Miquéias 5:4

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Miquéias 5:4. He shall stand and feed in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God; and they shall abide: for now shall he be great unto the ends of the earth.

OF whom the prophet speaks, there can be no doubt. The preceding context indisputably refers to the Lord Jesus Christ [Note: ver. 2. with Mateus 2:6 and João 7:42.] — — — Till he should come into the world, the kingdoms of Israel and of Judah should never be re-united [Note: ver. 3.]: but after he should have come, and finished his course on earth, he should establish his empire over the whole earth; and unite all, both Jews and Gentiles, in one body, as one fold under one Shepherd. Of this the prophet speaks in our text, even of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ: and he declares,

I. Its first establishment—

[Christ is “the Shepherd of Israel.” As such, he feeds and rules his people [Note: Mateus 2:6. The Greek.]. In his appearance, indeed, he was mean; but he established his kingdom with power. It was announced as at hand by his forerunner, John [Note: Mateus 3:2.]: and was declared by himself as already come [Note: Mateus 12:28.]. By all his words and actions he shewed himself entitled to establish it [Note: João 5:22; Mateus 25:31.]. And at the judgment-seat of Pilate he confessed himself a King [Note: João 18:37.]. For this, indeed, he was put to death [Note: João 19:3; João 19:12.]: as the superscription on his cross proclaimed [Note: João 19:19.]. On the very cross he acknowledged himself a King, and promised to the dying suppliant a participation of his throne [Note: Lucas 23:42.]. Indeed, it was upon the cross that he triumphed over his enemies, and established his kingdom [Note: Colossenses 2:14.]. After his resurrection, he gave commission to his disciples to go forth in his name [Note: Mateus 28:18.]: on the day of Pentecost he subdued multitudes to himself; and from that day he has been enlarging his kingdom in every quarter of the globe. Through the whole of his ministry on earth, he acted with authority, as here foretold; “standing and feeding in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God.”]

From its first establishment, the prophet goes on to speak of,


Its subsequent preservation—

[From the first instant that the establishment of Christ’s kingdom was announced, it was assailed from every quarter. The question asked by the eastern Magi was, “Where is he that is born King of the Jews?” And instantly was Herod’s jealousy moved to such a degree, that, to ensure the death of Jesus, “he sent forth and slew all the children in Bethlehem and the surrounding country, from two years old and under [Note: Mateus 2:2; Mateus 2:16.].” From the time that he entered on his ministry, his life was sought; till at last his enemies accomplished their cruel purpose, unwittingly accomplishing, at the same time, the very end for which he came into the world. The same opposition has been made to his kingdom in every age and every place. The history of the Acts of the Apostles is one continued illustration of this fact. But greater was He that was in them, than he that actuated his malignant foes. In different places, indeed, his interests have been subverted, as in the Seven Churches of Asia; but if the candlestick have been taken from one place, it has been sent to another. The Church itself has stood, as a rock in the midst of the ocean, and has defied all the waves that beat upon it. Our blessed Lord said, that “it was founded on a rock, and that the gates of hell should never prevail against it [Note: Mateus 16:18.]:” and this saying of his has been fulfilled: for though, like the burning bush, it has been continually immersed in flames, it never has been, nor ever shall be, consumed by them. “It shall abide,” as the prophet has said [Note: The Text.]: “it shall break in pieces, and consume all other kingdoms; but itself shall stand for ever and ever [Note: Daniel 2:44.].”]

My text yet further declares,


Its ultimate extension—

[Its limits hitherto have been narrow and contracted; but the time is coming when they shall extend “to the very ends of the earth.” Yes, indeed, “He shall be exalted, and extolled, and be very high [Note: Isaías 52:13.].” “All kings shall fall down before him; all nations shall serve him [Note: Salmos 72:11.].” All the kingdoms of the world shall be his [Note: Apocalipse 11:15.];; and under the whole heavens “there shall be but one Lord, and his name one [Note: Zacarias 14:9. See, to the same effect, Salmos 2:8; Salmos 22:27.]” — — —]


Let the kingdom of our Lord be welcomed by you—

[Verily his subjects are happy; for “his yoke is easy, and his burthen light.” Not so the subjects of sin and Satan. No: “they are in sore bondage: for the way of transgressors is hard.” Submit ye then, Brethren, to his sceptre: “obey his voice; for God’s name is in him [Note: Êxodo 23:21.]:” and know assuredly, that if you still continue to rebel against him, the time is coming when he will say, “Bring hither those that were mine enemies, who would not that I should reign over them, and slay them before me.”]

Let his name be dear unto you—

[“To them that believe, he is precious [Note: 1 Pedro 2:7.].” And he deserves to be so: for he “delivers his subjects from the powers of darkness,” and makes them kings like unto himself [Note: Lucas 22:29; Apocalipse 1:6; Apocalipse 3:21.]. He will be dear, and his name will be great amongst all nations [Note: Salmos 72:17.]. O let him be so to you! Receive him into your hearts as your Saviour and Redeemer, yea, and as your Lord and Governor.]

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5:4 terra. (a-40) Ou 'terra'....

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1 Crônicas 29:11; 1 Crônicas 29:12; 1 Pedro 1:5; Efésios 1:3; Êxod