Lucas 8:50

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Lucas 8:50. When Jesus heard it, he answered him, saying, Fear not: believe only, and she shall be made whole.

AFFLICTIONS may well be deprecated by us as painful to flesh and blood; but they are often the means of humbling us before God. Multitudes came as suppliants to our Lord, who would never have regarded him if they had not felt the pressure of disease or trouble. The rich in general were the most backward to acknowledge him; but they found that in the hour of affliction none other could do them good. Hence occasionally we see the opulent presenting their supplications before him. Nor did he reject the suit of any, whether they were rich or poor. The answer he gave to the ruler of the synagogue is recorded in the text; and it will naturally lead us to notice the ruler’s faith:

I. How it was tried—

Jairus (such was his name) had much to try his faith—
[He had an only child (twelve years of age) in dying circumstances. Having heard much of our Lord’s miracles, he applied to him on behalf of his daughter, and earnestly requested him to come and restore her to health. But while he was returning with Jesus to his house, his servant brought tidings that the child was dead. This was a dreadful shock to the parent’s feelings, and might have utterly destroyed all his hopes.]
Thus it is that the faith of God’s people is often tried—
[They are enabled to make application to their God and Saviour. But the storm in the meantime gathers thick around them: their difficulties so increase, that their hopes seem almost blasted. They have cried for pardon, and find only an increasing sense of guilt. They have prayed for deliverance from corruption or temptation, and experienced the assaults of Satan more violent than ever. Thus they are almost ready to think that God has cast out their prayer, and shut up his tender mercies from them. It was in this manner that holy Job was tried. Yea, the experience of most, however diversified, is generally found to agree in this [Note: Salmos 107:5; Salmos 107:12; Salmos 107:18; Salmos 107:26.]

But this accumulated trouble was permitted for the further exercise of the ruler’s faith.


How it operated—

He was enabled humbly and confidently to depend on Jesus—
[It was his faith that first led him to Jesus for help: nor, when his case seemed desperate, did he give up his hope. It is probable that our Lord might perceive some rising apprehensions in his mind; but he sustained him instantly with those encouraging words, “Fear not.” Jairus expected now that his child should be raised as from a sleep. The idea of sleep, however, only called forth the derision of the mourners. Such was the fruit of their ignorance and unbelief: but the ruler himself resembled the father of the faithful [Note: Romanos 4:18; Romanos 4:20.]

It is in this way that true faith will ever shew itself—
[It will surely lead us to Jesus for relief: it will make us humble and importunate in our supplications to him. We shall not presently turn from him because our difficulties increase: we shall rather adopt the expression of holy Job [Note: Jó 13:15.]—. Unbelief may prompt us to deride what we do not understand; but faith will make us acquiesce in God’s declarations, though we cannot fully comprehend them, and expect the accomplishment of his promises, however his providence may appear to contradict them.

Jesus did not fail to respect the faith that honoured him—


How it was rewarded—

Jesus answered the ruler to the full extent of all his wishes—
[Our Lord reproved the excessive lamentations of the people, and encouraged them to expect the restoration of the child; but he would not suffer those who had derided him to be spectators of the miracle. He took with him, however, persons sufficient to attest it: he favoured the believing parents with admission to behold it, and restored their daughter, as it had been from sleep, in their very presence. The child arose instantly, and walked as in perfect health. For their further conviction he ordered food to be given to the child. By this also he intimated, that though she was restored by a miracle, she was to be kept alive by natural means. What a rich reward was this to the believing suppliant!]
Nor shall any one who asks in faith, be disappointed—
[Our Lord has commanded us to ask in faith [Note: Marcos 11:24.]; and has assured us that petitions, so offered, shall be answered by him [Note: Mateus 21:22.]. Things the most impossible to man, shall, if they will conduce to our good and to God’s honour, be effected by the prayer of faith [Note: Marcos 9:23.]: crimes the most atrocious that ever were committed, shall be pardoned [Note: Atos 13:39.]: lusts the most inveterate that ever enslaved a soul, shall be subdued [Note: Isaías 59:19. 1 Coríntios 6:11.]. The dead in trespasses and sins shall be raised, like Christ himself, to a new and heavenly life [Note: Efésios 1:19. with 2:5, 6.]: nor shall they fail of attaining eternal happiness in heaven [Note: João 3:15.Isaías 45:17.]


[Every man must expect trouble in this vale of tears: the dearest friends must look forward to a day of separation; but let every trouble drive us to the compassionate Jesus, and every want be spread before him in prayer [Note: Filipenses 4:6.]. We are not now indeed to expect miraculous interpositions; nor ought we to ask for temporal blessings in an unqualified manner. We should commit the concerns of this life to his all-wise disposal; but for spiritual blessings we cannot be too importunate, nor can our faith in his word be too strong. What he said to Martha he still says to us [Note: João 11:40.]—. The advice of Jehosaphat is the best direction we can follow [Note: 2 Crônicas 20:20.]—. Let us not then limit his tender mercies. If we resemble the Samaritan lord, we shall fare like him [Note: 2 Reis 7:2; 2 Reis 7:17.]. Let us not in renewed troubles be like the unbelieving Jews [Note: Salmos 78:20.]; but let us bear in mind that encouraging declaration [Note: Efésios 3:20.]—, and determine henceforth to live like the Apostle [Note: Gálatas 2:20.]—.]

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