Romanos 16:20

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Romanos 16:20. The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.

IN order to get forward in our Christian course, we must unite a strenuous exertion of our own powers with an humble dependence on the Divine aid. We cannot work without God; and God will not work without us: but if we look to him for assistance, and yet labour in a diligent and prudent way, he will succour us with his almighty power, and “perfect that which concerneth us.” St. Paul, cautioning the Christians at Rome against those who caused divisions and offences, exhorts them to cultivate that wisdom of the serpent and that harmlessness of the dove, which would serve to counteract their efforts: yet for their final success he directs their eyes to God, through whose co-operation alone they could maintain their integrity, and in whose strength they should eventually overcome. In discoursing on his words, we shall consider,

I. The promise which God has here given to the Church—

Satan is an active and powerful adversary to God’s people—
[His exertions are directed against the Church at large, and against every individual member of it. Indefatigable are his exertions in causing dissensions and divisions among the various societies of Christians, embittering them one against another, or sowing discord among themselves. And though these feuds may be considered as arising from the turbulence and pride of men, yet must they also be referred to Satan as their original author; since it is he who instigates the professors of religion, as well as others, to the commission of sin [Note: This is intimated in the context. Compare ver. 17, 20.]. Much of carnal contention prevailed in the Church of Corinth; and that the Apostle repeatedly ascribes to Satan: he calls the authors of it “his ministers,” and puts the members of that Church on their guard, “lest the serpent, who beguiled Eve through his subtlety, should corrupt them from the simplicity of Christ [Note: 2 Coríntios 11:3; 2 Coríntios 11:15.].” He tells them how ready Satan was to take advantage of them in the matter of the incestuous man [Note: 2 Coríntios 2:11.]; and in general, whatever evils occur in the Church, he traces them up to Satan’s temptations as their proper source [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 3:5.]. Nor is there any individual among the Lord’s people, whom that wicked one does not endeavour to harass and destroy. It was he who stirred up David to number the people [Note: 1 Crônicas 21:1.]: it was he who influenced Peter to deny his Lord with oaths and curses [Note: Lucas 22:31.]: and, who can tell to what straits he would have reduced the Apostle Paul by his buffetings, if that holy man had not obtained timely succour from his Lord [Note: 2 Coríntios 12:7.]? Indeed, if he had the effrontery and the malice to assault even our Lord himself, and if he repeatedly reduced even him to such a state as that he needed to be strengthened by an angel from heaven [Note: Mateus 4:11 and Lucas 22:43.], well may we suppose that he will not suffer us to pass unmolested and unassailed.]

But God has promised to “bruise him under our feet”—
[God is “the God of peace” primarily as being reconciled to us through the death of his Son: but he has this name assigned to him in our text chiefly as delighting in the social order and the personal happiness of his people. In this view he enters the lists against our great adversary, and undertakes to subdue him for us. Already has he given us an earnest of our triumph in enabling his Son to “bruise that serpent’s head” upon the cross [Note: Gênesis 3:15 and Colossenses 2:15.]; and it is a very short time that that wicked one shall retain the present remnant of his power. Though permitted to fight against us, his rage is overruled for the benefit of the saints and the glory of God: and, as when he possessed the bodies of men, his malice always terminated in his own confusion, so, in every instance, shall he be foiled in his endeavours to destroy the souls that belong to Christ. He is even now a vanquished enemy [Note: João 12:31.]; and soon shall the very weakest believer trample on him, as Joshua trampled on the necks of the kings of Canaan [Note: Josué 10:24.]

If we desire this mercy at the hands of God, we shall be glad to know,


The way in which we may expect him to accomplish it—

However various his dealings may be with different persons in some minute particulars, there are general rules which he will observe towards all:

1. He will increase the triumphs of his people over Satan in this world—

[Satan gains great advantage over young Christians by means of their unsubdued corruptions, and their inexperience in the spiritual warfare. To defeat his malignant efforts, God increases the strength of his people, and gives them a deeper insight into the devices of their enemy. He clothes them with divine armour, and teaches them how to use the sword of the Spirit, and the shield of faith [Note: Efésios 6:13.]. By exercise he renders them expert soldiers, and enables them to “war a good warfare.” Instead of exposing themselves needlessly to danger, they are now taught to “watch and be sober;” instead of indulging a vain conceit of their own purity and strength, they are led to suspect the treachery of their own hearts, and to depend more simply on the grace of Christ. Thus they learn to fight a good fight; and, though sometimes wounded by his fiery darts, they “resist their enemy till he flees from them [Note: Tiago 4:7.].”]

2. He will give them a complete and everlasting victory over him in the world to come—

[While they are in the flesh Satan will renew his assaults upon them. There is no place so sacred, but he will intrude into it; nor any person so holy, but he will seek to destroy him. When the sons of Job were assembled before the Lord, Satan came also in the midst of them [Note: Jó 2:1.]: and when Joshua stood in the Divine presence, the same wicked fiend stood at his right hand to resist him [Note: Zacarias 3:1.]: nor will he suspend his attacks even when we are bowing our knees at the throne of grace, or assembled around the table of the Lord. But into heaven he can never enter: there we shall be lodged in perfect safety: thence we may deride his impotent attempts, and rejoice over him as a captive foe.

But it may be said, That we rather escape from him, than triumph over him: for that he still continues master of the field. We answer, No: for he shall in due time be dragged in chains of darkness into our very presence; and, as assessors with Christ in judgment, we shall judge him and all his angels [Note: 1 Coríntios 6:2.]. We shall confirm the sentence passed upon him; and add our hearty Amen to the curse that dooms him to eternal fire.]


How great and precious are the promises of God!—

[To those who know nothing of the Christian warfare, this promise will afford but little satisfaction: but to those who have been long conflicting with the powers of darkness, it will be a ground of inexpressible joy and thankfulness. Such an assurance of victory will revive their drooping spirits, and reanimate them for the combat: nor will they be averse to maintain the contest as long as God shall see fit to try their faith and patience: having this word, they want no more: “they know in whom they have believed;” and that, though now their hands hang down and their hearts are faint, they shall soon make heaven itself to echo with their shouts of victory [Note: Here might be a personal address to those who are assaulted with temptations of any kind, urging them to combine holy vigilance with a steadfast faith. 1 Pedro 5:8.]. O that all might have an interest in this promise, and experience its completion in the realms of bliss!]

2. How much are we concerned to obtain peace with God!—

[It is to those only who are reconciled to God that the promise in the text is made. If we have never yet obtained mercy at his hands through the blood of Jesus, we shall in vain hope to conquer this cruel adversary. God, so far from interposing for us, will give us into his hands; and, instead of fighting for us as a friend, will himself be our enemy. Miserable indeed shall we then be; for, if we cannot contend with Satan, how shall we be able to withstand Jehovah? “Will our hands be strong in the day that he shall deal with us, or can we thunder with a voice like his?” Let us then seek reconciliation with him; — — — so shall he be a “God of peace” to us, and secure us victory in the day of battle.]


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