João 5:35

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


João 5:35. He was a burning and a shining light.

IT might well be expected that the advent of the Messiah should be marked by such concurrent circumstances, as should carry conviction, to every dispassionate mind, that the person assuming that character was indeed the person predicted by Moses and the prophets. Accordingly we find, that there was a person sent as the forerunner of our blessed Lord, to prepare his way, and to bear witness to him. This person was John the Baptist [Note: João 1:6.], himself a most extraordinary man; so extraordinary, that the Jewish rulers doubted whether he was not the Messiah: but he disclaimed all pretensions to that honour; and rested satisfied with executing the office which had been assigned him [Note: João 1:19.]. To this man’s testimony our blessed Lord appealed; at the same time testifying respecting him, that “he was a burning and a shining light.”

In confirmation of this assertion respecting John, I will,

I. Point out the peculiar excellencies of his character—

Of course I cannot enter into all the parts of his character: I will content myself with specifying three things which pre-eminently distinguished him:

1. The clearness of his knowledge—

[In this he excelled all who went before him. Many prophets had spoken plainly of Christ, declaring both his sufferings, and the glory that should follow them. But they spake of Christ at a distance of several hundreds of years, and understood not the prophecies which they were inspired to record [Note: 1 Pedro 1:10.]. But John pointed out the Messiah himself, and directed the people to Jesus, as “that Lamb of God, who, by the sacrifice of himself, should take away the sins of the world [Note: João 1:29.].” In this act, not only was the typical nature of the Mosaic offerings distinctly recognized; but the Lord Jesus Christ was made known as fulfilling in his own person what had been so long shadowed forth in the daily sacrifices. Thus did he “give the knowledge of salvation to the people for the remission of their sins [Note: Lucas 1:76.]:” a knowledge which pre-eminently exalted John above all the prophets that had gone before him [Note: Lucas 7:26.]

2. The ardour of his zeal—

[The first thirty years of his life he spent in retirement, and in the closest walk with God. And, when he entered on his office as the Messiah’s harbinger, he came in the most self-denying way, “having his raiment of camel’s hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; whilst his meat was locusts and wild honey [Note: Mateus 3:4.].” As to the manner in which he executed his office, nothing could exceed his fidelity. To all persons, of whatever rank, he preached with undaunted boldness; and declared, as far as he was able, the whole counsel of God. When many of the Pharisees and Sadducees came to his baptism, he, well knowing their hypocrisy, addressed them in these animated and pungent strains: “O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth, therefore, fruits meet for repentance. And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire [Note: Mateus 3:7.].” Even before Herod himself did he manifest the same undaunted courage; telling him plainly, that “it was not lawful for him to live in an incestuous commerce with his brother Philip’s wife;” and exhorting him without delay to put her away [Note: Marcos 6:17.]. He well knew at what peril he exercised this fidelity: but no personal consideration could induce him to withhold, or modify, this salutary counsel. Herein, then, he approved himself to be a prophet indeed, and rendered himself a pattern for ministers in all ages.]

3. The holiness of his life—

[“He was filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother’s womb [Note: Lucas 1:15.].” And so holily did he demean himself, that Herod could not but reverence and stand in awe of him, and in many instances, comply with his admonitions [Note: Marcos 6:20.]. In the whole of his ministrations his attention was particularly turned to the advancement of practical religion; enforcing upon all those peculiar duties which their situation called for, or which their peculiar circumstances tempted them to neglect. Those who were under good impressions from his ministry, consulted him, as might be expected, what they should do in order to evince the efficacy of the principles they had imbibed from him. “When some asked him, What shall we do? He answered, He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none: and he that hath meat, let him do likewise.” When publicans (i. e. tax-gatherers) made the same inquiry, to them he said, “Exact no more than that which is appointed you.” And when soldiers requested the same information, he said, “Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages [Note: Lucas 3:10.].” Thus he shewed how anxious be was that all should bring religion into their daily practice; not suffering it to evaporate in mere sentiments and professions, but carrying it into effect, in the whole of their life and conversation.]

Having thus set before you the character of this blessed man, I will,


Commend it to your imitation—

Far, very far, in general, are men from admiring such a character as this —
[By many, even of this holy man it was said, “He hath a devil.” The Rulers and Pharisees rejected his counsel altogether, and would not submit to his baptism [Note: Lucas 7:30.].” And though many were well affected towards him, and “rejoiced in his light, they rejoiced in it only for a season:” and at last he fell a sacrifice to his fidelity. Thus, at this time, if a man were to resemble him, he would find but little acceptance with an ungodly world. In fact, he would by many be thought to be more under the influence of demoniacal delusion than of sound reason and solid piety. His deadness to the world would be regarded as most contemptible fanaticism, and his faithfulness in reproving sin would be condemned as most insufferable presumption.]

Nevertheless, I cannot but earnestly commend his character to the imitation of you all—
[From ministers in particular his example demands the most respectful attention. Certainly the same degree of austerity that he practised is not necessary now. Our Lord has shewn, that under this new dispensation a greater measure of liberty is allowed, provided we be duly careful that in no instance it degenerate into licentiousness. But with respect to an entire devotion of the soul to God, and a faithful discharge of our ministry, there is to be no difference between us and John: we must be as faithful in our ministrations, and as holy in our lives, as he — — — But to Christians of every class is this bright example applicable. Every follower of Christ is called to be a “light in the world [Note: Mateus 5:14.],” yea, “a burning and a shining light.” His soul, inflamed with fire from heaven, should burn with holy love; nor should the fire, once kindled on the altar of his heart, ever be suffered to go out [Note: Levítico 6:12.]. To all around him he should “hold forth the word of life [Note: Filipenses 2:15.];” and so “cause his light to shine before men, that all who behold it may be constrained to glorify their Father who is in heaven [Note: Mateus 5:16.]” — — —]


Be “willing, then, to rejoice in his light”—

[Surely such a ministry as his, so instructive, so faithful, so convincing, is an unspeakable blessing to every one that enjoys it. And such a ministry we have, not in him only, but the holy Apostles, yea, and in multitudes of the present day. Shew, then, that you duly appreciate the labours of these men; and “be followers of them, as they are of Christ” — — —]

2. Let your joy in that light be both abiding and progressive—

[Of the myriads who were impressed by the ministry of John, there were very, very few who became steadfast in the faith. All the Disciples of John, and Jesus, and his twelve Apostles, and his seventy Disciples, amounted to no more than five hundred, after the ascension of our Lord. The great mass of those who appeared hopeful, were turned aside by fear, or by the vanities of this sinful world. Be on your guard then, brethren, against every thing that may produce this sad effect on you — — — and beg of God that your. “path may be like the shining light, which shineth more and more unto the perfect day.”]

Veja mais explicações de João 5:35


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