João 9:4

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


João 9:4. I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.

IN the circumstances of mankind we behold an inequality, which, at first sight, appears strange and unaccountable. One is born possessed of all the faculties that can conduce to his welfare: another is brought into the world deformed in body, defective in intellect, and, on the whole, in a state scarcely superior to the brute creation. This must certainly, in the first instance, be traced to the sovereignty of God; who has a right to give to his creatures, or withhold from them, whatsoever he shall see fit. He has not injured us by making us inferior to the angels; nor does he injure any one, if he make him inferior to the beasts also. But, in these sovereign exercises of his will, he often has a special view to his own glory. Perhaps, at no period of the world did he ever give Satan liberty to exert his power over the bodies of men to so great an extent as during the time of our Lord’s ministry upon earth. In this dispensation, he gave to the Lord an opportunity of displaying, to a greater degree than he could otherwise have done, his power over Satan and all his hosts. We know, from authority, that this was the reason of our Lord’s not interposing to heal Lazarus, as soon as the application was made to him. In staying two whole days after he was informed of the dying state of Lazarus, he appeared regardless of the requests which had been sent to him by his much-loved friends, Mary and Martha. But he assigned as the reason of that delay, that, from the state of Lazarus, it was intended to bring glory both to God the Father, and to himself, as his Father’s agent [Note: João 11:3; João 11:14.]. In like manner we are informed, that, for a similar end, a man was born into the world blind. A notion having obtained amongst the Jews, that there was a state of existence previous to that which men now have on earth, and that they were either rewarded or punished in this world, according as they had conducted themselves in that from whence they had come; and that God also recompensed in men the good or evil that had been done by their parents; the Disciples asked our Lord, which of these two things had occasioned to the poor man this great calamity. Our Lord told them, that the calamity was not to be traced either to any evil that the man had committed in a preexistent state, or to any that had been committed by his parents; but that it had been sent by God, for the furtherance of his own glory, in giving sight to the blind. It had been ordained of God, that the Messiah should evince the truth of his mission by opening the eyes of the blind: and the opening of this man’s eyes was a work especially assigned to the Lord Jesus for that very end. Hence, instead of entering into a distinct consideration of the questions proposed to him, he contents himself with negativing both alternatives, and with intimating, that he must address himself without delay to the work before him; the work of giving sight to this blind man.

But though the words of our text have a particular reference to our blessed Lord, they must not be confined to him; since they are equally applicable to every child of man, and declare to all of us,

I. Our duty—

We all have a great work to do—
[As far as our blessed Lord acted as a Mediator between God and man, his work was peculiar to himself: but, as far as he was engaged in “fulfilling all righteousness [Note: Mateus 3:15.],” he was a pattern to us. He acted as his Father’s servant, “sent [Note: Text, with João 9:7.]” to perform a work: and we, in like manner, are servants of the Living God: only, being sinners, we have the duty of sinners; which Jesus, by reason of his innocence, could not have. As having offended Almighty God, our first duty is, to humble ourselves before him, and to seek for mercy at his hands. Our next duty is, to implore help from him, that we may be able to fulfil his will in future, and, by a holy life and conversation to advance to the uttermost the glory of his name: for “herein is our Father glorified, when we bring forth much fruit [Note: João 15:8.].” This is the duty of every man, without exception. Men’s duties, in reference to society, differ according to the rank and station which they hold: the prince and the peasant, the parent and the child, have different offices to perform: but towards God we all stand in the same relation; and all have to render the same services — — —]

For the performance of this work, we are “sent” into the world—

[We are not sent here to eat, and to drink, and to pass our time in pleasure; but to do the work assigned to us. Every moment of our time is given us for that purpose, and should be employed for that end. When we rise in the morning, we should inquire, What duties have I to perform this day? And, when we lie down again at night, we should inquire, how far we have executed the will of our heavenly Master. The performance of our work should supersede every thing else. Nothing should occupy our mind in comparison of it. To every one who would call us from our duty, we should reply with Nehemiah, “I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you [Note: Neemias 6:3.]?” The conduct of Abraham’s servant, when ordered to seek out from amongst the family of Abraham a wife for his son Isaac, will admirably illustrate our duty towards God. Having received his instructions relative to the conduct he should pursue, he implored of God his unerring guidance, that so he might be led to a successful issue. And when, by Divine Providence, he seemed to have attained his end, having been led to the very house of Abraham’s own nephew, Bethuel, he was desired to refresh himself after his long journey. But what was his reply? It was truly memorable; and shewed how much he had at heart the execution of the trust committed to him: “There was set meat before him to eat: but he said, I will not eat, until I have told mine errand [Note: Gênesis 24:33.].” Here, we see, he preferred his duty “before his necessary food [Note: Jó 23:12.].” This is exactly what we should do. Our blessed Lord has set us the example: and, like him, we should be able to say, “My meat is, to do the will of Him that sent me [Note: João 4:34.].”]

With our duty, our blessed Lord sets forth also,


The urgency of it—

We have but a “day” to do it in—
[A day is given us; and that is little enough for so great a work: yet it is time enough, if duly and diligently improved. It is, however, of very uncertain continuance. The sun of many goes down at noon; and often without the slightest warning. Yea, scarcely is the sun risen with many, ere it sets. This is a truth known to all; but considered by few: else, how earnest should we be in doing the work assigned us. We should not be putting it off till “a more convenient season;” but should improve the present hour, “not knowing what a day or an hour may bring forth.” We should “walk, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time [Note: Efésios 5:15.].”]

Our day being closed, our work is closed with it—
[“There is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave [Note: Eclesiastes 9:10.].” “When the night is once come, we can work no more.” Our good purposes, if not carried into effect before, will then fail, and our best resolutions prove abortive. If we have lived impenitent to that hour, or have only felt remorse, without carrying our sins to Jesus, and washing them in the fountain of his blood, we shall continue impenitent and unforgiven to all eternity. “As the tree falleth, so it will lie [Note: Eclesiastes 11:3.]:” We may then weep for our sins; but our tears will be unavailing: we may even “wail and gnash our teeth for anguish:” but the door of mercy will be closed. We may cry, “Lord, Lord, open unto us!” but God will be deaf to our entreaties. We may even call upon the rocks and mountains to fall upon us, and to hide us from the wrath of the Lamb: but they cannot perform for us that friendly office; nor can so much as a drop of water be obtained, to soothe the anguish of our bodies and our souls [Note: Lucas 16:24.]. We may then wish, ‘O, that I had another day, or even another hour! how would I work then!’ But our day is for ever closed; and nothing but everlasting “night” remains; even “the blackness of darkness for ever [Note: Jude, ver. 13.].”]


Those who are more advanced in years—

[Much of your day is obviously gone: and little, according to the course of nature, remains. Your glass is well nigh run down. Is it not then time for you to awake, and to begin the work which God has sent you to perform? Should you not be engaged in penitential sorrow for your past sins; in crying earnestly to Almighty God for mercy; in fleeing to the Lord Jesus Christ as to the hope set before you? Should you not be seeking the renovation of your souls after the Divine image? Should you not be daily “preparing to meet your God” in judgment? Yes, indeed: but it is a sad and melancholy truth, that few who have advanced beyond the middle term of life impenitent, are brought to repentance afterwards. Their habits are fixed; their conceit of their own safety is become inveterate; and their very consciences, as far as it respects every thing but gross sin, are seared. I thank God, however, that there are instances of persons entering into the service of their God even at the tenth or eleventh hour! Let me entreat you, beloved brethren, to be of that happy number; that, when you come to die, you may be able to adopt the words of our blessed Lord, and say, “Father, I have glorified thee on earth; I have finished the work which thou hast given me to do [Note: João 17:4.].”]

2. Those who are yet in early life—

[It can never be too early for you to begin this necessary work. The lambs which were appointed to be offered unto God in sacrifice, every morning and evening throughout the year, were to be “of the first year [Note: Êxodo 29:38.]:” and it is in the earliest period of your lives that you should “offer yourselves living sacrifices to the Lord [Note: Romanos 12:1.].” You will remember, that the first fruits of every thing were to be offered to God: and of the corn, they were to be of “full ears” indeed; for God must have every thing of the most perfect kind; but they were to be “green ears,” green ears “dried by fire,” and beaten out [Note: Levítico 2:14.]. And what can this import, but that, before you have attained that measure of maturity which is required for the service of man, you may, and must, be rendering service to your God? You have examples of this in Samuel, Obadiah, Timothy; and, above all, in our blessed Lord himself, who, at the age of twelve years, willingly devoted himself to his God and Father, in his temple [Note: Lucas 2:42; Lucas 2:49.]. Let me prevail on you to follow these examples; and now, ere sin has hardened your hearts, and Satan has drawn you fully into his snares, to devote yourselves to God. And know, for your encouragement, that a special promise is given you of the Lord, “They that seek me early, shall find me [Note: Provérbios 8:17.].”]

3. All of you without exception—

[Through the mercy of our God the day is yet continued to you; that day, which, within the last year, has closed on thousands, who, humanly speaking, were as likely to live as you. And, to multitudes of them, how dreary a night has commenced! and how thankful would they be, if they were permitted once more to hear the tidings of salvation which yet sound in your ears! Be thankful, I pray you, for this distinguishing grace which has been vouchsafed to you: and increase not your guilt by a further continuance in sin. What a fearful reflection will it be at a future period, that you lived but to “add sin to sin,” and to “treasure up wrath against the day of wrath!” If you live to repent of it, what anguish of mind will you suffer, ere you obtain forgiveness! And, if you live not to repent of it, what infinitely sorer anguish will you sustain to all eternity! And why should you defer the work to which God is calling you? Suppose ye that it is a state of melancholy, that shall embitter the whole remainder of your days? No: “The work of righteousness is peace: and the effect of righteousness is quietness and assurance for ever [Note: Isaías 32:17.].” Indeed you all know, in your hearts, that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom:” and that “in keeping of God’s commandments there is great reward [Note: Salmos 19:11.].”]

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