Lucas 2:34-35
Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon
Lucas 2:34. Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against; (yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.
THE ways of God are deep and unsearchable. The richest displays of his love have been often accompanied with the heaviest afflictions. The honour bestowed on Paul was the forerunner of great sufferings. Thus the Virgin’s distinguished privilege of bringing the Son of God into the world was a prelude to the severest anguish to her soul. Even the gift of the Messiah himself, while it saves some, is the occasion of a more dreadful condemnation to others. It was foretold, that, as this was one end, so it would also be an effect, of Christ’s mission.
I. The remote ends of Christ’s exhibition to the world—
God has on the whole consulted his creatures’ good as well as his own glory; but he will not effect the happiness of every individual.
The “fall of many” was one end of Christ’s coming—
[His appearance was contrary to the carnal expectations of the Jews. Hence he became a stumbling-block to almost the whole nation. It had been plainly foretold that he should be so [Note: Isaías 8:14.]. This prophecy is frequently quoted by the inspired writers [Note: 1 Coríntios 1:23; 1 Pedro 2:8.]. Our Lord himself expressly refers to it [Note: Mateus 21:42; Mateus 21:44.]. He elsewhere confirms the declaration contained in it [Note: João 9:39.]
The coming of Christ actually produced this effect—
[Many took offence at him [Note: At his low parentage, his mean appearance, his sublime doctrines, his high pretensions, &c.]. Thus they became more wicked than they would otherwise have been [Note: João 15:22.]. Thus also they perished with a more aggravated condemnation [Note: Mateus 11:22.]
But this was by no means the chief end.
The “rising of many” was another end of Christ’s coming—
[Jews and Gentiles were in a most deplorable condition: they were guilty, helpless, hopeless. From this state Christ came to raise them. This also was a subject of prophecy [Note: Isaías 8:14.]; and our Lord often declares that this was the end of his coming [Note: Lucas 19:10; João 10:10.]: hence he calls himself “the resurrection and the life [Note: João 11:25.].”]
And his coming produced this effect also—
[Few believed on him before his death: but myriads were raised by him soon after. They rose from a death in sin to a life of holiness. This effect is still carrying on in the world. Many from their own experience can say with Hannah [Note: 1 Samuel 2:8.]—]
These ends, however, were more remote.
The more immediate end—
The minds of men in reference to God were very little known: neither ceremonial nor moral duties could fully discover their state; but he came to make it clear how every one was affected towards God.
In order to this he was “a mark or butt of contradiction [Note: Σημεῖον ἀντιλεγόμενον.]”—
[No man ever met with so much contradiction as he [Note: Hebreus 12:3.]. He was contradicted by all persons [Note: Scribes, Pharisees, lawyers, Herodians.], on all occasions [Note: In all that he taught about his person, work, and offices, and in all he did, in working miracles, &c.], in the most virulent manner [Note: They came to catch, ensnare, and provoke him.], in spite of the clearest evidence [Note: They would rather ascribe his miracles to Beelzebub, and his doctrines to madness, impiety, and inspiration of the devil.], and in the most solemn seasons [Note: Even on the cross itself.] — — — This was frequently as a sword in Mary’s breast.]
By his becoming such a mark, the thoughts of men’s hearts were discovered—
[The Pharisees wished to be thought righteous; the Scribes, the free-thinkers of the day, pleaded for candour; the Herodians professed indifference for all religion: yet they all combined against Christ. Thus they shewed what was in their hearts.]
The preaching of Christ still makes the same discovery—
[Christ is still a butt of contradiction in the world. Before his Gospel is preached, all seem to be agreed; but when he is set forth, discord and division ensue [Note: Mateus 10:34.]: then the externally righteous people shew their enmity; then the indifferent discover the same readiness to persecute. On the other hand the humility of others appears: many publicans and harlots gladly embrace the truth, and many believers manifest a willingness to die for Christ.]
By way of improvement we may inquire,
What self-knowledge have we gained from the preaching of Christ?
[He has been often “set forth crucified before our eyes.” This must in a measure have revealed our thoughts to us. What discoveries then has it made [Note: Has it shewn us our natural pride and self-righteousness, our self-sufficiency and self-dependence, our light thoughts of sin, our ingratitude, our unbelief, our enmity against God and his Christ? If it have not taught us these humiliating lessons, we have learned nothing yet to any good purpose.]? Let us take the Gospel as a light with which to search our hearts. Let us beg of God to illumine our minds by his Holy Spirit.]
2. What effect has the preaching of Christ produced on our lives?
[We must either rise or fall by means of the Gospel. Are we then risen with Christ to a new and heavenly life? or are we filled with prejudice against his Church and people? Let us tremble lest be prove a rock of offence to us. If we rise with him now to a life of holiness, he will raise us ere long to a life of glory.]