Filipenses 2:9-11

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Filipenses 2:9. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

WE are told by an inspired Apostle, that the great scope of the prophecies related to “the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.” To the same points our attention is continually turned in the New Testament. Sometimes they are stated as an accomplishment of prophecy, and as proofs of Christ’s Messiahship: sometimes as grounds of our hope before God: sometimes as motives to stimulate us to duty: sometimes as models, according to which God will work in us: and sometimes as examples, which we are bound to follow: and sometimes as encouragements to follow those examples. It is in this last view that we are to contemplate this stupendous mystery at this time. The Apostle had said, “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” To illustrate and enforce this exhortation, he shews how the Lord Jesus Christ had emptied himself of all his own glory, and endured death, even the accursed death of the cross, for the salvation of men: and that in consequence of it he had received such tokens of his Father’s approbation as were commensurate with the sacrifice which he had made. In considering this testimony of his Father’s love, let us mark,

I. The height to which he was raised—

The Lord Jesus Christ, as God, was incapable of elevation: but, as man, he was raised from the lowest degradation to the highest degrees of glory.

Amidst the depths of his humiliation he was greatly exalted—
[At his baptism he received an audible testimony from heaven, together with a visible communication of the Spirit of God, in attestation of his Messiahship. In all the miracles he wrought, a further testimony was borne to him by the Father. And in his last hours, when in appearance he was even deserted by his heavenly Father, universal nature bore witness to him; the sun going down, as it were, at noon-day; the earth rending and quaking to its very centre; and the most convincing evidence being given to all, that he whom they crucified was indeed the Son of God.]
But it was not till after that period that the exaltation spoken of in the text commenced—
[At his resurrection, he was declared to be the Son of God with power — — — At his ascension, he led captivity itself captive, and, surrounded with myriads of holy angels, went to take possession of his Father’s throne — — — Seated on that, he is elevated above all the works of God’s hands; above men, so as to be “higher than the kings of the earth,” even “King of kings and Lord of lords [Note: Salmos 89:27; Apocalipse 19:16.]:” and above angels also, “all the principalities and powers of heaven being made subject unto him [Note: 1 Pedro 3:22.Hebreus 1:5; Hebreus 1:8; Hebreus 1:13.]” — — —]

The text requires us particularly to notice,


The reason of his exaltation—

It was in consequence of his previous humiliation: it was,

1. As a reward of his sufferings—

[In this view it had been promised to him [Note: Isaías 52:13; Isaías 53:10.] — — — In this view he himself looked forward to it with intense desire [Note: Hebreus 12:2. João 17:4] — — — And in this view it was actually conferred upon him [Note: Daniel 7:13.Hebreus 1:3.] — — —]

2. As the means of completing the work he had undertaken—

[He was to redeem us, both by price, and by power. On this account, after he had paid the price of our redemption, he was invested with “all power both in heaven and in earth;” and “all things were given into his hands,” that he might order every thing for the accomplishment of his own will, and the furtherance of the work which he had begun. In him was all fulness treasured up, that he might impart unto his people all needful supplies of grace [Note: Efésios 1:20.]; and to him was all authority committed, that he might put all enemies under his feet [Note: 1 Coríntios 15:25.Salmos 110:1.]. Thus, by his elevation, are his triumphs and the triumphs of all his people, finally and eternally secured.]

But we have further to notice his exaltation in reference to,


The end of it—

It was that he might be the one object,

1. Of universal adoration—

[Of this he is most worthy, as all the hosts of heaven testify [Note: Apocalipse 5:11.] — — — And it must be paid to him: for God has sworn with an oath, that it shall be paid to him by all in heaven, earth, and hell [Note: Romanos 14:11. with Isaías 45:23.]; or if we will not yield it to him as the voluntary expression of our love, we shall be constrained to acknowledge his right to it, whilst we are suffering under the stroke of his avenging rod [Note: Salmos 2:1; Salmos 2:6; Salmos 2:9.]

2. Of unlimited affiance—

[By confessing him to be both Lord and Christ, I understand such a confession as proceeds from unfeigned faith [Note: Romanos 10:9.]. And to this full affiance is he entitled, both according to his essential nature as God, and in his mediatorial capacity as the Saviour of the world [Note: Isaías 45:22.]. In what way it is to be manifested, the prophet tells us: “Surely shall one say, In the Lord have I righteousness and strength [Note: Isaías 45:24.].” As “the Christ,” who died for us, he is our righteousness; and as “the Lord,” who is the Head and Governor of all, we receive out of his fulness all needful supplies of grace and strength.

Nor let it be thought that this direction of our regards to him will derogate at all from the honour of the Father: for, on the contrary, it will be “to the glory of God the Father,” whose wisdom has devised, and whose love has executed, so wonderful a plan for the salvation of men. On this subject we can have no doubt; since our Lord himself has told us, that God’s very design in the whole of this stupendous mystery was, “that all men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father; and that he who honoureth not the Son, honoureth not the Father who hath sent him [Note: João 5:22.].”]

Behold then,

How awful is the state of those who submit not to him!

[We are equally rebels against him, whether we oppose him as Lord, or as Christ; whether we refuse to submit to his righteousness [Note: Romanos 10:3.], or to his government. O reflect, ye who are going about to establish a righteousness of your own, What will ye answer to him, when he shall call you to an account for usurping his office, and making void all that he has done and suffered for you? — — — And you, who, whilst professing to trust in him as your Saviour, live in disobedience to his commands, where will you hide your heads, when he shall say, “Bring hither those mine enemies who would not that I should reign over them, and slay them before me?” Whatever ye may now think, ye cannot invalidate the oath of God: he has sworn, that unto him every knee shall bow; and, if ye do it not willingly, ye shall do it against your will, to your everlasting sorrow.

2. How blessed is the state of his obedient people!

[Shall Christ be exalted to the right hand of God in vain? or will he refuse to impart to you out of his fulness? Fear not: you are committed to his care; and he will not lose one of you; “not one shall ever be plucked out of his hands.” Whatever you need, it is treasured up for you in him; and “his grace shall be sufficient for you.” It may be, that in his service you may be called to endure many things; but if now “he sees of the travail of his soul and is satisfied,” be assured that ere long it shall be no grief to you that, you were humbled for a season: for, “if you suffer with him. you shall also reign with him,” and “be glorified together with him [Note: 2 Timóteo 2:12.Romanos 8:17.]” in his kingdom for evermore.]

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