2 Coríntios 13:14

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


2 Coríntios 13:14. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.

THE priests, under the law, were appointed to bless the people [Note: Números 6:22.]. The ministers of the Gospel also may consider this as a part of their office. All St. Paul’s epistles begin or end with an authoritative benediction: that before us is more full and comprehensive than any other.

We shall endeavour to point out,

I. Its meaning—

Various are the senses in which these words have been understood. We shall content ourselves with stating what we apprehend to be the best.
The “grace of Christ” is that grace which he communicates [Note: If we understand it as relating to his special favour, it will anticipate the meaning of the next clause.]—

[There is a fulness of grace treasured up in Christ [Note: Colossenses 1:19.]: out of that all his people are to receive [Note: João 1:16.]; and all who depend upon it, shall find it sufficient for them [Note: 2 Coríntios 12:9; 2 Timóteo 2:1.]

The “love of God” is a sense of reconciliation and acceptance with him [Note: It cannot import our love to him, because it is something which we are to receive from him.]—

[For this we are prepared by the grace of Christ; and by it we are brought to regard God as our Father and our Friend.]
The “communion of the Holy Ghost” imports the abiding influence of the Spirit—
[There are sublime communications of the Spirit, which the people of God receive. These are represented as a Spirit of adoption [Note: Romanos 8:15.], a witness [Note: Romanos 8:16.], a seal [Note: Efésios 1:13.], an earnest of their eternal inheritance [Note: Efésios 1:14.]. By these they are enabled confidently to depend on God, and to delight themselves habitually in him; and by these they maintain continual fellowship with the Father and the Son [Note: 1 João 1:3.]

That all of these might be enjoyed by the Christians at Corinth, was the earnest wish and prayer of the Apostle—
[They were not gifts peculiar to a few of the most exalted saints: they were the common privilege of “all” who truly believed; and are to be experienced now, as well as in former ages. We should therefore in the word, “Amen,” express our own fervent desire to partake of them.]
Having ascertained the meaning of this benediction, let us notice,


Its importance—

This will be manifest to all, if only we inquire,

1. What should we be without “the grace of Christ?”

[Beyond a doubt we should be “dead in trespasses and sins.” There is no other source of grace, but the Lord Jesus Christ [Note: João 6:68.]: there is no substitute for grace that can have equal efficacy [Note: Not reason, or education, or human strength.]: there is no life without grace to any soul of man [Note: Efésios 2:5.]

2. What should we be without “the love of God?”

[There is no medium between a state of friendship with God, or of enmity against him. If we be not objects of his love and favour, we must be of his just and heavy displeasure.]

3. What should we be without the “communion of the Holy Ghost?”

[There is no access to God but by the Holy Ghost [Note: Efésios 2:18.]. If we be not brought to God by the Spirit, we must be afar off from him [Note: Efésios 2:13; Efésios 2:17.]; and if we are without God, we are absolutely without hope [Note: Efésios 2:12.]. Such a state is a prelude to that which will exist for ever [Note: Lucas 16:23; Lucas 16:26.]

Can any thing more strongly mark the importance of this benediction than such considerations? But let us proceed to notice,


Its excellence—

In the text is comprehended all that is great and glorious—

1. It unfolds to us the deepest mysteries—

[All the persons in the ever-blessed Trinity sustain distinct offices in the work of redemption. The Christian has, as it were, distinct communion with each of these divine persons. From each he receives that which his state requires; and from their combined influence arises his full salvation. How unsearchable are the heights and depths of this stupendous mystery!]

2. It opens to us the most glorious privileges and blessings—

[What on earth can be compared with these blessings? Contemplate “the grace of Christ,” by which the dead are quickened, the vile are sanctified, the weak are made victorious. As for “the love of God,” say, ye glorified saints, what that means; or, ye damned spirits, who know it only by your hopeless bereavement. And who can declare what “the communion of the Holy Ghost” is, when the taste of it creates a very heaven upon earth? Would to God, that the words so often, and so carelessly repeated by us, were more deeply considered, and more richly experienced!]

Learn then from hence,

The proper object of a Christian’s ambition—

[Earthly honours and carnal pleasures are unworthy of his pursuit; he should be satisfied with nothing but the full attainment of these blessings.]

2. The benefit of fervent prayer—

[We may ask the smallest things of man, and be disappointed of our hope: we may ask all that the blessed Trinity can give us, without fear of disappointment [Note: Salmos 81:10.]

3. The misery of those who are careless about religion—

[These blessings will not be bestowed unless we seek them; and, if we possess them not, we are poor indeed: if we die before we have attained them, it were better for us that we had never been born.]


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