Provérbios 29

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon

Verses with Bible comments

1 18 25







753. Provérbios 1:20.

Attending to God’s gracious Invitations

754. Provérbios 2:1.

The Way of attaining Divine Knowledge

755. Provérbios 2:10.

Piety a Preservative from Evil

756. Provérbios 2:10.

Benefits of true Wisdom

757. Provérbios 3:5.

Confidence in God encouraged

758. Provérbios 3:9.

The Reward of Charity

759. Provérbios 3:17.

The Pleasantness of Religion

760. Provérbios 3:21.

True Religion delineated 36

761. Provérbios 3:35.

The Rewards of Wisdom and of Folly

762. Provérbios 4:7.

Nature and Excellence of true Wisdom

763. Provérbios 4:18.

Christian’s Path compared to the Light

764. Provérbios 4:23.

Keeping the Heart

765. Provérbios 5:12.

Sinner’s Retrospect

766. Provérbios 5:22.

The captivating Power of Sin

767. Provérbios 6:6.

The Sluggard reproved

768. Provérbios 7:1.

Love to the Holy Scriptures inculcated

769. Provérbios 8:17.

Address preparatory to Confirmation

770. Provérbios 8:29.

Wisdom’s Address to Men

771. Provérbios 8:35.

The Value of true Wisdom

772. Provérbios 9:1.

Wisdom’s Feast

773. Provérbios 10:3.

God’s Care for the Righteous

774. Provérbios 10:4.

Effects of Sloth and Diligence compared

775. Provérbios 10:22.

God’s Blessing, the greatest Riches

776. Provérbios 11:18.

The Wicked and Righteous contrasted

777. Provérbios 11:25.

Christian Liberality encouraged

778. Provérbios 11:30.

The Wisdom of winning Souls

779. Provérbios 12:26.

The Excellency of the Righteous

780. Provérbios 13:5.

The Character and End of the Wicked

781. Provérbios 13:5.

The Way of Transgressors hard

782. Provérbios 14:9.

The Folly of making a Mock at Sin

783. Provérbios 14:10.

Man’s Experience known to himself alone

784. Provérbios 14:12.

Misconceptions about Salvation

785. Provérbios 14:13.

The Vanity of carnal Mirth

786. Provérbios 14:14.

The Danger of Backsliding

787. Provérbios 14:26.

Fear of the Lord a Source of much Good

788. Provérbios 15:3.

The Omnipresence of God

789. Provérbios 15:8.

The Upright alone acceptable to God

790. Provérbios 15:32.

Instruction to be obeyed

791. Provérbios 16:2.

Man’s Estimate of himself and God’s contrasted 162

792. Provérbios 16:3.

Trusting in God

793. Provérbios 16:23.

The Benefit of experimental Religion

794. Provérbios 16:25.

Erroneous Views of Religion refuted

795. Provérbios 16:33.

God is the Disposer of all Events

796. Provérbios 18:10.

The Name of the Lord a strong Tower

797. Provérbios 18:14.

A wounded Spirit

798. Provérbios 19:2.

Divine Knowledge most desirable

799. Provérbios 19:3.

Sinfulness of murmuring against God

800. Provérbios 20:4.

The Consequence of Sloth

801. Provérbios 20:6.

True Piety is rare

802. Provérbios 20:9.

No absolute Perfection here below

803. Provérbios 21:25.

Desire is nothing without Labour

804. Provérbios 23:17.

The Fear of God all the Day

805. Provérbios 23:23.

Buying the Truth

806. Provérbios 23:26.

The Duty of giving the Heart to God

807. Provérbios 24:11.

The Folly of vain Excuses

808. Provérbios 24:30.

The Sluggard’s Vineyard

809. Provérbios 25:21.

Returning Good for Evil

810. Provérbios 26:12.

The Danger of Conceit

811. Provérbios 27:1.

Against depending upon future Time

812. Provérbios 27:4.


813. Provérbios 27:19.

The Hearts of Men alike

814. Provérbios 28:4.

Effects of Piety and Impiety

815. Provérbios 28:5.

The Light enjoyed by the Godly

816. Provérbios 28:11.

Advantages of Rich and Poor compared

817. Provérbios 28:13.

True Repentance recommended

818. Provérbios 28:20.

The Portion of the Faithful Man

819. Provérbios 28:26.

Self-confidence reproved

820. Provérbios 29:1.

Danger of Obstinacy in Sin

821. Provérbios 29:18.

The Importance of Gospel Ministrations

822. Provérbios 29:25.

The Fear of Man

823. Provérbios 30:1.

A Saint’s Views of himself

824. Provérbios 30:7.

Agur’s Wish

825. Provérbios 30:12.

The Self-deceiver exposed

826. Provérbios 31:10.

Usefulness of Schools of Industry