Salmos 36:6

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 36:6. Thy judgments are a great deep.

WE little think how highly privileged the meanest Christian is above all the sages of antiquity. The greatest philosophers of Greece and Rome were un able to account for the existence of moral evil upon earth, or to see through the disorder and confusion which it has produced throughout the world. But the servant of the Lord is instructed to trace every thing to an All-wise and Almighty Power, who brings light out of darkness and order from confusion, and overrules every thing for the glory of his own name. To this Divine Being, the child of God has recourse in all his difficulties, and in the contemplation of Him finds comfort under the sorest trials. David, under the persecutions of Saul, was reduced to the greatest extremities: but, after complaining of the subtlety of his implacable enemy, “he encouraged himself in the Lord his God,” who was able to accomplish his own gracious designs, not only in opposition to this powerful adversary, but by the very means which Saul was using to defeat them.
The word “judgments” has, in Scripture, many different significations. As used in my text, we may consider it as comprehending both the word and the works of God. In illustration, therefore, of our text, we may observe that “God’s judgments are a great deep,”


As displayed in his word—

The whole of Revelation is a mystery. But, that we may not be led over too wide a field, we will confine our attention to two points:

1. Our fall in Adam—

[This is a fact to which the whole Scripture bears witness: “In Adam all died [Note: 1 Coríntios 15:22.];” and “by the offence of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation [Note: Romanos 5:17.].” Now, that he should himself be drawn into sin, circumstanced as he was, perfect in his nature, and supplied with every thing which his soul could desire, is wonderful. But it is a fact, that he did commit sin, and brought upon himself God’s righteous indignation. That in his sin all his posterity should be involved, is a yet deeper mystery; for which it would be impossible for us to account, if God had not plainly and unequivocally revealed it. That the whole world is full of sin, is obvious to the most superficial observer. That the very nature of man is corrupt, is also evident. No one who has ever marked the dispositions of an infant can entertain a doubt of it [Note: Salmos 51:5.]. But was man first created in such a state? Can we conceive of a holy Being forming, in the first instance, such unholy creatures ? Human wisdom is altogether lost, and confounded, whilst occupied on this mysterious subject. But God has explained it to us in his word. He has told us, what, when revealed, is a self-evident truth, that “no man can bring a clean thing out of an unclean [Note: Jó 14:4.].” He has told us, also, what we could never have imagined or conceived, that the very guilt of Adam is transmitted to us, because he was not a private and isolated individual, but the head and representative of all his descendants: so that we come into the world, not only corrupt creatures, but “children of wrath [Note: Efésios 2:3.].”

Now say, whether this be not “a great deep.” Who can comprehend it? Who is not lost in wonder at the contemplation of it?]

2. Our recovery by Jesus Christ—

[That there should be a possibility of restoring man to the divine favour, is what no finite intelligence could ever have conceived. Not one of the fallen angels ever was restored: nor could the restoration of man, it might be thought, have ever been compatible with the honour of our offended God. But God contrived a way, wherein he might be “just, and yet the justifier of sinful men [Note: Romanos 3:26.].” For this end he gave his onlybegotten Son, to stand in our place, to bear our sins, to “make reconciliation for our iniquities, and to bring m an everlasting righteousness,” wherein we might stand accepted before our God.

Well might the Apostle say, “Great is the mystery of godliness [Note: 1 Timóteo 3:16.].” Who can contemplate “God manifest in human flesh,” and dying in the place of his own sinful and rebellious creatures, and not stand amazed at this stupendous effort of love and mercy? Truly, it far “surpasses all the knowledge” whether of men or angels. And, if it were not confirmed to us by testimony that is absolutely unquestionable, we could not but regard it altogether as “a cunningly-devised fable;” so unfathomable are the depths contained in it, and so incomprehensible the love [Note: Efésios 3:18.]

But let us contemplate God’s judgments,


As manifested in his works—

Let us notice them in his works,

1. Of providence—

[These also are as inscrutable as redemption itself. Who, that surveyed Joseph in all his different scenes of woe, could ever imagine whither they were conducting him, or to what they would lead? Truly there is “a wheel within a wheel [Note: Ezequiel 1:16.];” and whilst all appears uncertainty around us, every thing is working to a fixed end, even to accomplish what God himself has predicted in his word. The smallest incidents that can be imagined are often productive of the most wonderful events: the casting of a lot, the sleepless restlessness of Ahasuerus, the casual turning to a particular record, to a common observer would appear as matters of trifling moment: yet on them depended the preservation of the whole Jewish people [Note: Ester 3:7; Ester 6:1.]. And we too, if we look back upon our past lives, may find many minute occurrences, which seemed to be of no account at the time, but which contributed in the most essential manner to influence and fix our future destinies; so that at this hour there is not one amongst us whose life would not serve for the illustrating of this point, and constrain him with the profoundest admiration to exclaim, “How unsearchable are God’s judgments, and his ways past finding out [Note: Romanos 11:33.]!”]

2. Of grace—

[Who, that had seen Paul in his unconverted state, would ever have supposed that God had designs of love towards him ? Yet, when he had well nigh filled up the measure of his iniquities, God arrested him in his career, and made him a most distinguished monument of his mercy; insomuch that all future ages were to regard him as “a pattern,” by which the extent of God’s mercy might be estimated, and the hopes of penitents be encouraged [Note: 1 Timóteo 1:12.]. Certainly the conduct of Onesimus towards his master Philemon must appear a very strange link in the purposes of heaven, relative to his salvation: yet were his dishonesty and flight made use of by God as means to bring him under the ministry of St. Paul, and, through that, to a conversion of soul to God, and to the everlasting possession of happiness and glory [Note: Philem. ver. 15.]. Not that God’s designs of mercy towards him lessened in any degree the guilt which he contracted: nor is sin of any kind the less sinful on account of the use which God may make of it for the accomplishment of his own designs: for then the murderers of our blessed Lord must have been accounted the best, rather than the most guilty, of mankind. No: sin is a deadly evil, by whomsoever it is committed, and whatsoever it may effect: but this I say, that God both does and will accomplish his own eternal counsels, in ways which no finite wisdom could have contrived, nor any finite power have brought to a successful issue. “Verily,” says the prophet, “thou art a God that hidest thyself [Note: Isaías 45:15.].” And so, indeed, we may all say. For who can look back upon the way in which he has been brought from his youth up even to this present moment, and especially upon the way in which he has been led to the knowledge of the Saviour, and not stand amazed at “the goodness and mercy that have followed him,” and at the wisdom and power that have effected so great things for him? Yes: we must all fully acquiesce in that sentiment of Zophar: “Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty to perfection? It is high as heaven; what canst thou do? it is deeper than hell; what canst thou know? the measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea [Note: Jó 11:7.].”]

Let us, then, learn from hence,

1. Submission to God’s will—

[We may have been brought into circumstances of the most afflictive nature: but we should remember who it is that ordereth all things, even to the falling of a sparrow upon the ground. Men and devils may be labouring for our destruction: and God may suffer them to proceed to the very utmost extremity, till, like the murderers of our Lord, they may exult in, what appears to them, the full attainment of their purpose; but God says to all of them, “Hitherto shalt thou come, and no farther.” True it is that “His way is in the sea, and his footsteps are not known [Note: Salmos 77:19.]:” but you must never forget, that though “clouds and darkness are round about him, righteousness and judgment are the basis of his throne [Note: Salmos 97:2.].” “What he does, you may not at present know: but you shall know hereafter [Note: João 13:7.]:” and you may be sure that at the last you shall add your testimony to that of all his saints, “He hath done all things well [Note: Marcos 7:37.].” Your way may be circuitous, and attended with great difficulties: but you will find, at last, that it was “the right way [Note: Salmos 107:7.],” the way most conducive to your best interests, and most calculated to advance his glory. Let us, then, wait to “see the end of the Lord [Note: Tiago 5:11.];” and, under all circumstances, say, “It is the Lord; let him do what seemeth him good.”]

2. Affiance in his word—

[There is light sufficient: there we see what God will most assuredly accomplish. There may appear to be a discordance between the word and works of God; but they will be found to harmonize at last: “nor shall one jot or tittle of his word ever fail.” Lay hold, then, on the promises of God: rest on them: plead them at the throne of his grace: and expect the accomplishment of them in due season. But be not impatient under any delays: “If the vision tarry, wait for it;” assured that “it will not tarry” beyond the appointed time [Note: Habacuque 2:3.]. Never, under any circumstances, say, “All these things are against me;” because God has promised that “they shall all work together for your good [Note: Romanos 8:28.].” But, conceive of a soul just liberated from the body, and from the throne of God looking back upon the way in which it has been brought thither; with what admiration will it then be filled! and what praises will it pour forth on account of the dispensations which till now it was not able to unravel! This should now be the posture of your soul. Most safely may you trust in God, to the full extent of his promises: for, whatever difficulties may lie in his way, “His counsel shall stand; and He will do all his will.”]

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