2 Tessalonicenses 3:1

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


2 Tessalonicenses 3:1. Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may hare free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.

THE light of the material sun is hailed and welcomed by every nation under heaven: but how much more is the light of the Sun of Righteousness to be desired! If the one be necessary for our comfort in this life, the other is necessary to guide us in the way to life eternal. Hence the Apostle not only laboured to spread the Gospel himself, but endeavoured to interest all the Lord’s people in its behalf; that by their united supplications they might obtain from God whatever should conduce to its establishment in the world.
In this request of his we see,

I. What we should desire for the word of God—

1. That it should “have free course”—

[It is surprising that any should be averse to the circulation of the Scriptures; or should be jealous of the Scriptures, unless accompanied with human compositions to forestall and determine the judgment of the reader. What is this but to supersede the use of that judgment which God requires us to exercise? yea, what is this, but to return to popery? The Papists locked up the Scriptures in an unknown tongue, and forbad the laity to read them; and sent forth among the people small portions of them only, and counteracted those portions by the most erroneous comments and grossest superstitions. Far be such conduct from Protestants: freely have we received, and freely we should give: nor should we relax our efforts to disseminate the Scriptures, till every human being shall have them in his possession, and be enabled to read in his own native language the wonderful works of God [Note: See Salmos 19:4 and Romanos 10:18.]

2. That it should “be glorified”—

[What is implied in this expression, we are at no loss to determine. We have only to see how it was glorified “with them,” i.e. the Thessalonian converts, and we have the perfect model of its being glorified amongst ourselves.

In two ways is the word of God glorified; first, in the conversion of sinners; and, next, in the edification and salvation of saints.

How the Gospel wrought to the conversion of the Thessalonians, we are distinctly informed: they received it, “not as the word of man, but as the word of God:” it “came to them, not in word only, but in power:” and by it “they were turned from idols to serve the living God [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 1:5; 1 Tessalonicenses 1:9; 1 Tessalonicenses 2:13.]” — — — Similar effects were produced by it in other churches [Note: Atos 6:7; Atos 19:20.] — — — And who must not confess that the word is glorified when such wonders are wrought by it? — — — But that it is so, is expressly affirmed by the voice of inspiration itself [Note: Atos 13:48.].

Nor was the Gospel less powerful for their continued edification. This was greatly advanced among them, as the Apostle himself testified [Note: 2 Tessalonicenses 1:3; 2 Tessalonicenses 2:13.] — — — Yet nothing but the pure word of God was, or could be, effectual for this end [Note: 1 Pedro 2:2.]. As the rod of Moses wrought all those miracles in Egypt and the wilderness, so was the Gospel “the rod of God’s strength:” and in the production of such miraculous events, both the word itself, and God in it, were greatly glorified [Note: Atos 21:19.]: nor is it possible to see such effects yet produced in the hearts and lives of men, without acknowledging, that “he who hath wrought them to the self-same thing is God [Note: 2 Coríntios 5:5.]” — — —]

Let us next inquire,


How that desire is to be obtained—

The Apostle speaks of himself and all his fellow-labourers, as instruments whereby the Gospel was propagated throughout the world. And the same is true of ministers in all succeeding ages, even to the present day: they are God’s ambassadors to a rebellious world. But the prayers of God’s people are no less necessary than the efforts of his ministers: for it is God alone that can give effect to any exertions; and it is prayer alone that can interest him in our behalf—
[It is God alone that can raise up ministers, or fit them for the work [Note: Romanos 10:15 and 2 Coríntios 2:15; 2 Coríntios 3:5.] — — — Hence we are directed to “pray that God would send forth labourers into his harvest [Note: Mateus 9:38; Efésios 4:12.].”

It is God alone that can open places for them to labour in. Men universally of themselves reject the Gospel: but when God opens a door for his servants, no attempts of his enemies can shut it [Note: Atos 18:10. 1 Coríntios 16:9 and Apocalipse 3:8.] It is God alone that can give success to their endeavours. That same divine power, which first opened the understandings of the Apostles, must open the hearts of others to attend to them [Note: Lucas 24:45. with Atos 16:14.] — — — And then only does the word effect any radical change in men, when it comes “in demonstration of the Spirit, and of power [Note: 1 Coríntios 2:4; 1 Coríntios 3:5.].”

Hence St. Paul so earnestly entreated the prayers of the Thessalonian Church, and yet more earnestly the intercessions of the saints at Home [Note: Romanos 15:30.]. God has in mercy made his servants and his people mutually dependent on each other: the people being quickened by the exertions of their ministers; and ministers being strengthened by the prayers of their people: and thus the builders and the building are advanced together, and all are edified in love.]

We conclude this subject with,

A word of admonition—

[Many profess a reference for the Bible, and even display a zeal for conveying the Holy Scriptures to heathen lands, who yet make but little use of it for themselves. But this zeal for the good of others will never be admitted as a substitute for personal religion — — — Many of the religious world also, who study the Bible and profess to love the Gospel of Christ, are far from adorning that Gospel by holy tempers, and by heavenly lives — — — Let such persons look well to themselves; for “not he that saith Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of our Father which is in heaven” — — —]

2. A word of encouragement—

[Let any one see what was effected in the days of old by a few poor fishermen: and take courage to exert himself for God — — — The same power that wrought effectually in that day will concur with us — — — Let us not then despond, as though our weakness were any obstacle to success; for God will display his own power by means of it [Note: 2 Coríntios 12:9.], and “ordain strength in the mouths of babes and sucklings.” Whether therefore we address ourselves to the translation of the Scriptures into foreign languages, or labour for the circulation of them at home, let us only implore help from God, and we shall not be permitted to “labour in vain, or run in vain.”]

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