Provérbios 10:4

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Provérbios 10:4. He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand; but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.

IT is certainly true, that men’s circumstances in life depend on their own exertions, so far at least, as to justify the declaration in the text. Sometimes indeed God is pleased to raise men to opulence by labours not their own; and sometimes to withhold success from the industrious. But though this inequality is sometimes found in the dispensations of his Providence, we never see it in the dispensations of his grace. After the first communications of grace to the soul, men’s progress or decay will always be proportioned to their own care and vigilance: the propositions in the text may be advanced without any exception;—

I. Remissness will impoverish the soul—

Many there are who “deal with a slack hand”—
[This may be said of men when they improve not the means of spiritual advancement. God has appointed reading [Note: Colossenses 3:16.], and meditation [Note: Salmos 1:2.], and prayer [Note: 1 These. 5:17.], and self-examination [Note: Salmos 4:4; Salmos 77:6 and 2 Coríntios 13:5.], as means of furthering the welfare of the soul — — — But, if we be remiss in these, we resemble a man who neglects to cultivate his fields: nor can it be expected that we should ever prosper in our spiritual concerns.

It may also be said of them when they shun not the occasions of spiritual decay. God has mercifully guarded us against the cares [Note: Mateus 13:22; Mateus 6:21.], the pleasures [Note: 1 Timóteo 5:6 and 2 Timóteo 3:4.], the company of the world [Note: 2 Coríntios 6:14.]; and against the indulgence of any secret sin [Note: Provérbios 4:23.Hebreus 3:12. See the examples of Job, Jó 31:1. David, Salmos 141:3; Salmos 139:23.] — — — And it is of the utmost importance that we attend to these salutary cautions. But if we are unmindful of them, we certainly shew a very culpable remissness, and give advantage to our enemies to prevail against us.]

Under such circumstances they will infallibly “become poor”—
[They will lose their joy and confidence. Persons living in habitual watchfulness are often full of the most lively joy [Note: 1 Pedro 1:8.], and can look up to God as their Father [Note: Romanos 8:15.], to Christ as their Saviour [Note: Gálatas 2:20.], and to heaven as their home [Note: 2 Coríntios 5:1.]. But these divine impressions are tender plants, which, if not duly watered, will soon wither and decay [Note: Gálatas 4:15.] — — —]

2. They will also lose their health and strength

[There is a health of the soul, as well as of the body: and as the one cannot be maintained in strength but by proper food and exercise, so neither can the other. The graces of the soul, if not duly cultivated, will soon languish. The faith will become weak, the hope faint, the love cold — — — and whatever good “things remain in us, they will be ready to die.” So poor will every one become, who dealeth with a slack hand.]
While the soul is exposed to such evils from remissness, we are assured, on the contrary, that—


Diligence will enrich it—

Christian diligence comprehends far more than a mere attention to outward forms, however regular—
[It imports a seasonable attention to all duties. There are some duties which, in comparison of others, are easy: but Christian diligence makes no distinction on this account; nor does it make the observance of some an excuse for neglecting others; but endeavours to do every work, whether public or private, civil or religious, in its season [Note: Salmos 1:3.].

It includes also a conscientious improvement of all talents. Various are the talents committed unto men. Time, money, influence, together with every mental endowment, are among those which a Christian will feel himself more especially bound to improve. He considers them as given to him for the purpose of honouring God with them, and of rendering them subservient to the good of men. He therefore will not wrap any one of them in a napkin, but will so trade with them as to deliver them up with interest whenever he may be called to give up his account [Note: Mateus 25:15.]

Such diligence will infallibly enrich the soul—
[The exertion of our powers does not command success; but God invariably puts honour upon it, and makes it both the occasion and the means of communicating his blessings. Our diligence in cultivating the land cannot ensure the crop: yet it is by that, for the most part, that God replenishes our barns, and supplies our returning wants. Thus the diligent hand makes us rich in grace, in peace, in holiness, and in glory.

“To him that hath (that hath improved his talent) shall be given; and he shall have abundance.” Every grace is improved by exercise [Note: Mateus 25:29.]—from that improvement arises a “peace which passeth all understanding [Note: Isaías 32:17.]”—the whole man is thus progressively renewed after the divine image [Note: 2 Coríntios 3:18.]—and an increased weight of glory is treasured up for the soul, when it shall receive its full reward [Note: 2 Coríntios 4:17; 2 Coríntios 4:2 John, ver. 8.]]


What a pitiable state are they in who never labour at all for the salvation of their souls!

[If remissness only will prove fatal, and that to persons who were once diligent, surely they must be poor indeed who have never entered on their work at all! Let the gay and thoughtless well consider this: for every man shall receive according to his own labour. Nor shall it be sufficient to say at the last day, “I did no harm:” the question will be, “What improvement didst thou make of thy talent?” And if we have buried it in the earth, we shall be condemned as wicked and slothful servants.]

2. What reason have all for humiliation and contrition!

[If we consider the greatness of our work, and how little any of us have done in it, we shall find reason to blush and be confounded before God. Yes; while the world condemn us as “righteous overmuch,” we should be condemning, and even lothing ourselves for doing so little. What might we not have attained, if we had laboured from the beginning with the same anxiety and diligence as others manifest in their temporal concerns? How low are the attainments of the best of us, not only in comparison of what they might have been, but of what we once expected they would be! Let us then trace our poverty to its proper cause, our own remissness: and “whatever our hand findeth to do, let us henceforth do it with all our might.”]

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