Isaías 66:2

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Isaías 66:2. To this man will I look, even to him that it poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.

IT often happens that accidental distinctions serve men as grounds of confidence towards God. Many found their hopes on no better basis than Micah did [Note: Juízes 17:13.]: the Jews in particular thought themselves assured of the Divine favour because of God’s residence in their temple [Note: Hence that common boast among them, Jeremias 7:4.]. But God shews them the folly of their notions [Note: ver. 1, 2. The import of which is, How can you think that I, an infinite Being, who myself created those things of which you boast, can be allured by an earthly structure to continue my presence among you, if you persist in your evil ways?], and declares the character of those who alone shall be considered by him with any favourable regard:

I. Who are the objects of the Divine favour—

Men choose for their companions the rich and gay; but those whom God regards are of a very different character—

1. They feel themselves destitute of all good

[It is not temporal, but spiritual poverty, that distinguishes God’s people. They have discovered their total want of spiritual wisdom [Note: Provérbios 30:2.]. They are constrained to acknowledge that they have no righteousness of their own [Note: Isaías 64:6.], and that they an “without strength” for obedience [Note: Romanos 5:6; 2 Coríntios 3:5.]. They unfeignedly adopt the language of St. Paul [Note: Romanos 7:18.]— Nor do they hope for mercy but as the free gift of God [Note: They say not, like the servant, Mateus 18:26. but desire to experience the clemency shewn to insolvent debtors, Lucas 7:42.]

2. They bewail the many evils they have committed

[They hare been made to see that sin is hateful to God; and they have felt the bitterness of it in their own consciences. They know experimentally the sensations of David [Note: Salmos 38:4; Salmos 38:6; Salmos 38:8.]. They lothe themselves for all their abominations [Note: Ezequiel 36:31.]. Nor are their convictions merely occasional or transient; they are habitually of a tender and “contrite spirit.”]

3. They pay a reverential regard to every word of God

[They dare not say like the idolatrous Jews [Note: Jeremias 44:16.]— They rather resemble the man after God’s own heart [Note: Salmos 119:161.]. If the word be preached, they “receive it as the word, not of man, but of God.” They hear the threatenings like the meek Josiah [Note: 2 Crônicas 34:19; 2 Crônicas 34:27.]. They attend to the promises with an eager desire to embrace them. To every precept they listen with an obedient ear [Note: Like Cornelius, Atos 10:33 and Paul, Atos 22:10. yes, the angels in heaven, Salmos 103:20.]

These, though generally considered by the world as weak and superstitious, are not overlooked by the Supreme Being.


The peculiar regard which God shews them—

The “eyes of God are in every place beholding the evil and the good;” but he “looks to” these, in a far different manner from others. This distinguishing favour implies,

1. Approbation of them—

[From the proud and self-sufficient God turns his face [Note: Tiago 4:6.]; but he “despises not the broken and contrite in heart [Note: Salmos 51:17.].” Though so exalted in himself, he will not disdain to notice them. His approbation of such characters stands recorded for ever [Note: Lucas 18:13.]. His reception of the prodigal is an eternal monument of the regard he will shew to entry repenting sinner.]

2. Care over them—

[Wherever they go, his eye is upon them for good [Note: 2 Crônicas 16:9.]. He watches them in order to deliver them from danger [Note: Salmos 12:5.]. He watches them in order to comfort them in trouble [Note: Salmos 147:3.]. He watches them in order to relieve them in want [Note: Isaías 41:17.]. He watches them in order to exalt them to happiness and honour [Note: 1 Samuel 2:8.]

3. Delight in them—

[There are none on earth so pleasing to God as broken-hearted sinners. Their sighs and groans are as music in his ears [Note: Salmos 102:19.]. Their tears he treasures up in his vial [Note: Salmos 56:8.]. He dwells with them as his dearest friends [Note: Isaías 57:15.]. He rejoices over them as a people in whom he greatly delights [Note: Sofonias 3:12; Sofonias 3:17.]. He saves them here by the unceasing exercise of his power [Note: Salmos 34:15; Salmos 34:18.]; and reserves for them hereafter an inheritance in heaven [Note: Mateus 5:3.]

Nor shall the fewness of such characters render them at all less the objects of God’s regard—
[It must be acknowledged that they are but few. But if there were only one in the whole world, God would find him out [Note: “To this man, &c. even to him,” &c.]. Not all the splendour of heaven, nor all the acclamations of angels, should for a moment divert God’s attention from him. Though he were despised by all the human race, yet should he be amiable in the eyes of his Maker. Nor should he want any thing in time or eternity. Never shall that declaration in any instance be falsified [Note: Salmos 138:6.]—]


How should we admire the condescension of God!—

[If we view only the material world we may well stand astonished that God should regard such an insignificant creature as man [Note: Salmos 8:3.]. But, if we contemplate the majesty of God, we cannot but exclaim with Solomon [Note: 1 Reis 8:27.]— Let then the declaration in the text lead our thoughts up to God. Let us adore him for so clearly describing the objects of his favour. And let us express our admiration in the words of David [Note: Salmos 113:5.]—]

2. How should we desire to attain the character that is pleasing to God!—

[The pool and contrite are exclusively beloved of God. If he look on others, it is only as he did on the Egyptians [Note: Êxodo 14:24.]. And how dreadful must it be to have such an enemy! But how delightful to have an almighty, omnipresent guardian! Above all, how awful must it be to have him turn his face from us in the day of judgment! Let us then endeavour to humble ourselves before God [Note: Isaías 2:11.]. And rest assured that the promised mercy shall in due time be fulfilled to us [Note: Tiago 4:10.]

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