Church is called in Scripture “the house of God [Note: 1 Timóteo 3:15.]:” and if we have truly believed in Christ, we are that house. We are those for whom all the wonders of redeeming love were planned; those for whom all that Christ has ever executed was undertaken; those for whose sake he has hitherto ordered all things both in heaven and earth; those over whom he still watches as his peculiar care; and those for whom he is engaged to complete the work he has begun. Wonderful thought! We are his house, his family, his peculiar people!. What an honour! what a privilege! what a blessing!

But it is here taken for granted, that we have believed in him, and made him the one foundation of all our hopes, and boldly confessed him in the presence of an ungodly world:]
And under this character we have appropriate duties and obligations—
[We must “hold fast our confidence, and the rejoicing of our hope firm unto the end.” We shall have difficulties to encounter, even as Moses and Christ had: but we must endure like them, being “steadfast, unmoveable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord.” Whatever we may meet with, we must not for a moment be moved away from the hope of the Gospel: we must stand fast in our principles [Note: Efésios 4:14.] — — — our practice [Note: Hebreus 10:26.] — — — our profession [Note: Hebreus 10:23.] — — — for on our steadfastness in these things our ultimate acceptance with him depends. “If we be dead with him, we shall also live with him: but if we deny him, he will deny us. And if we believe not (either the one or other of these sayings), yet he abideth faithful (to his word); he cannot deny himself [Note: 2 Timóteo 2:12.];” He will be with us, whilst we are with him: if we seek him, he will he found of us: but if we forsake him, he will forsake us [Note: 2 Crônicas 15:2.]


Let us put ourselves under his direction—

[Christ is the great Head and Lord of all. From him we must receive directions, as he did from his Father, and as Moses did also. Nothing is to be done by us but according to his word; nothing to be done which he has forbidden; nothing to be omitted which he has commanded: no deviation is to be admitted in a way of excess or defect. If doubt at any time arise respecting the path of duty, we must consult him, and not proceed, till we have attained, so far as we can attain, the knowledge of his will. Human opinions are to have no weight with us in opposition to his word. And if we see not as yet the reasons of his commands, as Moses certainly did not in relation to the ceremonial law, we are not on that account to disobey them, but in all humility to comply with them, saying, “What I know not now, I shall know hereafter [Note: João 13:6.].” Nor are we to complain of any commandment as difficult or self-denying; but to disregard even life itself, if by the sacrifice of it He may be glorified [Note: Filipenses 1:20.]. Admirable was the lesson which the Jews were taught in the wilderness: if the pillar and the cloud moved for several days and nights together, they continued to follow it: and if it was stationary for a year together, they were stationary also. Thus it should be with us: we should move when, and where, and as the Lord prescribes, and in that way alone, to the latest hour of our lives.]

2. Let us endeavour to approve ourselves to him in our respective spheres—

[He walked amongst the seven golden candlesticks, the seven Churches of Asia, and declared to each of them, “I know thy works.” And still are his eyes as a flame of fire to penetrate the inmost recesses of our hearts. We must not therefore be satisfied with walking irreproachably before men, but must labour to approve ourselves to Him who searcheth the heart and trieth the reins. We must be attentive not to our actions only, but to our motives and principles, that, if possible, every thought may be brought into captivity to his will. We must seek to obtain from God that testimony which he bore to Moses, that we are “faithful in all our house.” Let us look to it, that as parents and children, masters and servants, rulers and subjects, we do all that he has required of us. Let us labour to “serve him with a perfect heart;” so that in all our commerce with men, and in our secret walk with God, we may have “the witness of his Spirit that we please him [Note: Hebreus 11:5.];” and may receive from him in the last day that testimony of his approbation, “Well done, good and faithful servants, enter ye into the joy of your Lord.”]

3. Let us expect from him all that he has undertaken for us—

[Still does he superintend the concerns of his Church: and though he has wrought much for us, yet is there much that yet remains to be done, and much that he has promised to be accomplished. But “his promises are sure to all his seed [Note: Romanos 4:16.]:” not one of them shall ever fail: nor shall even the least member of his house ever have occasion to complain that he was disappointed of his hope. Joshua’s testimony shall be that of all the Church in the last day, that “of all which God has promised, not one thing has failed [Note: Josué 23:14.].” Take hold then of his promises, and plead them before him. If they appear too great to be fulfilled, “stagger not at them, but hope against hope, and be strong in faith, giving glory to God [Note: Romanos 4:18; Romanos 4:20.].” If your tribulations be great, let them not for a moment obstruct your rejoicing in him; but “maintain your glorying firm unto the end.” See the utmost desires of a bleeding soul all concentrated in one short prayer; and, for the accomplishment of them, rest not merely on the love and power of Jesus, but on his fidelity: and when you have been praying that the very God of peace would sanctify you wholly, and that your whole spirit, and soul, and body, may be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, then add, “Faithful is He that hath called me, who also will do it [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 5:23.].”]

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