Isaías 12:3

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Isaías 12:3. With joy shall we draw water out of the wells of salvation.

WE wonder not that the Scriptures are read with so little interest by the generality: for, till persons know somewhat of their lost estate, and of the way of salvation provided for them, the Bible is to them a sealed book. But let them once experience a taste of the Redeemer’s love, and instantly they will find in the inspired volume mines of wealth. Such a storehouse is that blessed book to the godly in this day: and such will it be to the Jewish Church, when once they shall be converted to the faith of Christ. “In that day they will say, O Lord, I will praise thee: though thou wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortedst me.” (Such will be the reflections at the time of their first discoveries of God’s mercy to them in Christ Jesus. Then they will advance farther to express their full confidence in God.) “Behold, God is my salvation! I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.” (Then will they be fully prepared to derive the richest benefit from the Scriptures: and) “therefore shall they draw water with joy out of the wells of salvation.”

That we may form a just estimate of their privilege, let us consider,

I. The character by which the Scriptures are here designated—

The expression, “wells of salvation,” is supposed by many to be spoken of Christ: and doubtless it may be very fitly applied to him. But I rather understand it of the Scriptures, from whence, as from an inexhaustible fountain, all true comfort flows. They eminently deserve that name,

1. As containing in themselves all the blessings of salvation—

[The whole of salvation, as planned in the Divine counsels from all eternity, as executed for us by the Lord Jesus Christ in his incarnate state, as still carrying on by him at the right hand of his Father, and as offered through him to every child of man, is there fully contained. “This mystery of Godliness was indeed kept secret since the world began; but now it is made manifest; and by the Scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, is made known to all nations for the obedience of faith [Note: Romanos 16:25.].”

Now let any one contemplate this mystery, and endeavour to explore the wisdom, the love, the mercy, and the grace contained in it: how surpassing all finite comprehension will they be found! Verily, the breadth, and length, and depth, and height of this mystery, and of the wonders contained in it, are utterly unsearchable; and the blessings flowing from it are a plenteous and perennial spring, for the refreshment of all on earth, and of all in heaven.]

2. As revealing them for our use—

[In the whole world besides, there is not to be found one drop of water to satisfy a thirsty soul. Where can one look that is oppressed with a sense of guilt? Where, one who is mourning over the corruptions of his nature? Go to those who have not the Scriptures: go to even the wisest philosophers of Greece and Rome; and see how vain were all their expedients for pacifying a guilty soul, or purifying a polluted soul. But in the Scriptures we find all that a sinner can desire; an atonement sufficient for the sins of the whole world; and an Almighty Agent ready to dwell in the hearts of all who seek him, and engaged to transform into the divine image all who commit their souls to him. In them are promises suited to every condition incident to our fallen nature; as suited to refresh the soul, as water is to allay our thirst. Conceive of every want with which a sinner can be oppressed, and the appropriate relief will there be found.]

3. As actually imparting them to our souls—

[As a spring pours forth its waters, so do the Scriptures impart life, and peace, and strength, to all who go to them as God’s appointed channel of communication to their souls. They have within themselves a life-giving virtue [Note: João 4:10.]; so that, when brought home and applied by the Spirit of God, they quicken the dead, and give a vital energy to all our powers. They are able, not only to “make men wise unto salvation [Note: 2 Timóteo 3:15.],” but to impart salvation itself; being “like fire” to consume dross, and “a hammer to break the rock in pieces [Note: Jeremias 23:29.],” and “a two-edged sword to pierce the very inmost soul [Note: Hebreus 4:12.].” and “a weapon to destroy every enemy [Note: 2 Coríntios 10:4.].” They have a power to enlighten the darkest mind [Note: Salmos 19:7.], and to sanctify all on whom they operate aright [Note: João 15:3; João 17:19.]; and so to sanctify them, as to prepare them for the perfect fruition of their God [Note: Efésios 5:26.]

Think then of,


The blessedness of having access to them—

Truly we should never contemplate them but with joy, on account of,

1. The freeness with which we may approach them—

[There is no prohibition to any creature under heaven. About wells that have been dug for a supply of common water, there have been the fiercest contentions [Note: Gênesis 26:18.]: but these are public property, and equally accessible to all: none have to “pay for this water,” as Israel had [Note: Números 20:19.]: it is to be had “without money and without price [Note: Isaías 55:1.].” True indeed it is that there are many, protestants as well as papists, who would bar our access to them: but God has given to all an equal right to come to them: for his invitation is, “Let him that is athirst come; and whosoever will, let him come and take of the water of life freely [Note: Apocalipse 22:17.].”]

2. The ease with which we may draw from them—

[There are those who think it in vain for the poor to come to them, seeing that “the wells are deep, and they have nothing to draw with [Note: João 4:11.].” But be it known, that however valuable learning may be for the attaining of a critical acquaintance with the Holy Scriptures, it is not at all necessary for a spiritual perception of their truths. It is faith, and not learning, that is wanting for that end. All the learning in the universe will not impart to us a spiritual discernment, any more than it will furnish us with any corporeal organs. It is faith alone that will avail us here. That discerns the things which are not visible to mortal eyes; and will go to the very bottom of these wells, and draw from thence the most refreshing consolations.]

3. The abundance that we may receive out of them—

[When the rock was struck by Moses, the waters gushed out in such abundance, that the whole camp of Israel, with all their cattle, could drink thereof. And, if all the sinners in the universe will go to these wells, they shall find no lack for the supply of their most enlarged necessities. Our Lord says, “If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink; and out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water [Note: João 7:37.].” Indeed, the more intense and ardent your thirst is, the more abundant shall be the blessings which you shall derive from them — — —]

4. The perfect satisfaction that we may find in them—

[“Whoever drinks of other waters will thirst again: but whoever drinks of these wells, will never thirst: for the water which he has received will be in him as a well of water springing up into everlasting life [Note: João 4:13; Isaías 49:9.].” I may appeal to all, whether the most copious draughts of carnal pleasure ever satisfied? Solomon, who drank as deep of it as a human being could do, pronounced it all to be vanity and vexation of spirit. “The eye was never yet satisfied with seeing, nor the ear with hearing.” But he who has obtained the knowledge of Christ, and drunk deep of the promises of the Gospel, has no longer any relish for earthly vanities, nor any desire after them. Give him all the world, and he feels empty: give him the presence of God, and he desires no more.]


Those who are going to broken cisterns—

[What is the creature but “a broken cistern that can hold no water?” — — — And will you for this forsake “the fountain of living waters [Note: Jeremias 2:13.]?” Let me prevail on every one of you to go to God as your reconciled God in Christ Jesus, and to say with David, “All my fresh springs are in thee [Note: Salmos 87:7.]

2. Those who are drinking from “the fountain of life [Note: Salmos 36:9.]”—

[Say whether you have not “a joy with which the stranger intermeddleth not?” Say whether the fountains do not richly supply you; and whether, even on the highest places, which, according to human apprehension, are inaccessible to rivers, the rivers do not follow you [Note: Isaías 41:17.]? Yes, till you arrive at heaven itself, the streams shall never fail; and even there shall they run beside you for your comfort to eternal ages [Note: Apocalipse 7:17.]

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