Mateus 13:33

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Mateus 13:33. Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.

AS our Lord was not weary of multiplying his parables, so neither should we be of considering them. There is indeed an inexhaustible variety in them; and in those, which most resemble each other, there will be found a rich and instructive diversity. Scarcely any two are more alike than this and the one which precedes it. But that declares the extensive spread of the Gospel from small beginnings, and this its assimilating and transforming efficacy. In tracing the parallel between the Gospel kingdom and leaven hid in the meal, we shall find that they are,

I. Assimilating in their nature—

[Leaven changes not the substance of the meal in which it is hid, but materially alters its qualities: it so impregnates the meal as to transform it, as it were, into its own likeness. Thus does the Gospel affect those who receive it into their hearts: it makes us partakers of a Divine nature [Note: 2 Pedro 1:4.]. It does not indeed essentially change either the faculties of the soul, or the members of the body; but it communicates to them a new life and power, a new direction and tendency. The Gospel is compared to a mould, into which souls, when melted by Divine grace, are cast [Note: Romanos 6:17. This seems to be the proper meaning of εἰς ὃν παρεδόθητε τύπον διδαχῆς, though it is not so expressed in our translation.], and from which they derive a new and heavenly form. Hence, when converted by it, we are said to be renewed after the image of God in righteousness and true holiness [Note: Efésios 4:23.]; and the more this leaven works within us, the more are we changed into Christ’s image, from glory to glory [Note: 2 Coríntios 3:18.].

The same effect does the Gospel produce also in the world at large: wherever it prevails, it invariably brings men to the same mind, temper, and disposition. All are rendered vile in their own eyes; all are made willing to receive mercy through Christ alone; and all pant after holiness, as the perfection of their nature and the summit of their bliss. There is indeed a great diversity of parties and opinions respecting things of smaller moment; but in the fundamental points all are agreed, and, when upon their knees before God, have the most perfect resemblance to each other. Being joined to the Lord they are one spirit with him, and with each other [Note: 1 Coríntios 6:17.]. The same spirit pervades both the Head and all the members. Hence all true Christians of every place and every age are “one bread,” being impregnated with the same heavenly leaven, and formed into one mass for the service of their common Lord and Master [Note: 1 Coríntios 10:17.]

The resemblance further appears, in that both of them are,


Mysterious in their operation—

[How, in the leavening of meal, the one substance acts upon the other so as to produce a fermentation, is a mystery, which the wisest philosophers are not able to explain. The secret energy of the leaven is discoverable in its effects; but the precise mode of its operation cannot be ascertained. The same difficulty occurs in explaining the operation of the Gospel on the hearts of men: its truths have an energy that is not found in any thing else. The word is quick, and powerful, and sharper than a two-edged sword, penetrating the very inmost recesses of the soul [Note: Hebreus 4:12.]. But how this leaven, as soon as it is put into the heart, begins to work, how it operates with such invincible power, and how it uniformly changes, as well the most guilty and obdurate hearts, as those which seem more likely to yield to its impressions—this is indeed a mystery. The effects produced by it are evident and undeniable; but how it produces those effects so as to transform the vilest sinner into the very image of God, is known to God alone. On account of this mysterious property, our Lord compared the Gospel to the wind, which, though manifest enough in its effects, is in many respects inexplicable [Note: João 3:8.].

If the Gospel be so mysterious in its operation upon individuals, it must of necessity be so too in its operations upon the world at large. We pretend not to say how the simple doctrine of the cross should be made to triumph over all the prejudices and passions of mankind; but, from what we have already seen, we cannot doubt of its final success.]

Lastly, they are both,


Universal in their influence—

[Leaven, when it has begun to work, never ceases till it has leavened all the meal. Thus does the Gospel also work in the hearts of men. It changes, not their outward conduct only, but the inward dispositions of the heart. Both body and soul are thoroughly renewed by it; not indeed perfectly as to the degree, but universally in all their members and all their faculties. Their members are made instruments of righteousness [Note: Romanos 6:13.], and their faculties are filled with light and holiness. The man is made altogether “a new creature; old things are passed away, and all things are become new [Note: 2 Coríntios 5:17.].”

Thus will the world also be regenerated by the grace of the Gospel. “Those who are now sitting in darkness and the shadow of death shall behold its light,” and those who are abandoned to the most brutish lusts and ignorance, shall be transformed into the very image of their God. This leaven has long been put into the great mass of mankind: it has already raised a ferment throughout a great part of the world, and in due season shall “leaven the whole lump.” Though its progress be but slow at present, it shall work, till it has pervaded every soul, and “brought all nations to the obedience of faith.”]

The parable, thus explained, is of signal use,

To rectify our judgment—

[Some think that they have the grace of God, while yet they have never experienced any change in their souls; while others, on account of the commotion raised there, are ready to despond, as though they were utterly abandoned by God. But both of these may see their error, if they will duly consider this parable. To the former we could say, can leaven be put into the meal and no fermentation be produced? much less can the grace of God be in the heart and cause no commotion there. Be assured it will work as it did on the day of Pentecost, and cause you to cry out with earnestness, “What shall I do to be saved?” Yea more, if it do not continue to operate, if it do not gradually pervade all your powers, and progressively change them into your Saviour’s image, you may be sure that the leaven of Divine grace has never yet been put into your hearts. To the latter we would say, be not discouraged at the commotion in your soul; but be thankful for it. It is infinitely better to know our guilt and danger than to be lulled asleep in a fatal security. Your disquietude affords reason to hope that God has caused the heavenly leaven to blend itself with your souls. Give it time then to work. If it be of God, it shall stand; and the effects produced shall discover the true cause from whence they sprang. O beg of God that it may work effectually, and that it may never cease till it has made you “perfect and complete in all his will.”]

2. To reform our hearts—

[The true and uniform tendency of the Gospel has been abundantly manifest. It is incumbent therefore on every one to ask himself. What reason have I to think that this “kingdom of God is within me [Note: Lucas 17:21.]?” What change has it wrought. what assimilating and transforming efficacy has it discovered? There is, it is true, a leaven in the heart of natural men; but it is either a “leaven of malice and wickedness [Note: 1 Coríntios 5:8.],” or a “leaven of hypocrisy [Note: Lucas 12:1.]:” whichever of these it be, it must be “purged out, that they may become a new lump [Note: 1 Coríntios 5:7.].” Their souls must be impregnated with a very different leaven, even that of grace and truth. Let us then “hide the word of God within us,” that by its influence we may be renewed [Note: Salmos 119:11.]. Let our prayer be, Lord, “sanctify me through thy truth [Note: João 17:17.].” And “may the very God of peace sanctify us wholly, that thus our whole body, soul and spirit, may be preserved blameless unto his heavenly kingdom [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 5:23.]!”]

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