Isaías 44:22

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Isaías 44:22. Return unto me; for I have redeemed thee.

ON occasions of public worship we generally expect a set discourse from man. But on the present occasion, I wish you to place man altogether out of the question, and to listen to a few words addressed to you by Jews Christ himself. It is he who is speaking in the passage before us, and who, addressing, as it were, every one of us by name, urges us by the most forcible of all considerations to return to him. True indeed the words in the first instance were delivered to the Jews, who, notwithstanding all that Jehovah, the only true God, had done for them, were prone to idolatry; and who were absurd enough to cut down a tree, and fashion it after the image of a man, and, after having roasted their food with a part of it, to worship the residue of it as a god. Yet, instead of denouncing his heaviest judgments against them, our Lord says, “O Jacob and Israel, thou art my servant: O Israel, thou shalt not be forgotten of me. I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and as a cloud thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee.” Now though we are not gross idolaters as the Israelites were, we may very fitly consider the words of our text as addressed to ourselves, since every one of us has lived in spiritual idolatry, “loving and serving the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for evermore.”

Let us then consider,

I. The invitation, “Return unto me.”

That we have all departed from God is evident from what the Prophet Isaiah says, “All we like sheep have gone astray, every one to his own way [Note: Isaías 53:6.].” Thus though, as to the particular ways which we have pursued, we may differ, one having rushed into all manner of gross sins, whilst another has walked in a more moral and decent way, we are all alike in this, that we have lived to ourselves rather than unto God. This we all have acknowledged in the general Confession [Note: Cite it.] — — — and therefore we may all, without exception, consider the invitation as addressed to ourselves: “Return unto me;”

1. In penitence—

[As sinners, we are all called upon to repent: nor can we ever be accepted of God, whilst we continue impenitent. The Prodigal Son, in his return, is a pattern to us all [Note: Lucas 15:18.] — — — The Publican, and not the self-applauding Pharisee, was justified before God [Note: Lucas 18:14.]. It is not the more notorious sinner only that is to “sow in tears, in order to reap in joy:” for “he that covereth his sins, whoever he may be, shall not prosper: it is he only who confesseth and forsaketh them, that shall find mercy [Note: Provérbios 28:13.].” Hence the Saviour would have the very best of men approach him with that penitential acknowledgment, “Behold, I am vile: I repent and abhor myself in dust and ashes [Note: Jó 42:6.].”]

2. In faith—

[We are not to come to the Lord doubting either his power or his willingness to save us [Note: Marcos 9:22.Mateus 8:2.], but fully confiding in him as able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him [Note: Hebreus 7:25.]: “If I may but touch the hem of his garment, I shall be whole [Note: Mateus 9:21.].” Our Saviour would not have any doubts entertained in our mind. He reproved Martha for questioning the fullest possible accomplishment of his word: “Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God [Note: João 11:40.]?” In our return to him he will make our faith the measure of the benefits he will confer upon us; “He says, according to your faith it shall be unto you [Note: Mateus 9:29.].”]

3. In love—

[He must have willing servants, or none. We must account “none of his commandments grievous [Note: 1 João 5:3.],” but regard “his yoke easy and his burthen light [Note: Mateus 11:30.].” In returning to him, the language of our hearts must be that which he himself used, when first he undertook our cause: “Lo, I come; I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart [Note: Salmos 40:7.].” In fact, our readiness and determination of heart to obey his will is the only true test of our repentance, our faith, or our love. With whatever measure of penitence or faith we may profess to return to him, “it will be in vain to cry, Lord! Lord! if we do not the things which he commands [Note: Lucas 6:46.].”]

Whilst we listen to our Saviour’s invitation, it will be well to consider,


The motive with which he enforces it.

He might well have enforced it with the most terrible denunciations of his wrath in the event of our refusal. But he rather reminds us of the great things he has done for us;

1. As a call upon our gratitude—

[Think what I have done for you, in leaving my Father’s bosom, in assuming your fallen nature, in bearing your sins upon the cross, and in effecting your reconciliation with your offended God. Does all this love call for such a return at your hands; and “is it right for you to requite” it as you are now doing? Is it well for you to abide at a distance from me, and to “trample upon my blood as an unholy thing,” and to “crucify me afresh by continuing in your sins [Note: Hebreus 6:6; Hebreus 10:29.]?” Had I never shewn such mercy to you, your wickedness in departing from me would have been comparatively light: but “now you can have no cloak for your sin [Note: João 15:22.]:” nay, you must stand utterly condemned in your own minds. But if you will duly contemplate the love which I have shewn to you, it will surely generate in your hearts somewhat of a corresponding love to me, and “constrain you to live unto him, who has so lived and died for you [Note: 2 Coríntios 5:14.].”]

2. As an encouragement under our fears—

[In despite of all that the Lord Jesus has done and suffered for us, we are prone, under a deep conviction of our sins, to doubt whether he will receive such sinful creatures as we. But let us suppose, that, immediately after his resurrection, he had met many of his murderers, and told them, that the very blood which they had shed should cleanse them from the guilt of shedding it; could they have doubted his willingness to save their souls? Now it is in this very way that he meets us at this time. Our sins were the true cause of all his sufferings: and in his word he meets us at this very hour, and says to every one of us individually, “I have redeemed thee; O return to me; for I have redeemed thee.” Dismiss then your fears, whatever you may have been, or whatever you may have done: for his blood will cleanse from all sin [Note: 1 João 1:7.],” nor shall any soul perish that believes in him [Note: João 3:16.]. Let the most unrighteous man in the universe only return to him in penitence and faith, “and He will have mercy upon him, and abundantly pardon all his multiplied transgressions [Note: Isaías 55:7.].”]


[Let the careless sinner hear this. When you are in the midst of all your mirth and gaiety, call this to mind: ‘My Saviour is here with me; and in a still small voice he says to me, Return unto me from whom thou hast deeply revolted; “return unto me; for I have redeemed thee.” What has the world ever done for you, that it should be preferred to me? or what can it ever do, that shall compensate for the loss of my redeeming love?’ Surely, my Brethren, one such thought as this will damp all your joys, and constrain you, like the Saviour’s look on Peter, to go forth from your scenes of dissipation, and weep bitterly [Note: Mateus 26:75.] — — —

Let the backsliding professor, in particular, consider himself as here addressed. To him our Saviour says, ‘What iniquity have you found in me, that you should so slight my love? Have I been a wilderness to you, and a land of darkness, that you should thus wickedly depart from me [Note: Jeremias 2:5; Jeremias 2:31.]? O remember, “It were better for you never to have known me, than thus to reflect dishonour un my name [Note: 2 Pedro 2:21.].” Think, in what your declension must issue, if you return not to me with your whole heart.’ And now, ere it be too late, say, “What have I to do any more with idols?” “I will return unto my first Husband; for then it was better with me than now [Note: Oséias 2:7; Oséias 14:8.]” — — — Then shall you pour forth those joyous strains which follow my text; and, with David and Peter, unite for ever in the loudest hosannas to your redeeming God.]

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