1 Coríntios 14:2
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For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue. — Better, For he that speaketh in a tongue. The word “unknown” is not in the original, but it has been inserted in connection with the word tongue “all through this chapter, so as to make the various passages seem to be consistent with the theory that the gift of tongues was a gift of languages. This is not the place to enter into the question of what particular external manifestation of this gift was evidenced on the Day of Pentecost. (See Atos 2:1.) Still, believing that the gift of tongues here spoken of is identical with the gift of tongues which was first bestowed at Pentecost, I would say that the phenomena described as occurring then must be explained by the fuller and more elaborate account of the nature of the gift which is given to us here. Against the theory that the gift was one of a capacity to speak various languages we have three considerations. (1) The word dialectos, which is repeatedly used to express languages (Atos 1:19; Atos 2:6; Atos 2:8; Atos 21:40; Atos 22:2; Atos 26:14), is never used by St. Paul or by the author of the Acts in reference to the utterances of those who possessed the gift of tongues, but the other word, glossa, which is, literally, the physical organ of speech — as if the utterances were simply sounds that proceeded from it. (2) There is no trace whatever of this knowledge of languages having been ever used for the purpose of preaching to those who spoke foreign languages. The language of the Lycaonians was evidently not understood by the Apostles when they were addressed in it (see Atos 14:11), and they did not speak in it. That the hearers at Pentecost said they heard those who were filled with the Spirit “speak in our own language” would only imply, either that the outpouring on Pentecost had for the moment a miraculous effect, which immediately ceased, or that “all the various elements of Aramaic and Hellenistic speech, latent in the usual language of the time, were quickened, under the power of this gift, into a new life, sometimes intelligible, sometimes unintelligible to those who heard it, but always expressive of the vitality and energy of the Spirit by which it was animated.” (3) The description of the gift in this chapter is utterly inconsistent with it being a gift of languages. The gift was the result of a quickened spiritual power by the action of the Holy Ghost (see also Atos 2:4; Atos 10:44; Atos 19:6); it poured itself forth in wild, impassioned utterances, which were sometimes mistaken for delirium (1 Coríntios 14:23); and these were the expressions, not of thoughts, but of feelings, unintelligible always, if uninterpreted, to the listener, and sometimes to the utterer himself.
It is to be observed that very notable spiritual phenomena, not unlike what are recorded here, accompanied many periods of great spiritual revival. The histories of the early work of Wesley and Whitfield, and of Irving — to take examples in England alone — afford some very remarkable illustrations. The general subject of the first part of this chapter (1 Coríntios 14:1) is the Gift of Tongues, and is thus dealt with: —
Tongues are the means of communion between the individual and God, whereas prophecy is communion with other men (1 Coríntios 14:2).
Tongues do yourself good; prophecy does good to others (1 Coríntios 14:4).
This truth is illustrated (a) by the variety of musical instruments (1 Coríntios 14:7); (b) by the distinction of musical notes (1 Coríntios 14:8); (c) by the varieties of human language (1 Coríntios 14:10).
What the aim and object of the Christians should be (1 Coríntios 14:12).
His own example (1 Coríntios 14:14).
The Old Testament teaches the same principle (1 Coríntios 14:21).
The gift of prophecy is a means of spreading Christianity, and the gift of tongues is not (1 Coríntios 14:23).
In the spirit he speaketh mysteries. — The utterances come, not from his mind, but from his spirit, stirred by the Holy Spirit; and he speaks mysteries unintelligible to others.