João 13:31,32

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


João 13:31. Jesus said, Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in him. If God be glorified in him, God shall also glorify him in himself, and shall straightway glorify him.

IF it were asked, at what time, and on what occasion, God and his dear Son were more dishonoured than at any other period of the world, the answer probably would be, that it was in that hour, when, by the united voice of all his own countrymen, the Lord Jesus Christ was delivered into the hands of the Gentiles, to be crucified. Doubtless this would be the judgment of all who viewed that event merely with the eye of sense. But to the eye of faith it will appear in far different colours. The whole design of God in it will then be seen, and all the glory of the Godhead will be found to shine forth in it. This was the judgment of the Lord Jesus Christ himself, who, at the moment that Judas went forth for the purpose of betraying him into the hands of the chief priests and rulers, said, “Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in him. If God be glorified in him, God shall also glorify him in himself, and shall straightway glorify him.”
In opening to you these most important declarations, I will endeavour to shew what glory accrued from the sufferings of Christ.

I. To the Son himself—

To enter fully into this subject, would occupy far too long a time for one discourse: I must content myself, therefore, with stating, under each head of my discourse, only the more prominent points, for the elucidation of it.
The Lord Jesus Christ was now glorified, in that he was about,

1. To complete his engagements with the Father—

[From all eternity had a council of peace been held between the Father and the Son [Note: Zacarias 6:13.]; the Father agreeing to give to his Son a chosen people; and the Son agreeing, on his part, to assume our nature, and in that nature to offer himself as the substitute and surety of sinful man. The Lord Jesus was first “to make his soul an offering for sin, and then was to see a seed who should prolong their days; and the pleasure of the Lord was to prosper in his hand [Note: Isaías 53:10.].” The agreement is thus stated by the Psalmist; and thus recorded also by an inspired Apostle, as in part already fulfilled: “When he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not; but a body hast thou prepared me. In burnt-offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure. Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me) to do thy will, O God [Note: Salmos 40:6. with Hebreus 10:5.].” But now the time was arrived for its completion. He was now about to endure the whole load of suffering which he had engaged to bear; and he was ready to drink to the very dregs the cup which had been put into his hands. Of the extent of its bitterness no finite imagination could conceive: but, “bloody as the baptism was, wherewith he was to be baptized, he was quite straitened till it should be accomplished [Note: Lucas 12:50.].” And in this unshaken fortitude and fidelity he was greatly glorified.]

2. To redeem from death a ruined world—

[This was the end of all his sufferings. They were altogether an atonement made for sin. Without such an atonement no human being could be saved. By it, a way was opened for the salvation of every living man. It was for this that he had become a man: it was for this that he had fulfilled all righteousness: it was for this that he had endured his agony in the garden of Gethsemane: it was for this that he was about to expire upon the cross: and, if only he might “see of the travail of his soul” in the salvation of men, “he was satisfied [Note: Isaías 53:11.].” This was “the joy that was set before him:” and, for the attainment of it, “he endured the cross, and despised the shame [Note: Hebreus 12:2.];” and rested not till he could say, “It is finished [Note: João 19:30.].” Well, therefore, might he, in the near prospect of these events, say, “Now is the Son of man glorified.”]

We are next to contemplate the glory accruing,


To the Father, through the Son—

Now is the Son of Man glorified, and “God is glorified in him.” Here, as before, we must contract our observations to the smallest space, lest we detain you too long. The Father was here greatly honoured,

1. In the display of all his perfections—

[There was not an attribute of the Deity which did not here shine forth in its utmost splendour. His wisdom, in having devised such a stupendous plan for the salvation of men: his love, in having given his only-begotten Son to die for them: his justice, in exacting of him the utmost farthing of their debt: his mercy, in receiving all who should come to him in the name of this divine Saviour. His power, too, was displayed, in upholding his Son under all his various and complicated trials [Note: Isaías 42:1.], and in enabling him to finish the work he had begun. His holiness, too, was made known, in that not a human being should ever find acceptance with him, but by acknowledging his own desert of condemnation, and pleading the merits of this vicarious sacrifice. All these perfections were now made to harmonize, and every one of them to reflect a glory on the rest: a glory of which it would never have been susceptible, if this plan had not been devised and executed for the manifestation of it.]

2. In the accomplishment of all his purposes—

[Salvation may be considered as originating with the Father, who sent his Son for the attainment of it. For the fallen angels he prepared no such mercy: but for the sons of men he determined to execute this stupendous plan, that so mercy might be exercised towards them in consistency with the demands of justice, and holiness, and truth. And all was now brought to maturity. Justice was about to be satisfied for the sins of the whole world, and a jubilee was now to be proclaimed to every child of man. Now all the millions of the redeemed stood, as it were by anticipation, around his throne, and gave him glory, such as had not yet been given from the foundation of the world: and this glory was obtained for him through the intervention of his Son: so that it might well be said, that, whilst the Son himself was glorified, the Father was glorified in him.]
We have yet further to notice the glory added,


To the Son, by and with the Father—

The Father now, in his turn, glorified his Son:

1. In the testimonies borne to him under his sufferings—

[Not only did several of our Lord’s enemies proclaim his innocence, but universal nature bore witness to him. The sun at mid-day veiled his face in darkness; the earth quaked; the rocks rent; the dead arose: and all in attestation, that the person who had just expired was no other than our incarnate God. To these events our Lord more immediately referred, when he said, “He shall straightway glorify him.”]

2. In the triumphant issue of them—

[It seemed as if the Saviour was vanquished, when he died: but it was “by death that he overcame him that had the power of death, that is, the devil [Note: Hebreus 2:14.].” Yes, upon the very cross itself “he spoiled principalities and powers, triumphing over them openly in it [Note: Colossenses 2:15.].” In vain were the stone, the seal, the watch: they were placed by man, to prevent his resurrection; but, overruled by God, to attest it. In the presence of no less than five hundred brethren at once did he ascend to heaven; from whence he sent down the Holy Ghost to bear witness to him, by mighty signs and wonders that were wrought by his Apostles in his name. Our Lord had said of the Holy Spirit, “He shall glorify me: for he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you [Note: João 16:14.]:” and agreeably to this prediction did the Holy Spirit descend at the appointed time, and impart to the Apostles such powers as had never been communicated since the foundation of the world. Jesus himself, too, was then invested with all power in heaven and in earth, as the reward of his own sufferings [Note: Filipenses 2:9.], and for the benefit of those for whom he died: and together with the Father is he made the object of adoration amongst all the hosts of heaven. Hereafter, too, shall he come again to judge the world, and shall assign to all, whether friends or enemies, their proper portion.]

3. In the benefits conferred in consideration of them—

[Speedily after his ascension were not less than three thousand souls converted to him, and all the blessings of salvation were poured out upon them for his sake. From that day great numbers, in every quarter of the globe, have found mercy through him: millions are already seated with him upon thrones of glory, as monuments of his grace: millions, too, are at this very moment rejoicing in him upon earth: and, in due time, multitudes, countless as the sands upon the sea-shore, will glory in him as the one Author of their happiness; and will to all eternity adore him, as having “loved them, and washed them from their sins in his own blood, and made them kings and priests unto their God.” They will all unite in ascribing “salvation to God and to the Lamb for ever and ever.”
Thus, whilst the Father is glorified in him, shall he himself also be glorified by, and with, the Father, as the Redeemer and Saviour of the world.]

Let me now, in conclusion, entreat you, my brethren, to be like-minded with God, and to glorify the Lord Jesus,

By an humble affiance in him—

[In this is he glorified, as much as by the saints before his throne. This is what he expects at our hands. This he regards as answering the end of all that he has done and suffered for us. Go then to him, brethren, with all your sins. Let nothing keep you from him. Never, for a moment, limit either his grace or mercy; but believe him “able to save to the uttermost all that shall come unto God by him.” Expect also from him all those supplies of grace and peace which are needful for you in this vale of tears. Let your expectations be enlarged to the full extent of your own necessities, and to the full extent also of all his great and precious promises. This is to glorify him: as he has said, “All mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them [Note: João 17:10.].”]

2. By an entire surrender of yourselves to him—

[This also is required of you: “You are not your own: you have been bought with a price: and therefore you should glorify him with your bodies and your spirits, which are his [Note: 1 Coríntios 6:19.].” Our Lord himself has said, “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit [Note: João 15:8.].” And I may add, that herein is Jesus glorified also. Let it be seen, then, what the effect of his sufferings is, and what is the redemption that he has purchased for you. This is the way to honour him: this is the recompence he expects at your hands. And if you glorify him thus in this world, you shall assuredly be “glorified together with him” in the world to come.]

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