Isaías 52:7

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Isaías 52:7. How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!

IN order to understand the prophetic writings, we must always bear in mind that they have a spiritual or mystical sense, as well as a plain and literal one. The words before us, in their primary meaning, evidently refer to the joy with which the proclamation of Cyrus, when he permitted the captive Jews to return from Babylon to their native country, would be received. But they certainly relate also to the deliverance announced to us under the Gospel-dispensation; for it is in this view that they are quoted by the Apostle Paul [Note: Romanos 10:15.]. We shall take occasion from them to shew,

I. What the Gospel is—

It is described with sufficient accuracy in the text: it is,

1. A proclamation of “peace and salvation” to man—

[The Gospel supposes men to have offended God, and to be obnoxious to his everlasting displeasure. It further supposes that they have no way of conciliating the Divine favour, or of warding off the stroke of his indignation. Coming to men in this helpless and hopeless state, it publisheth tidings of peace and salvation: it represents sin as expiated by the atoning blood of Jesus; and God as reconciled to all who will trust in his meritorious and all-prevailing sacrifice. This is the view which St. Paul himself gives us of the Gospel; in preaching of which Gospel ministers resemble the messengers sent to Babylon, who had nothing to do but to proclaim a full and free deliverance to the wretched captives [Note: 2 Coríntios 5:18.]

2. A declaration of Christ’s power and grace—

[The Chaldeans, who so grievously oppressed their Jewish captives, may justly represent to us the bitter and tyrannical dominion of sin and Satan: and Cyrus, who, without fee or reward, liberated them from their bondage, may be considered as the agent and representative of the Deity. As therefore the messengers would not fail to remind the Jews, that Cyrus, the one author of their happiness, would continue to them his protection and favour while they maintained their allegiance to him; so, in preaching the Gospel, we are to declare, that Christ, to whom we owe the beginnings of our liberty, will complete our deliverance, and continue to us all the tokens of his love, provided we yield him, as we are in duty bound, a willing and unreserved obedience. Thus did Christ himself preach the Gospel, saying. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand [Note: Compare Marcos 1:14. with Mateus 4:17.]

If we view the Gospel in this light, we shall see immediately,


That it is a ground of joy—

By a beautiful figure, the very steps of the messenger hastening over the distant mountains are represented as inspiring us with joy. That the Gospel itself is a source of joy, appears in that,

1. It has been considered so from the first moment of its promulgation—

[Abraham, two thousand years before its promulgation, rejoiced exceedingly in a distant prospect of it [Note: João 8:56.]. At the birth of Jesus, our deliverer, a host of angels congratulated the world, saying, “Behold, we bring you glad tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people; for unto you is born a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord [Note: Lucas 2:10].” As soon as ever the full effects of the Gospel came to be experienced, the converts, filled with every malignant temper just before, were filled with joy, and “ate their bread with gladness and singleness of heart, blessing and praising God [Note: Atos 2:46.].” No sooner was the Gospel preached in Samaria, than “there was great joy in that city:” and, the instant that the eunuch had embraced it, “he went on his way rejoicing [Note: Atos 8:8; Atos 8:39.].” Thus it is at this day a healing balm and a reviving cordial to all who understand and receive it.]

2. It is in itself well calculated to create joy in our hearts—

[Let but its blessings be felt, and it will be impossible not to rejoice. Did the Jews exult at a deliverance from a cruel yoke, and a restoration to their native country? How much more must a sinner rejoice at his deliverance from death and hell, and his restoration to the forfeited inheritance of heaven! The transports of joy manifested by the cripple whom Peter and John had healed, were the natural effusions of a grateful heart: we should have wondered if he had not so expressed the feelings of his soul [Note: Atos 3:8.]: but he had received no benefit in comparison of that which the believer enjoys when he first embraces the Gospel of Christ. Hence our prophet represents the Gospel as invariably producing such sensations as the husbandman feels when bringing home the fruits of the field, or the soldier when dividing the spoils of victory [Note: Isaías 9:3; Isaías 9:6.]

3. It is, and ever will be, the one subject of thanksgiving in the realms of glory—

[The glorified saints never have their attention diverted from it for one single moment: day and night are they singing to him who loved them, and washed them from their sins in his own blood [Note: Apocalipse 1:5.]. And though the angels are less interested in this subject, because they never needed redeeming grace, yet do they join the general chorus, ascribing honour and glory to him that sitteth on the throne, and to the Lamb for ever. Nor will they ever be weary of this subject; such an inexhaustible fund is it of light, and happiness, and glory.]


How strange is it that the Gospel should be treated with indifference!

[That it is so treated, needs no proof: but how amazing that it should ever be slighted by those to whom it is sent! that condemned criminals should disregard the offers of pardon sent them by their prince! O that there might be no more occasion for that complaint, “Who hath believed our report?” Let the very feet of the messengers who bring the tidings be henceforth beautiful in our eyes.]

2. Of what importance is it to distinguish between mere morality, and the Gospel of Christ!

[Lectures upon honesty would administer but little comfort to a person about to be executed for breaking the laws of his country: nor can mere discourses on morality administer much comfort to a self-condemning sinner: and if he mistake such discourses for the Gospel, he is fatally deceived. The Gospel is a full and free offer of salvation through the blood of Christ: and this is glad tidings indeed; like “rivers of water in a dry place, or a shadow of a great rock in a weary land.” O that all who are ambassadors of God may remember the great scope of their ministry, and testify the Gospel of the grace of God! And let all who hear the joyful sound, improve the day of their visitation: blessed are they if they receive the truth in the love thereof; but most aggravated will be their condemnation if they despise the mercy so freely offered them.]

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