Jeremias 2:27-28

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Jeremias 2:27. They have turned their back unto me, and not their face; but in the time of their trouble they will say, Arise, and save us! But where are thy gods that thou hast made thee? Let them arise, if they can save thee in the time of thy trouble.

AMONGST the various powers which distinguish man from all the rest of the creation, is the faculty of looking forward to future events, and of receiving, by anticipation, impressions suited to them. This faculty is given to him principally for the furtherance of his eternal welfare: and, if he used it aright, he could not fail of attaining eternal blessedness. But as he abuses his other powers, so does he grievously misimprove this: he employs it for the purpose of temporal advancement; but forgets its use in reference to eternity. Hence, till affliction bring him to a juster view of his condition, he casts off all fear of God, and lives, as it were, “without God in the world.” Of this God complained respecting his people of old; and at the same time he warned them of the bitter consequences that would ensue from it; for, if they persisted in looking to their false gods in the time of prosperity, they should have none other to assist them in the season of adversity.
From the words thus explained, we may take occasion to shew,

I. The conduct of sinners towards their God—

Man in every age, especially if he have any knowledge of a Supreme Being, pursues nearly the same course, till he has been converted by Divine grace.

In the text we behold how he conducts himself,

In a state of ease—

[It is surprising to see how entirely men banish from their minds all thoughts of God. Though called and invited to draw nigh to him, they cannot be prevailed upon to bow their knees before him, and to seek his face in prayer [Note: Isaías 64:7.]. If at any time they draw nigh to him in public, it is not really to know his will, or to enjoy his presence, but merely to perform a duty, in which their hearts are not at all engaged [Note: Mateus 15:8.].

But the expression in our text imports, not merely a neglect of God, but a contempt of him also. And a most awful mark of contempt it is, to turn our back upon him when he calls us, instead of turning to him our face. Yet thus it is that we treat him, exactly as his people did even in his very temple [Note: Ezequiel 8:16.]: we all have idols in our hearts; and those we serve to the utter neglect of God; and, when reminded of our duty to him, we cry, “Who is the Lord? I know him not;” “I will have nothing to do with him” “I desire not the knowledge of his ways [Note: Compare Jeremias 2:31, with Êxodo 5:2.Salmos 12:4; Salmos 81:11.Jó 21:14.Isaías 30:11.].”]

2. In a state of trouble—

[Few are so hardened in iniquity, but they will begin to reflect on their ways when they come into trouble: “they will pour out a prayer, when God’s chastening is upon theme [Note: Isaías 26:16.].” Even hypocrites [Note: Salmos 78:34.], yea and heathens too [Note: João 1:5.], when reduced to great extremities, will cry for help: “In their affliction,” says God, “they will seek me early [Note: Oséias 5:15.]”. Nay more, they will express, not only importunity, but, as our text intimates, a considerable measure of impatience also: as if God were bound immediately to interpose for them, though they have rejected and “forgotten him days without number [Note: ver. 22. with Isaías 58:3.].” The whole of their conduct is beautifully set forth in the preceding context, under the image of “a wild ass.” She, when seeking her mate, is so wild, that no one will attempt to catch her: but, when the time is come for her to be delivered of her young, she may easily be caught [Note: ver. 23, 24.]. So it is with sinners, when bent upon the gratification of their earthly and sensual desires, they prosecute their own ways without restraint, and laugh at all our efforts to apprehend them: but, when burthened and bowed down with trouble, they will suffer us to approach them, and will bear to hear the voice of counsel and reproof. Their affliction represses for a season their spirit of rebellion, and brings them to a better mind.]

Still however their conduct is most perilous, as will appear, whilst we shew,


The folly and danger of it—

To manifest this, we need only consider,

1. The disappointment it will occasion—

[Even now, in the midst of all their pursuits, we would ask the ungodly. Whether they have ever found any solid satisfaction in the vanities of time and sense? and has not the creature invariably proved to them “a broken cistern, that could hold no water [Note: ver. 13.]?” Yes assuredly, they have “spent their money for that which is not bread, and laboured for that which satisfieth not [Note: Isaías 55:2.]” or rather, as it is well expressed, “Have sought to fill their belly with the east wind [Note: Jó 15:2.].” And this is what God has repeatedly forewarned them of in his blessed word: “Let not him that is deceived trust in vanity; for vanity shall be his recompence [Note: Jó 15:31.].” And if even now, “in the time of their sufficiency, they be in straits [Note: Jó 20:22.],” how much move, when they come into trouble, may it be asked, “What fruit have ye of these things whereof ye are now ashamed?” Will their pleasures, their riches, or their honours, which they once sought with such avidity, then comfort them? Alas! how little can such things do to assuage even the pains of a diseased body, and much more to pacify a guilty conscience, and to compose the mind, in the prospect of death and judgment! Truly, “miserable comforters are they all.” Yet to them will God leave us in the day of our calamity, if we will persist in making them our idols during the season of our health. This he tells us in our text; “Let the gods that thou hast made to thee, arise and save thee.” It was thus that he mocked his people of old, when they had withstood all the corrections of his providence [Note: Juízes 10:10.]: and thus he has declared that he will mock us also, if we continue obstinately to withstand all the overtures of his love and mercy [Note: Provérbios 1:24.].

But, even supposing that the vanities of this world were not so ineffectual for our present support as they are found to be, of what use or benefit will they be found when we are standing at the judgment-seat of Christ? Will they interpose between us and an angry God? or will they descend with us into those gloomy mansions to which their votaries will be doomed, and there alleviate the anguish of our minds? Will the friends, by whom we were induced to turn our back on God, confirm to us all the promises they made to us, and obtain for us that blessedness which they so confidently assured us was in no danger of being lost? Ah, the disappointment which we shall feel in that day, when no possibility remains of rectifying our error! How shall we curse our folly for giving way to such delusions, and feel that truth which we are now so backward to believe, that “they who observe lying vanities, forsake their own mercies [Note: João 2:8.]!”]

2. The reflections to which it will give rise—

[Here we will not give ourselves time for consideration; but when we come into the eternal world, we shall have nothing else to do [Note: Wisd. 5:4.]: and then how inexpressibly painful will it be to reflect, ‘I once had a God of infinite love and mercy calling me to accept of reconciliation with him; I had a Saviour too who offered to cleanse me in his blood from all my sins, and to clothe me in the robe of his own unspotted righteousness: by his Holy Spirit also my Saviour strove with me, to bring me to repentance, and to guide my feet into the way of peace. Once had I ordinances, wherein I might have enjoyed my God; and ministers by whom I might have been led to the great Shepherd and Bishop of my soul. But now all those blessings are withdrawn, and are for ever hid from my eyes. I valued them not when they were within my reach: I had no taste but for the vanities of this world; and, like Esau, I sold heaven itself for a poor worthless momentary enjoyment: now too, like him, I am rejected, and could find no place of repentance in my Father’s mind, though I should seek it ever so carefully with tears [Note: Mateus 23:37. with Hebreus 12:16.].’ ‘Now I find that God’s word was true; and that the harvest which we must reap accords with the seed we sowed: “I reap now nothing but corruption, because I sowed only to the flesh;” whereas, if I could have been prevailed upon to “sow unto the Spirit, I should at this moment have been reaping everlasting life [Note: Gálatas 6:7.].” I now call to my God, and beg him to send me only a drop of water to cool my tongue; but he bids me go for relief to the gods which I preferred before him, and reminds me, that, having received the consolations which I desired, I have no other to expect at his hands [Note: Lucas 16:24.].’

Such is the portion of those who neglect God: “they sow the wind, and they reap the whirlwind [Note: Oséias 8:7.].”]


Those that are at ease in their sins—

[You think it time enough to seek the Lord when you are no longer able to enjoy the world. But are you sure that time will be afforded you, if you neglect the present hour; or that God will hear you, when your prayers are extorted only by pain and terrors? Such delays receive but little countenance from God in the passage we are considering, or indeed in any other part of Holy Writ [Note: See Salmos 81:11.Oséias 4:17; Lucas 19:42.]. “Seek then the Lord whilst he may be found; call ye upon him whilst he is hear [Note: Isaías 55:6.].”

2. Those who are brought into any kind of trouble—

[Now then at least is the time for you to call upon your God; for when will you do it, if not in the time of trouble? Will you stay till you are summoned before his judgment-seat? Will you not begin to look for the Bridegroom, till he has already entered into his house, and the door is shut? O look upon your affliction as the voice of God: receive it as a messenger sent from him to prepare you for his presence: and remember, if he has warned you of your danger, he has also given you encouragement to turn unto him. He has shewn you, in his reception of the Prodigal, how ready he is to receive returning penitents [Note: Lucas 15:20.]; and, in his mercy to Manassch, how great iniquities he can pardon [Note: 2 Crônicas 33:10.]. Only “return then unto him; so iniquity shall not be your ruin.”]

3. Those who have already begun to seek the Lord—

[Say, Whether it has been in vain to seek the Lord? Has he been “a wilderness to you, or a land of darkness [Note: ver. 31.]?” Has he not done more for you than the world over did, and rendered you happier than you ever were in the days of your vanity? Be thankful to him then that he ever enabled you to “choose the good part, which shall never be taken away from you.” If trouble come to you, you have no need to fear [Note: 1 Pedro 3:13.]; for it is sent by him in love to purge you from your remaining dross, and fit you for his presence, where is fulness of joy for evermore.]

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