Apocalipse 2:17

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Apocalipse 2:17. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.

IN every one of the epistles, it is the promise that comes last: for our blessed Lord would have a free and willing service, and not a service constrained by fear. Not but that threatenings are good in their place, because they produce a holy fear and caution: but it is by the promises chiefly that God accomplishes the work of his grace within us: and when we truly apprehend them, we shall invariably experience their renewing efficacy; and be led by them to “cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God [Note: 2 Coríntios 7:1.].”

In discoursing on the words before us, I shall endeavour to set before you,

I. The blessedness that awaits the victorious Christian—

The terms used in my text require much explanation. But, when duly considered, they will be found to intimate, that, in the eternal world, the victorious Christian will have accorded to him,

1. A more intimate connexion with the Lord Jesus—

[“To him will I give to eat of the hidden manna.” On manna the Israelites subsisted forty years in the Wilderness. But from the day that they ate corn in the land of Canaan, the supply of manna was withheld [Note: Josué 5:10.]. There was, however, a vessel full of manna deposited with the ark, as a memorial of God’s goodness to them in the Wilderness [Note: Êxodo 16:32.]. Any which the Israelites themselves attempted to hoard, even for a day, excepting for their use on the Sabbath-day, “bred worms, and stank;” but that which was laid up by God’s command, continued good for many hundreds of years, even to the time when all the vessels of the sanctuary were seized by Nebuchadnezzar, and carried into Babylon [Note: Hebreus 9:4.].

Now, it must be remembered, that the manna was a type of Christ [Note: João 6:31.]. Even to the Jews it was “spiritual meat [Note: 1 Coríntios 10:3.]:” and all who had a spiritual discernment partook of Christ in it [Note: João 6:48.]. To us, of course, there is no such food vouchsafed, so far as relates to the body: but in our souls we may feed upon it, even as they: for by faith our souls subsist on Christ, and live by him, even as their bodies did by a daily participation of the manna itself. Yet it is by faith only that we partake of this benefit. Not so when we reach the heavenly Canaan: the life of faith shall then cease, and the life of sense commence. The manna is laid up for us within the sanctuary, by the ark of God. There is the Lord Jesus Christ himself; and there shall we be admitted to the closest possible communion with him. Even here our souls lived by means of him; but there he will be, in a far more intimate manner than he could be in this world, our very life [Note: Compare João 6:37 and Colossenses 3:3. with Apocalipse 21:23; Apocalipse 22:1.]. Here we had the foretaste of heavenly things: but there we shall have the full enjoyment [Note: 1 Coríntios 13:12.]

2. A more assured sense of his favour—

[“He will give us a white stone.”—Amongst the Greeks and Romans, when any man was tried for an offence against the State, those who sat in judgment upon him gave their verdict by means of a white stone, if they acquitted him; or by a black stone, if they condemned him: and, on some occasions, the vote they gave was confirmed by an inscription on the stone itself. Thus, when we arrive in the heavenly land, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Judge of quick and dead, will put into our hands a white stone, in token that we are fully and for ever justified in the sight of God. This blessing, also, was vouchsafed to us, in a measure, in this life: for there are many who are enabled to say, “We know that we have passed from death unto life [Note: 1 João 3:14.];” yes, there are many who are privileged to possess a “full assurance of hope [Note: Hebreus 6:11.].” But still we are in the body: and no man can tell what a day may bring forth: nor does it become any man, who is “yet girt with his armour, to boast as one that putteth it off [Note: 1 Reis 20:11.].” Here our faith must be mixed with fear [Note: Romanos 11:20.]: but in that day there shall be no occasion either for faith or fear; for faith shall be lost in sight, and hope be consummated in fruition. Yes, the very stone that declares our acquittal shall be put into our own hands; and be, to all eternity, an evidence of our acquittal, and a pledge that it shall never be reversed.]

3. A more exquisite enjoyment of his love—

[On the stone shall be a name written, which no man knoweth, “saving he that receiveth it.” God gave new names to many of his beloved people; to Abram, and Sarai, and Jacob, and Solomon: and a new name will God give to his victorious servants, “a name better than of sons and of daughters [Note: Isaías 56:4.].” Even now are we called by that august title, “The Sons of God: and the world knows us not, because it knows not him [Note: 1 João 3:1.].” Even now have we “a joy with which a stranger intermeddleth not [Note: Provérbios 14:10.],” and which language would fail us adequately to express [Note: 1 Pedro 1:8.]. A Spirit of adoption, and the witness of the Spirit, who can comprehend, except the person that has received them [Note: Romanos 8:15.]? “This secret of the Lord is with those only who fear him: to whom, also, he shews his covenant [Note: Salmos 25:14.],” with all its unsearchable and inestimable benefits. But “the love of Christ, in all its heights and depths, infinitely surpasses all human knowledge [Note: Efésios 3:18.]:” nor, indeed, shall we be fully able to comprehend it, even in heaven. But there, on the white stone that shall be given us, will be engraven such characters as none but the possessor of that stone can comprehend. Conceive of a soul before whom all the glory of the Godhead is displayed, and to whom all the wonders of redeeming love are revealed, and into whose bosom all the fulness of God’s love is poured: and who shall estimate his joy? The sublimest conceptions that any finite being can form of such bliss would fall as far below it, as the glimmering of the glow-worm below the lustre of the noon-day sun. It must be felt, in order to be known.]

Does all this blessedness await the victorious soul? Think, then, what are,


The measures which sound wisdom will prescribe, in relation to it—

Surely you have anticipated all that I can have to say under this head. Yet it will be proper, at all events, that I add my testimony to what I am persuaded must be the dictates of all your minds. I say, then,

1. Enlist, without delay, under the banners of your Lord and Saviour—

[You are all, of necessity, called to be soldiers of Jesus Christ. In your very baptism you engaged to “fight against the world, the flesh, and the devil, and to be Christ’s faithful soldiers and servants to your lives’ end. I call upon you, then, to execute the office which has thus devolved upon you. Mark, I pray you, the restrictive clause in my text: “To him that overcometh will I give” all this blessedness. It is not to him that never fights at all, nor to him that “fights only as one that beats the air:” no; it is to him who “wars a good warfare,” and overcomes all his enemies; to him, I say, and to him alone, will all these blessings be vouchsafed. Grieved I am to say, that, according to this view of God’s promises, there are but few that will ever taste the sweetness of them: but I entreat you, my brethren, to engage without delay in this warfare; and so to fight, that you may obtain the crown that fadeth not away — — —]

2. Whatever conflicts you may have to sustain, never cease to fight, until you have obtained the victory–

[You must expect conflicts, and severe ones too, ere you are liberated from your engagements. A man who fights only against his fellow-man shall have much to endure before he gains the victory: and do you think that the world and the flesh and the devil will yield without much resistance? Look at the saints, that have gone before you, and you will find that “they all came out of great tribulation.” Your Saviour himself overcame not, but by the sacrifice of his own life. Be ye then ready to sacrifice your lives in this glorious contest [Note: Hebreus 2:14.]: and as “He, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross and despised the shame, and is now set down at the right hand of God [Note: Hebreus 12:2.];” so shall ye also, if only ye faint not, in due season “reign with him in glory for evermore [Note: Gálatas 6:9.]” — — —]

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