Atos 26:22,23

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Atos 26:22. Having obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come: that Christ should suffer, and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead, and should shew light unto the people, and to the Gentiles.

EVEN to this moment, the Gospel, when faithfully preached, is called “A new doctrine [Note: Atos 17:19.].” But it is the very same that it was from the beginning. We know no other “Gospel” than that which “was preached to Abraham,” or than that which was delivered to man in Paradise. The only difference between the Apostles and the Prophets was, that the one foretold the Saviour who should come, and the other proclaimed the Saviour who had come. As for us, we have only to follow the steps of the Apostles, and to bear the same testimony as was uniformly borne by them.

In the words before us, we have the entire substance of the Apostle’s ministrations. Let us notice,

I. The testimony which he bore—

This related both to the Lord Jesus Christ himself, and to the manifestation of him to the world—
[He was not ashamed to declare, that the Lord Jesus Christ had suffered on the accursed tree, and been put to death as a malefactor. But he bore witness, that God had raised him from the dead, and that in and by his resurrection his claims to the Messiahship were established beyond all reasonable doubt [Note: Romanos 1:4.] — — — Others, indeed, had been raised by the prophets, and by the Lord Jesus Christ himself: but, though raised, they had died at last, like all others of the children of men: but “Christ was risen to die no more [Note: Romanos 6:9.]:” so that “in that, as in all other things, he had the pre-eminence,” and was indeed “the first-born from the dead [Note: Colossenses 1:18.].”

Being now ascended into the highest heavens, he had sent the Holy Spirit to testify of him, and to make known that salvation which was henceforth to be proclaimed in his name; and to be proclaimed, not to the Jews only, but unto Gentiles also, even to the ends of the earth — — —
With these general statements he entered, of course, into all the ends and purposes of this great mystery; and shewed, that by it the salvation of man was affected, since it was for our sins that Christ died, and for our justification that he rose again [Note: Romanos 4:25.]” — — —]

In the whole of it he insisted on nothing but what Moses and the prophets had declared before him [Note: 1 Coríntios 15:3.]—

[Exceeding full is the testimony which they have borne to the work and offices of the Lord Jesus. Of his death, Moses in fact spake, in all the sacrifices which were offered; as did the prophets also, in the most express terms [Note: Isaías 53:5.Daniel 9:26; Zacarias 12:10.] — — — The resurrection of our Lord, too, was plainly shadowed forth by Moses in the ordinance of the scape-goat, and in the entrance of the high-priest within the vail with the blood of the sacrifices: and with equal plainness was it foretold by David [Note: Salmos 16:10.], and exemplified in Jonah [Note: João 1:17.] — — —

The manifestation of him, also, both to Jews and Gentiles, alike occupied their attention; the one exhibiting him as the “Shiloh, to whom the gathering of the people should be [Note: Gênesis 49:10.];” and the other, as given for “a light to lighten the whole world [Note: Isaías 42:6; Isaías 49:6.].”]

But in our text we are particularly called to notice,


The circumstances under which he bore it—

Truly his labours and his sufferings had been such as no human being could have sustained, if he had not been aided and upheld by Almighty power—
[His “labours were more abundant than those of any other Apostle;” and his trials, beyond measure, great [Note: Compare Romanos 15:19 and Atos 20:34. with 2 Coríntios 6:4; 2 Coríntios 11:23.] — — — But “he obtained help of God,” and therefore was enabled to proceed without weariness or dismay — — — God had promised to succour him [Note: ver. 17.]; and this promise was fulfilled in a variety of ways. Sometimes God averted trials from him [Note: Atos 9:24; Atos 18:9; Atos 18:12; Atos 18:17; Atos 23:12.]; sometimes upheld him under them [Note: 2 Coríntios 4:8. 2 Timóteo 4:16.]; and sometimes delivered him out of them, when it seemed as if his career had already been brought to a close [Note: Atos 14:19; Atos 21:31; Atos 23:27.]. Hence the Apostle thankfully acknowledged his obligations both to the providence and grace of God; to the one, as fortifying his mind; and to the other, as strengthening his body, for all that he was called to endure.]

To the same Almighty power must every faithful minister ascribe his continuance in the free discharge of his duty—
[The labours or sufferings of ministers, at this, day, are as nothing, in comparison of those which were sustained by the Apostle. But the continuance of life, and health, and liberty, should be regarded as the special gift of God: and more particularly should we acknowledge our preservation from sin and from apostasy, as the very work of God; without whose gracious aid we should never be able to withstand the assaults of our great adversary one single hour. Even the being kept steadfast in the faith is no small mercy: and if we are enabled simply to adhere to the doctrines of the Apostles and prophets without being led aside into any pernicious error or vain conceit, we may well acknowledge, with devoutest gratitude, our obligations to Almighty God.]

We may see, in this passage,

What is the real ground of that hatred which faithful ministers have to encounter—

[Many reasons were assigned by Paul’s enemies for their inveteracy against him: but the true reason was, that he bore a faithful testimony to those very truths which they themselves professed to believe. They could not endure the fidelity with which he called them to receive the testimony of Moses and the prophets. And is not similar fidelity a ground of offence at this day? Yes: there is no man who boldly maintains the authority of Christ, and demands unlimited subjection to him, but the men of this world will cry out against him, as fanatical or righteous overmuch. But, if only we can say that we speak nothing but what the prophets and Apostles have declared before us, we need not regard either the calumnies or opposition of the whole world. The same God that helped Paul will help us also, and will richly recompense into our bosoms whatsoever we may suffer for his sake.]

2. What reason we have for thankfulness, if a faithful ministry be continued to us!

[Satan is ever on the watch, to rob us of it. Innumerable are the efforts which he makes to intimidate or ensnare the servants of the Lord Jesus. There are no persons in the world against whom he directs his efforts with more subtlety or venom. Surely they greatly need the prayers of their people in their behalf. If Paul said so frequently, “Brethren, pray for us,” much more may they, whose attainments are so inferior to his. Let us, then, be thankful to God for the ministry we still enjoy; and whilst it is continued to us, let us improve it with all our might.]

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