João 1:18
Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon
João 1:18. No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
THE knowledge of God is the great source of blessings to mankind, but the heathen world were altogether ignorant of him, nor were the Jews themselves fully instructed concerning him: to make a full revelation of him to the world was a part of that work which was reserved for Christ himself; and this office he performed, to the unspeakable comfort of his Church and people The Evangelist unites his testimony with that of John the Baptist in confirmation of this truth.
We shall inquire,
I. What Christ has declared of the Father—
God himself is invisible to the eye of sense [Note: 1 Timóteo 6:16.]: even Moses was permitted to see only his back parts [Note: Êxodo 33:23.]. But Christ had a peculiar relation to the Father as “his only-begotten Son;” and a most intimate acquaintance with him, as being from all eternity, and at that very hour, “in his bosom.” He has made known the Father to us, and declared,
1. His nature—
[Mankind had gross conceptions of the Deity as a material Being: but Christ has assured us of his perfect Spirituality [Note: João 4:24.]. Nor was the Unity of God clearly ascertained among the Gentiles: but Christ has left no room for doubt upon this subject [Note: Marcos 12:29.]. He has, moreover, revealed to us a Trinity of persons in the Godhead. He has affirmed in the plainest terms his own Oneness with the Father [Note: João 10:30.]. He has spoken of the Holy Ghost as co-existing with himself and with the Father [Note: João 15:26.], and has joined the Three together as equal in authority and honour [Note: Mateus 28:19.]. Thus has he enabled us by faith to “see him who is invisible.”]
2. His perfections—
[God had long since proclaimed his own name to Moses [Note: Êxodo 34:6.]; but Christ has afforded us more abundant discoveries of all his attributes. He has clearly shewn us that his goodness is unbounded [Note: Mateus 5:45.], his sovereignty uncontrolled [Note: Mateus 11:25.], his power irresistible [Note: Mateus 26:53.], his justice inflexible [Note: Mateus 26:42.], his mercy infinite [Note: João 3:16.], and his truth inviolable [Note: Lucas 16:17.]. There is not any thing relating to his Father, the knowledge of which could be at all serviceable to us, that he has not revealed [Note: João 15:15.]
He did not however merely utter these things like the prophets of old:
How he declared him—
Christ had formerly spoken of God in and by the prophets [Note: 1 Pedro 1:11.]; but now he declared the Father in a different manner:
1. By exhibiting a perfect pattern of him—
[He was himself an exact resemblance of the Father [Note: Hebreus 1:3.], and in his conduct exhibited every perfection of the Deity [Note: João 8:29.]. Hence a sight of him was, in fact, a sight of the Father himself [Note: João 14:7.]
2. By making known his counsels—
[Much of the Father’s counsels had lain hid from the foundation of the world, or had been very imperfectly revealed. Christ opened them to his hearers as they were able to bear them [Note: João 16:12.]. He made known God’s intention to admit the Gentiles into his Church [Note: Mateus 8:11.], and assured us that the most abandoned of mankind should be cordially received the very instant he returned to God [Note: Lucas 15:20.]; but that none of whatever character could be saved, unless they sought acceptance with God through his mediation [Note: João 14:6.]. Thus by these declarations he has enabled us to attain a more perfect knowledge of the Father’s mind and will.]
3. By exerting a secret energy on the minds of men—
[No man could know the Father unless Christ revealed him inwardly by his Spirit, as well as outwardly by the word [Note: Mateus 11:27.]. His very Disciples understood not until he opened their eyes [Note: Lucas 24:45.]: nor can we attain to a true knowledge of God in any other way. The “word must come to us in power and in the Holy Ghost,” or it will come in vain [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 1:5.]; but, when applied by his Spirit, it shall teach us plainly of the Father [Note: João 16:25.]
How glorious a person must Christ be!
[The description given of him shews his superiority above every created being: He is not the Son of God by creation, as the angels are, nor by regeneration and adoption, as men; but by an inexplicable generation, his “Only-begotten;” and, as well in his incarnate as in his pre-existent state, was continually “in the bosom of the Father [Note: João 3:13.].” Nor was any other worthy to reveal the Father to us. Let us then entertain just conceptions of his worth and dignity, and manifest our delight in him as the saints in heaven do [Note: Apocalipse 5:5.]
2. How precious ought the Scriptures to be to us!
[Job and David had but a small portion of the Scriptures in their hands: yet did they value them above every thing in the world [Note: Jó 23:12; Salmos 119:72.]. How much more should we, who possess the sacred oracles entire! In these is recorded every thing that Christ has declared; and by these we may be made wise unto salvation [Note: 2 Timóteo 3:15.]. Let us then search them with diligence, and treasure them up in our hearts; nor let a day pass without our digging into those invaluable mines [Note: Provérbios 2:4.]
3. How inexcusable are they who are ignorant of God!
[It is to our shame that many of us are still ignorant of God [Note: 1 Coríntios 15:34.]: we have not that knowledge of him that produces correspondent affections towards him. But what excuse can we offer in extenuation of our guilt? Has not Christ declared the Father in order that we might know him? And is he not willing also to reveal him in us by his powerful energy on our souls? Some, doubtless, are more guilty than others in proportion as they have possessed means of instruction; but all will find the consequences of their ignorance most tremendous [Note: 2 Tessalonicenses 1:8.]. Let all begin then to inquire after God with their whole hearts, nor rest till they have attained that knowledge of him which is life eternal [Note: João 17:3.]