Apocalipse 1:12-17

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Apocalipse 1:12. And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; and in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; and his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead.

IN order to obtain the Divine blessing, it is necessary that we should wait upon God in all the ordinances of his appointment. Yet God has not so restricted his favours, but that we may expect the communication of them to our souls wherever we be, provided our neglect of his instituted means proceed from imperious necessity, and not from an indifference to his commands. St. John was banished to the Isle of Patmos, where he had no opportunity of assembling with the Church of Christ, and of sanctifying the Sabbath in the way to which he had been accustomed. But he sought the Lord in secret, and “was in the Spirit,” that is, in a holy heavenly frame, “on the Lord’s day:” and what was wanting to him in respect of external advantages, was abundantly compensated by an extraordinary vision of his Lord and Saviour.
We will,

I. Illustrate this vision—

In doing this, it will be proper to notice,

1. The person who appeared to him—

[This, though said to be “like unto the Son of man,” was not a created angel, but the Son of man himself, even that Jesus, “who had been dead, but was living again, and was alive for evermore [Note: ver. 18.].” This glorious person appeared to John in a manner suited to the characters and circumstances of the different Churches; and in the epistles, written to them, reference is continually made to this description of him. He is here described in his situation, habit, appearance, voice, and attitude.

1. In his situation.—There was in the temple a golden candlestick with seven lamps, to which it was the priest’s office to attend [Note: Êxodo 25:31.]. This candlestick, which on account of the number of the lamps is considered as seven, represented the seven Churches of Proconsular Asia: and “the Son of man standing in the midst of them,” denoted, that he inspected the state of Churches and individuals, to observe how their light shone, to replenish them occasionally with fresh supplies of his Spirit, and, by seasonable trials in a way of providence or of grace, to trim them, as it were, whensoever their dimness called for his special interposition.

2. In his habit.—The garments which he wore were such as were appointed for the high-priest [Note: Êxodo 28:4.]: and by this clothing he intimated, that, though he was in glory, he still executed the priestly office, presenting his blood before the mercy-seat, and “ever living to make intercession for his people.” He would have it known to the Church that he is “a Priest upon his throne [Note: Zacarias 6:13.].”

3. In his appearance.—This was august beyond all expression or conception. His hoary “head,” denoting both his majesty and wisdom, marked him out as “the Ancient of days [Note: Daniel 7:9.].” His fiery “eyes” evinced, that he searched the heart and tried the reins, and penetrated the inmost recesses of the soul. His “feet” of fine and burning brass intimated, that, as all his steps were holy, so was his procedure firm and irresistible. His “countenance,” shining as the meridian sun, displayed his excellency and glory, and his worthiness of universal love.

4. In his voice.—This, which was terrible, like the roaring of the tempestuous ocean, shewed, that, however his words had formerly been disregarded, it became all to attend to them with the deepest humility.

5. In his attitude.—He “held in his hand seven stars,” (which represented the ministers of the seven Churches [Note: ver. 20.],) and thereby intimated, that all ministers were under his direction and controul, and that they ought to shine for the good of men without regarding their menaces or assaults, since under his protection they could not but be safe. At the same time, emitting “from his mouth a sharp two-edged sword,” he declared his power and determination to subdue his enemies, and either to subject them to himself as vessels of mercy, or to cut them asunder as monuments of his indignation [Note: Apocalipse 2:16.]

2. The effect of the vision—

[On almost all occasions the appearance even of an angel has produced much fear and terror in the minds of those to whom he came: no wonder therefore that such an effect should flow from the appearance of God himself. Manoah concluded that he must die, because he had seen God face to face [Note: Juízes 13:22.]. Ezekiel [Note: Ezequiel 1:28.], Daniel [Note: Daniel 10:8.], and Paul [Note: Atos 9:4.] fell down before him, unable to sustain the brightness of his glory. Once indeed man could converse with his Maker face to face: but, since the introduction of sin into the world, he has been intimidated by a sense of guilt, and incapacitated for so high an honour; insomuch that the most beloved of all Christ’s Disciples was overwhelmed at the sight of him, and “fell at his feet as dead.”]

Not to insist any longer on the circumstances of the vision, we shall,


Deduce from it some pertinent observations—

1. They who suffer much for their Lord may expect peculiar manifestations of his power and love—

[John was now in banishment: yet, though suffering much by reason of hardships and privations, he was infinitely happier than Domitian on his throne. St. Paul also found, that, “as his afflictions abounded, so also did his consolations.” Thus it shall be with all who suffer for righteousness’ sake. What then have they to fear? Need they regard the reproaches of men, when they are so highly honoured by their God? Need they be concerned about losses, when they are enriched with such invaluable communications? Need they fear stripes, or imprisonment, when their trials may lead to such manifestations as these? — — —]

2. We have reason to be thankful that our Lord reveals himself to us now through the medium of men, and of the written word—

[We see from the example before us how much we should be disconcerted by visions; and how unfit they would be, as stated means, of edifying the Church. But when God speaks to us by the instrumentality of men, we can attend with ease, and weigh with care whatever is brought to our ears. It is true, indeed, that many take occasion from this circumstance to despise the word, when otherwise they would tremble at it: but, on the other hand, myriads are “drawn to God by the cords of a man,” who otherwise would only have brought upon themselves, like Pharaoh, an aggravated condemnation. Let us then improve this privilege; and, however weak God’s instruments may be, let us attend to them with reverence, that his agency may be rendered visible in our experience [Note: 2 Coríntios 4:7.] — — —]

3. The brighter discoveries we have of Christ, the more shall we be humbled in the dust before him—

[The appearances of God to man have at all times tended to the humbling of their souls. Abraham and Moses no sooner caught a sight of him, than they hid their faces, from a consciousness of their own extreme unworthiness: and Job, though one of the most perfect of men, confessed himself “vile,” and “abhorred himself in dust and ashes [Note: Jó 42:5.].” Even the seraphim before the throne make use of their wings to veil their faces and their feet, and confess thereby that they are unworthy either to serve or to behold their God [Note: Isaías 6:2.]. And would not a view of the Lord in his glory make us also to cry out, “Woe is me, I am unclean [Note: Isaías 6:5.]!” Yes: a discovery of created things may puff us up: but a sight of God himself cannot but abase us in the dust — — —]

4. There is a day coming when the most stouthearted sinner will tremble before him—

[If John, who had lain in the bosom of his Lord, and had seen him transfigured on the holy mount, and was in himself so eminently holy, so highly beloved; if he fell at the Redeemer’s feet as dead, what will the ungodly do in the day of judgment? If, when God spake from Mount Sinai, the Israelites were so terrified as to desire that he would speak to them no more in such a way; and “Moses himself exceedingly quaked and feared;” how shall not the wicked tremble in that day, when Jesus shall appear in all his glory to judge the world? Let them laugh now if they will: but they will soon “call upon the rocks to fall upon them, and the hills to cover them from the wrath of the Lamb.” O that to-day, while it is called to-day, they would hear his voice, and no more harden their hearts against him!]

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