João 19:26-27

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


João 19:26. When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son! Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.

IN the hour of our Lord’s crucifixion, when nearly the whole of his Disciples had forsaken him, his female relatives adhered to him, and, together with John the beloved Disciple, preferred the pain and danger of a continued attendance on him, to the repose and safety of a disgraceful flight. To this kindness of theirs the dying Jesus was not insensible. On the contrary, he took that opportunity to secure to his mother a protector through all her remaining days; and to confer on John an honour, which even an angel might well have envied. The transaction, being one of the last in which the Saviour was engaged, demands particular attention. We propose to consider it,

I. As an emblem for our instruction—

Many of our Lord’s miracles were certainly intended to shadow forth the spiritual blessings which he came to bestow: and some of his actions also were plainly adapted to the same end [Note: See João 9:39; João 13:8.]. We do not indeed assert, that such was the intention of the fact recorded in our text; yet we may without impropriety remark, that it is well calculated to shew,

1. The care which Jesus takes of his suffering people—

[The time was now come, when, according to the prediction of the aged Simeon, “a sword pierced through the soul” of the virgin mother. But Jesus, though in the very agonies of death himself, was mindful of her, and committed her to one, who should supply his place, and be to her as an affectionate and duteous son. His removal from this lower world has in no wise diminished his concern for his afflicted people. As the High-priest of his Church, he is constantly attending to the interests of all its members. He is “not such an high-priest as cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities:” in the days of his flesh, “he was in all points tempted like as we are, though without sin [Note: Hebreus 4:15.]:” and since, as well as before, his incarnation, “in all our afflictions he is afflicted [Note: Isaías 63:9.].” Are we in temporal distress? he engages that “bread shall be given us, and our water be sure [Note: Isaías 33:16.]:” and if our wants be of a spiritual nature, he assures us, that he will “never suffer the soul of the righteous to famish [Note: Provérbios 10:3.],” but will make all grace abound towards us, that we, “having always all-sufficiency in all things, may abound unto every good work [Note: 2 Coríntios 9:8.].”]

2. The subserviency of the whole creation to his will—

[Without hesitation, John accepted the trust; and no doubt he executed it with fidelity and joy. In like manner the whole creation is ready to obey the command of Christ, and to fulfil his gracious appointments. All the hosts of heaven would, at the first intimation of his will, fly to our relief. The birds of the air would sustain us [Note: 1 Reis 17:4.]; the fishes of the sea preserve us [Note: João 1:17.]; the clouds would supply us with daily nutriment; and the rocks give from their bosoms an unceasing stream for our support [Note: Neemias 9:20.]. The very enemies of God and his people should open an asylum for us, in obedience to his word; “Let mine outcasts dwell with thee, Moab: be thou a covert to them from the face of the spoiler [Note: Isaías 16:4.].” Hence he bids us “to cast our care on him;” and encourages the most destitute of mankind to expect from him a seasonable supply of all needful blessings; “Leave thy fatherless children; I will preserve them alive: and let thy widows trust in me [Note: Jeremias 49:11.].”]

Even though the foregoing views should not be thought necessarily connected with the subject, they are profitable in themselves, and are easily deducible from it: but no doubt at all can arise respecting this act of our Lord’s,


As a pattern for our imitation—

Whatever Jesus did as the Messiah, was peculiar to himself; but whatever he did merely as a man, that is to be imitated by us; for “he set us an example, that we should follow his steps.” His Apostles also we are “to follow, as far as they were followers of him.” Now the fact which is here recorded, affords us an excellent pattern,

1. Of filial piety—

[Our Lord, during his youthful days, is particularly spoken of as having been “subject to his parents [Note: Lucas 2:51.]:” and therein he has set an example to children in every age. But it is not in honouring their parents only, or in obeying their commands, that the duty of children consists; it is no less their duty to make provision for their parents, in case they should by any means be brought into circumstances to need support. This is particularly enjoined by God himself; “If any widow have children, or nephews [Note: ἔκγονα.] (grand-children), let them learn first to shew pity at home, and to requite their parents: for that is good and acceptable before God [Note: 1 Timóteo 5:4.].” This duty supersedes charity itself, on a supposition that the two be incompatible with each other: because the support of parents is an act of justice; it is a return which we are bound to make for all the care and kindness they exercised towards us in our early days: and the claims of justice can never yield to those of generosity: indeed so indispensable is this duty, that if we do not perform it, we practically “deny the faith, and make ourselves worse than infidels [Note: 1 Timóteo 5:8.].” Moreover we should endeavour, as far as circumstances will admit of it, to make provision for our parents in the event of our own removal; that so we may requite them for all their love to us, whilst we were incapable of the smallest exertion for ourselves. If our parents do not need support from us, we must not on that account imagine that our Lord’s example is inapplicable to us; for that example shews equally, that it is our duty to consult the comfort of their minds, as well as the support of their bodies: and I pray God that all young people amongst us may lay this thought to heart! — — —]

2. Of Christian love—

[Though John had probably no great abundance for himself, he doubtless thankfully admitted the mother of our Lord to a participation of what he had; regarding her altogether as though she had been his own mother. In this same light should we regard all the sons and daughters of affliction, especially “those who are of the household of faith.” What our Lord said of all who did his Father’s will, we, for his sake, should say also; “The same is my brother and sister and mother [Note: Mateus 12:50.].” We should consider the aged, the infirm, the young, the destitute, as having a claim upon us for all the aid that we can reasonably afford them out of the provision which God has made for us. We should look upon our property as a trust committed to our charge, to be improved for God, and to be accounted for to him in the day of judgment. And, if the demands upon us be urgent, we must not on that account give grudgingly or of necessity, but rejoice that God has entrusted us with talents for such a blessed use [Note: If this were the subject of a Charity Sermon, the particular claims of the Institution pleaded for might be stated here.]. As to the comfort arising from such an use of our property, it is beyond all comparison greater than any that can arise from personal indulgence: we entreat all therefore to seek their happiness in making others happy, and to tread in the steps of Him, who impoverished himself that he might enrich us [Note: 2 Coríntios 8:9.], and submitted to the most cruel death that we might inherit eternal life.]


Those who are afflicted—

[Those who are most dear to the Lord, are often the most afflicted. This was particularly the case with the mother of our Lord: and we are told in general, that “whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth.” It is possible too that he may bring us into troubles, from whence there appears not any probable method of escape; but he knows the fittest time to interpose in our behalf. He might have arranged matters for his mother long before: but he would not; because he knew what would be on the whole the fittest season. Thus then let us wait the Lord’s leisure, and be strong in faith, giving glory to him: and if at any time we be tempted to fear that he has forsaken and forgotten us, let us instantly check the dishonourable thought; believing that, though it is possible that a mother should forget her sucking child, it is not possible that He should ever be unmindful of us [Note: Isaías 49:14.]: nay, if, like Mary, we be brought into troubles for his sake, we shall receive from him “an hundred-fold in this world, and in the world to come eternal life [Note: Marcos 10:29.].”]

2. Them that are at ease—

[If you were under the heaviest pressure of affliction yourselves, it would be no reason for being indifferent to the afflictions of others: but if God has been pleased to screen you from trials, you should be the more earnest in “bearing the burthens of others, that you may thereby fulfil the law of Christ [Note: Gálatas 6:2.].” Remember, that sympathy is one of the finest feelings of our nature, and exceedingly fitted to purify us from our remaining dross. Cultivate it then, and value every opportunity of exercising and strengthening that principle in your souls. It is said by Solomon, that “it is better to go to the house of mourning than to the house of feasting:” and this witness is true. Nothing tends more to create in us a thankful heart, than the seeing of the miseries to which others are exposed. Are you then, like John, disciples beloved of your Lord?-endeavour to tread in the steps of John: and if, with Peter, you are confident that you feel in yourselves a love to Christ, then comply with the command of Christ, and “feed his lambs, and feed his sheep [Note: João 21:15.].”]

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