2 Coríntios 12:14

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


2 Coríntios 12:14. I seek not yours, but you.

DISINTERESTEDNESS, in whatever it appears, is universally admired—-But most of all does its excellency appear, when it is manifested in the service of the sanctuary. The ministers, whom the prophet represents as “greedy dogs that could never have enough [Note: Isaías 56:11.],” and who would “not so much as shut the doors of the temple, or kindle a fire on the altar for nought [Note: Malaquias 1:10.],” must be considered by every one as the most contemptible of men: whereas the appeal which the Apostle makes to the Church at Corinth, cannot fail of exalting his character in the eyes of all. We may learn from this declaration,

I. The paramount duty of ministers—

Ministers are the pastors of their flock; and ought to watch over them as parents over their children. Now a parent does not exercise kindness to his children from a selfish consideration of the profit which he may one day make of them, but from a real delight in their welfare; and he regards their happiness as his reward. Thus a minister must seek,

1. Not his own advantage—

[To obtain honour and emolument is ardently desired by carnal and worldly men: but a minister of God must be superior to such low pursuits. He must not court the favour of men. He ought indeed to avoid needless offence both in his preaching and conduct: he should “choose out acceptable words [Note: Eclesiastes 12:10.],” and endeavour to “please all men for their good to edification [Note: Romanos 15:2.]:” but he must not conceal or adulterate any single expression of the word of God [Note: 2 Coríntios 2:17.], or attempt to set forth the truths of God in a fascinating manner, for the purpose of gaining applause, or of shunning persecution [Note: 1 Coríntios 1:17.]: he must faithfully “declare the whole counsel of God,” and “commend himself to every man’s conscience in the sight of God:” and, if he do not preach in this manner, “he cannot be a servant of Jesus Christ [Note: Gálatas 1:10.].”

Neither must he seek to enrich himself with their property: “Those who serve at the altar have a right to live of the altar:” “The ox was not to be muzzled, while he was treading out the corn.” “The labourer is worthy of his hire.” But the obtaining of a maintenance should not in the least degree operate with a minister as an inducement to undertake or execute his high office. If he were actuated by such a principle as this, he would degrade himself to a mere hireling [Note: 1 Samuel 2:36.]. Nor can he suffer so mean a principle to influence him at all in his work, without greatly diminishing the value of his services, and their acceptableness in the sight of God [Note: 1 Pedro 5:2.]. The injunction given to Christians in general should be regarded with peculiar scrupulosity by him, “Let no man seek his own, but every man another’s wealth [Note: 1 Coríntios 10:24.Filipenses 2:4; Filipenses 2:21.].”]

2. The advantage only of his flock—

[Their sincere conversion to God, their progressive edification in faith and love, and their final everlasting salvation, are to be the unvaried aim of all his labours. “He must lift up his voice like a trumpet, and shew the house of Israel their sins.” He must not be satisfied with effecting a change in their sentiments and external conduct, but must continue “travailing in birth with them, till Christ be manifestly formed in their hearts.” When that end is attained, his care of them, instead of being relaxed, must be increased. They still need his unremitting exertions, to administer to their numerous wants, and to give them from time to time that direction and encouragement which their necessities require [Note: Ezequiel 34:4.]. As long as they continue in this world, he is God’s minister to them for good, and the medium through whom he will communicate to them the blessings of grace and peace. He is to live for them, to the end that he may be “an helper of their joy,” and “perfect that which is lacking in their faith.” This is to be his one employment; and he is to consider the salvation of their souls his richest recompence [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 2:19.]

This subject naturally involves in it,


The corresponding duty of the people—

The relation of pastor and flock, like every other relation in life, has its peculiar and appropriate obligations. Those which arise out of the text, as pertaining to the people, are,

1. To seek above all things the salvation of their own souls—

[We are far from saying that people are not to attend to their temporal concerns: on the contrary, we affirm, that a neglect of their worldly business is exceeding criminal in the sight of God; that their duties in civil and social life are as much to be attended to as any other duties whatever; and that their families and dependents would have just cause of complaint, if their temporal interests were disregarded. But still, the first of all duties is, the care of our own souls. Nothing can equal the value of the soul: “if we would gain the whole world, and lose our own soul, what should we be profited?” If a minister must not suffer any earthly interests to stand in competition with the souls of his people, how much less should the people suffer them to stand in competition with their own souls! In this view their duty is very strongly marked; and the reasonableness of attending to it is incontrovertibly established.]

2. To improve the ministry with all diligence—

[It has been shewn that ministers should invariably keep in view the salvation of their hearers. What then should the hearers do when about to attend upon the means of grace? Should they not bear in mind their own responsibility for their due improvement of the ordinances? Should they not pray earnestly to God to prepare their hearts for the reception of divine truth, and to accompany it with the effectual working of his almighty power? Should they not entreat him to give unto their minister “a mouth and wisdom which none shall be able to gainsay or resist;” and to direct him “how to speak a word in season to their weary souls?” In short, should they not be as solicitous to receive, as their minister can be to communicate, good; and should not every other consideration be regarded as a matter of comparative indifference? Happy would it be for the Church of God, and happy for the world at large, if such dispositions obtained amongst the hearers, wherever the Gospel is proclaimed!]


[We ask, What is the improvement which you have made of our ministry? We presume not to compare ourselves with the holy Apostle: we know full well how remote we are from him in every attainment: yet we hope that, in some small measure, we may adopt his language in the text, and say, “We seek not yours, but you.” (Would to God that we could affirm it as fully, and as confidently, as Paul himself!) Let each of you then put the question to himself, and ask, Whether the pursuit of your own salvation be the one concern which swallows up, as it were, all others? At least, are all other things comparatively worthless in your eyes? And are you, “as new-born babes, desiring the sincere milk of the word, that you may grow thereby?” Remember that, if we must give an account of your souls to God, much more must you give an account of your own souls; and the more our exertions for you are increased, the more will your condemnation be aggravated, if the prove ineffectual for your salvation.]

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