Levítico 24:1-3

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Levítico 24:1. And the Lord spake unto Closes, saying, Command the children of Israel, that they bring unto thee pure oil-olive beaten, for the light, to cause the lamps to burn continually. Without the veil of the testimony, in the tabernacle of the congregation, shall Aaron order it from the evening unto the morning before the Lord continually: it shall be a statute for ever in your generations.

TO engage actively in the service of God is a duty that should not be delayed: nor should any expense or trouble that may be incurred, be regarded as any obstacle to the performance of our duty. The tabernacle being erected, and the sacred vessels prepared, an order was given that the appointed services should instantly commence; and the people were directed to bring such things as were necessary for the maintenance of divine worship. That part of the tabernacle which was covered in, consisted of two parts, the holy place, and the holy of holies. In the former of these, the daily services were performed: the latter was never entered but on one day in the year. The part devoted to the service of God was lighted by a candlestick with seven lamps, which were kept continually burning [Note: Doubts indeed have been entertained whether they were kept alight by day; because some passages of Scripture seem to intimate that they were not: see Êxodo 30:7; 2 Crônicas 13:11; 1 Samuel 3:3 but the order that they should “burn continually,” seems plain; and the occasion for it was perpetual; and, above all, Josephus, who could not but know the practice of his day, affirms that three lamps were kept burning by day, and all of them by night.]. The whole furniture of the tabernacle, no less than the tabernacle itself, was typical: some things were more illustrative of Christ and his character; and others more applicable to the Church: and some things referred to both. It is possible that the candlestick might be intended to represent Christ as “the light of the world:” but we are sure that it shadowed forth his Church; and therefore without Hesitation we shall consider it as typically representing the Church;

I. In its privileges—

The Church was justly exhibited under that figure—
[Of what materials and form the candlestick was, we are distinctly informed [Note: Êxodo 25:31.]. That it was designed to represent the Church, is declared by Christ himself [Note: Apocalipse 1:20.]. And, if we consider of what it was composed, and how it was supplied, and for what purposes it was used, we shall see a striking correspondence between the Church and that. It was formed of pure gold; in which respect it characterized the saints, who are not polished over for the purpose of glittering in the sight of men, but are really “renewed in the spirit of their minds,” and “made partakers of a divine nature [Note: 2 Pedro 1:4.] ” — — — It was supplied with the purest oil; which fitly represented that “unction of the Holy One which we have received [Note: 1 João 2:20; 1 João 2:27.],” for the enlightening of our minds, and the sanctifying of our souls — — — Its use was obvious: it was to shine in darkness, that all who were engaged in the service of their God might fulfil their duties aright; and that God might be glorified in them [Note: Apocalipse 1:12.]. Such lights are the saints to be in the midst of a dark world, that through their instrumentality others may be directed into the way of peace, and be constrained to “glorify their heavenly Father” — — —]

The priest, whose duty it was to trim the lamps, prefigured Christ—
[This is a point on which there can be no doubt, it being affirmed on the authority of Christ himself [Note: Hebreus 4:14.]. He is constantly employed in inspecting and trimming the lamps: there is not a saint on whom his eyes are not fixed, and whose declensions, however secret, he does not behold — — — When necessary, he interposes, by his providence or grace, to correct their dulness, and to restore them to their wonted splendour [Note: João 15:2.] — — —]

Whilst the Church was thus characterized in its privileges, it was also shadowed forth,


In its duties—

The duties of the saints are,

1. To shine—

[It is justly observed by our Lord, that “no man lights a candle, to put it under a bushel or a bed; but sets it in a candlestick, that all who are in the house may see the light.” It is not for themselves alone that the saints are endued with the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit, but for God, and for their fellow-creatures; for God, that his power and grace may be magnified on earth; and for their fellow-creatures, who are to be benefited by their instructions, their influence, and their example [Note: Mateus 5:14.] — — — Our responsibility in this respect is not sufficiently considered. But if we are stewards even of our earthly possessions, and bound to lay them out for God, much more are we “stewards of the manifold grace of God [Note: 1 Pedro 4:10.],” and bound to administer freely unto others what we ourselves have freely received [Note: Mateus 10:8.] — — —]

2. To be receiving more grace from Christ in order to their shining with yet brighter lustre—

[It is from Christ that the Holy Spirit must be derived. It is “He who has the residue of the Spirit [Note: Malaquias 2:15.].” “The Father gave not the Spirit to him by measure [Note: João 3:34.],” but in all his immeasurable fulness; and “out of that fulness must we all receive, even grace for grace [Note: João 1:16.].” This is strikingly represented by the prophet Zechariah, who, speaking apparently of the civil and ecclesiastical governors of his Church, Joshua and Zerubbabel, represents Christ In reality for he is both the King and Priest of his Church) as the inexhaustible source of that golden oil, which is continually communicated by him to every lamp in his sanctuary [Note: Zacarias 4:2; Zacarias 4:11.] — — — By prayer and faith we must keep that communication open, and entreat him, that, “as he has given us life, so he would give it us more abundantly” — — —]

We would take occasion from this subject to suggest to you,

An important inquiry—

[Are you Christians indeed? If this question be too indefinite, then I ask, Are you as lights shining in a dark place? Surely this matter is not difficult to determine. You may easily see Whether you are living like the world around you, or whether you are reproving others by the brightness of your example. This idea is proposed by our Lord under the figure of a “broad and a narrow way;” the one easy and much trodden, the other difficult and unfrequented; the one terminating in destruction, the other leading to everlasting life. St. Paul expresses the same in language more accommodated to our text [Note: Filipenses 2:15.]. Judge yourselves, Brethren, in reference to this matter: and never think that you are Christians indeed, unless you have an evidence in your own souls, that, through the influences of the Holy Sprit, you are exhibiting alight, which both instructs and “condemns the world” around you.]

2. A solemn admonition—

[If we profess ourselves to be the Lord’s people, let us consider somewhat more distinctly what we profess. As lamps in God’s sanctuary, we profess to be “of pure gold,” truly, inwardly, substantially holy, and formed altogether according to the pattern which was shewn to Moses in the mount [Note: Números 8:4.]. What that pattern was, we are at no loss to say: it is set before us with all possible clearness in the person of Jesus Christ. Let every one of us reflect on this, and search into our own hearts to see whether there be in us this resemblance? The inquiry before instituted is a comparison of ourselves with, others: the inquiry I now propose, is a comparison of ourselves with that great exemplar, the Lord Jesus Christ. We should examine, not whether we resemble him in those actions which he performed as a prophet, hut whether “the same mind be in us, as was in him [Note: Filipenses 2:5.].” Our views, our principles, our habits, the great scope and end of our lives, these are the things that are to be inquired into, if we would have a solid evidence in our own souls that we are the Lord’s. “We must be like Him,” here as well as hereafter, “if we would be with him” for ever. He himself warns us what will be the consequence of allowing ourselves in any deviation from the path of duty [Note: Apocalipse 2:1; Apocalipse 2:5.]: and therefore, if we would not have “our candlestick removed,” let us repent of every known defect, and seek to be “pure as He is pure,” and “perfect as He is perfect.”]

3. An encouraging reflection—

[How often has our great High-Priest, when he has seen us burning dim and languishing, revived us by seasonable communications, or merciful rebukes! Truly we are living witnesses for him, that “he will not quench the smoking flax [Note: Mateus 11:20 not extinguish the wick, the flame of which has been blown out.] ” — — — May we not then hope, that he will yet bear with us, and administer to us whatever, in a way of influence or correction, we may stand in need of? Surely we may look up to him with joyful confidence, and say with David, “Thou wilt light my candle; the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness [Note: Salmos 18:28.].” Many are the storms to which we are exposed in this dreary wilderness, which threaten our extinction; but he is able to preserve us: and as he has made it our duty to “burn continually,” so he will give us “supplies of his Spirit” for that purpose: he will “keep us by his power through faith unto everlasting salvation [Note: 1 Pedro 1:5.].” “He will keep the feet of his saints; but the wicked shall be silent in darkness [Note: 1 Samuel 2:9.] ” — — —]

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