Lucas 12:32

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Lucas 12:32. Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

AMONG the many faculties which exalt man above the brute creation, that of being able to look into futurity is by no means the least: but while this in many instances elevates him with hope, in many other instances it depresses him with fear. Hence he is often filled with anxiety to secure the good he hopes for, and to avert the evil which he dreads. To discountenance this solicitude, and to teach men to live dependent upon God, is the scope of our Lord’s discourse before us. And, in the text, he fortifies his own peculiar people against fear and anxiety, by reminding them of the distinguishing favour of God towards them, and the glorious provision he has made for them. To elucidate his words we shall shew,

I. What the Lord’s people have to fear—

The Lord’s people are but “a little flock” —
[They once “went astray like sheep that are lost:” but they have been brought home by Christ, the great and good shepherd, and have been united together by him in one fold. They are kept enclosed, as it were, and distinct from the world: they “hear their shepherd’s voice and follow him: he “leads them into pastures” which he himself has provided for them: “he administers to all their wants,” “strengthening the diseased, healing the sick, and binding up the broken [Note: Ezequiel 34:16.].” The lambs he carries in his bosom, and gently leads them that are with young [Note: Isaías 40:11.]; and, however they may feed in different pastures, he considers them all as under his peculiar care.

But they are “a little flock.” In every age and every place their numbers have been small: they are “the few that find the narrow way.” When indeed they shall be all assembled at the last day they will be more than the stars of heaven or the sands upon the sea-shore for multitude [Note: Apocalipse 7:9.]. But before that period they will receive an astonishing increase: the whole earth shall be overspread with them; and that too in successive generations for a thousand years [Note: Apocalipse 20:4.]. Till that day of God’s power; they will be a little flock when compared with the herds of the ungodly. At present they are only “like the gleanings of the olive-tree, two or three upon the topmost branch [Note: Isaías 17:6.].”]

Weak as they are, they have much to fear—
[They are not exempt from the common calamities of life. In some respects they are more exposed to them than other people. They have reason to fear wants. In making provision for themselves, they labour under many disadvantages: they cannot use those means of acquiring wealth which the generality of the world employ without any scruple: they cannot devote all their time, and all their attention to secular engagements: they dare not neglect their soul, even if they could gain the whole world by it. Moreover, they have many in the world who would be glad enough to ruin them; but few, very few, that will exert themselves much to help them forward. On these accounts they may at times be tempted to indulge excessive care, and to harbour fears of want and embarrassment. They have also to dread sufferings. The flock of Christ are not only subject to the trials incident to our present state, but are liable to many sufferings peculiar to themselves: they are “as sheep in the midst of wolves:” often among themselves are found some that are “wolves in sheep’s clothing:” above all, there is “a roaring lion ever seeking to devour them.” Now Christians are not only weak when opposed to Satan, but also when opposed to the world: they cannot contend with carnal weapons [Note: 2 Coríntios 10:4.]: “The servant of the Lord must not strive.” The rebuke given to Peter when fighting for his Master, sufficiently ties their hands from standing in their own defence [Note: Mateus 26:52.]. Their only weapons are faith and patience: they are to conquer indeed, but it is by suffering even unto death [Note: Apocalipse 12:11.]. Well therefore may they entertain fears respecting these things: for if they be not well armed with the mind that was in Christ [Note: 1 Pedro 4:1.], they will faint in the day of adversity.]

But the exhortation in the text leads us to notice,


The antidote provided for them—

God has provided for them a “kingdom” —
[God condescends to call himself their “Father, and deals with them as his children. He has “prepared for them a kingdom” that is infinitely superior to all the kingdoms of this world. The glory of it cannot be expressed or conceived; nor will the duration of it ever end [Note: Hebreus 12:28.]. This he has given to them for their inheritance. It is his determination to invest them with it, and his delight to preserve them for it — — — His almighty power is ever exercised for this purpose [Note: 1 Pedro 1:4]; yea, his whole heart and soul are engaged in accomplishing his gracious intentions [Note: Jeremias 32:41.]

This is a very sufficient antidote to all their fears—
[Why should they be afraid of want who have God for their Father, and a kingdom for their inheritance? Can it be supposed that he who provides for the evil and unthankful, and sustains the ravens that call upon him, will neglect his own children? Will he, who of his good pleasure bestowed upon them all the glory of heaven, refuse them what is necessary for their present sustenance? Why too should they be afraid of sufferings, since “not a hair of their head can perish,” “nor can even a sparrow fall to the ground, without the permission of their Father?” If he see fit to let loose the enemy for the trial of their faith, will he not support their courage, and make them “more than conquerors?” Besides, will not their “light and momentary afflictions work out for them a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory?” “And will not a kingdom abundantly compensate all their trials?” Surely then they should dispel all fears; and commit themselves into the hands of a faithful God [Note: 1 Pedro 4:19.]


The flock of Christ—

[God would have you without carefulness [Note: 1 Coríntios 7:32.]. He bids you cast all your care on him who careth for you [Note: 1 Pedro 5:7.]. And shall God be so concerned about relieving your fears, and you not be concerned to honour him? O chide your unbelieving thoughts, and say, Why art thou disquieted, O my soul? Jehovah is my shepherd, I shall not want; Jehovah is my Father, I will not fear [Note: Salmos 23:1; Salmos 23:4.]? Surely if you reflect on the promises he has made to you, it will be impossible for you ever to be cast down again. “Ye, my flock,” says he, “the flock of my pasture, are men; but I am your God, saith the Lord God [Note: Ezequiel 34:31.].” “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the fire, you shall not be burnt [Note: Isaías 43:2.].” Consider, “If God be for you, who can be against you?” O be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God; and the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus [Note: Filipenses 4:6.]

2. The herds of this world—

[Shall we address you in the language of the text, Fear not? Alas! not only the Scriptures, but also your own consciences, would condemn us. You may possibly have no particular cause to dread either wants or sufferings in this world, (though you cannot tell what may befall you before you die,) but may you not have to “dwell with everlasting burnings,” and want even “a drop of water to cool your tongue” in that world to which you are hastening? Know assuredly, that your numbers will not screen you from the vengeance of an angry God. If you be not of those who have put themselves under the care of the good shepherd, you will be considered as goats, and be for ever separated from the flock of Christ [Note: Mateus 25:32.]. “He will set the sheep on his right hand, and the goats on his left.” You will then find to your cost, that not God, but Satan was your father; and that with Satan must be your portion [Note: João 8:42; João 8:44.]. It is not without much regret that God now gives you up to that misery [Note: Oséias 11:8.]. But in the last day he will find as much satisfaction, and be as much glorified, in your destruction, as in the salvation of his elect. He now complains, “Thou hast wearied me with thine iniquities:” but then he will say, “Ah! I will ease me of mine adversaries [Note: Isaías 1:24.].” Seek then to become the sheep of Christ. Beg him to bring you home to his fold, and to feed you in his pleasant pastures. Thus shall we all become one fold under one shepherd, and feed beside the living fountains of water to all eternity.]

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