Lucas 6:39

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Lucas 6:39. And he spake a parable unto them; Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?

IGNORANCE is, in itself, more excusable than vice; but in some cases its effects are equally pernicious [Note: A person may ruin himself no less by imprudence than by debauchery; and a General may bring as great calamities on his army through unskilfulness, as if he had betrayed them into the hands of their enemies.]. This is manifestly true in the concerns of the soul: a person, ignorant of the way of salvation, must fall short of heaven; and if he undertake to direct others, will ruin all who follow him. To impress this truth on our minds, our Lord repeatedly uttered this parable [Note: Mateus 15:14.]—

I. The scope of the parable—

The Pharisees, through their professed sanctity, gained extensive influence, and were implicitly followed by the deluded populace. The consequences were extremely fatal to them both.
In this parable our Lord intended to reprove,

1. The presumption of such guides—

[No man should undertake an office for which he is not qualified, much less so important an office as that of guiding men to heaven. Yet many assume it for filthy lucre’s sake, without any other qualification than that of a little human learning. But what would be thought of a man, who, because he was conversant with the learned languages, and philosophy, should engage to navigate a ship? Yet he would only subject a few hundreds of persons to temporal death; whereas a minister that misleads his people, involves thousands in everlasting destruction. How horrible is such presumption! and how surely must it bring down upon the offenders the signal vengeance of heaven [Note: 2 Crônicas 26:16.]! Let all who would not perish under such an accumulated load of guilt, examine well their motives for undertaking, their qualifications for discharging, and their manner of executing, this high office [Note: It should be remembered, that it is not human learning which can qualify a man for the ministerial office, but rather an experience of true religion in his own soul. The Pharisees were acquainted with the letter of the Scriptures, but they understood not the spirit of them: they saw not the spirituality of the moral law, nor the typical import of the ceremonial law. Thus being ignorant of their fallen state, and of the means appointed for their recovery, they were only blind guides. A man must be converted himself, before he undertakes to convert others: he must be able to adopt the language of the Apostle.—See 1 João 1:1; 1 João 1:3.]

2. The folly of such followers—

[The generality never once consider whether their guide be competent to direct them, nor inquire into the truth of the directions given them. They commit their souls to his care, as though there were no possibility of erring, or no danger in error. They even prefer such teachers as “prophesy unto them smooth things [Note: Isaías 30:9.Jeremias 5:30.].” But would any man act thus in matters of less importance? Would any person who had a disorder to be healed, or a cause to be tried, employ a physician or a lawyer that was ignorant of his profession, if he could have access to one of approved ability? Would any blind person commit himself to the guidance of one who also was destitute of sight? Can any one doubt what would be the consequence of such folly? What madness then is it for men to rest satisfied with the instructions of those, whose whole dispositions and conduct manifest, that they are ignorant of the way to heaven! That their guides will be partakers of their doom, will afford but little consolation to them, when they themselves are suffering the bitter consequences of their folly [Note: The whole of this subject requires to be treated with peculiar tenderness, lest we appear to be bringing only a railing accusation against our brethren, when we should be seeking rather the edification of our flock. We must not indeed shrink from expounding any portion of God’s word; but we must always be careful to “speak the truth in love.”].]

The truth asserted in the parable is too obvious to need either proof or illustration; we shall therefore proceed to consider,


The lessons we should learn from it—

Though the familiarity of our Lord’s expressions appears at first sight calculated to produce a smile, they afford just occasion for the most solemn admonitions.

1. Guard against errorin the concerns of your souls—

[Many suppose that ignorance is an excuse for error: but God has sufficiently warned us against this mistake [Note: Oséias 4:6; Isaías 27:11.Efésios 5:6.]. It is certain, that there is a great diversity of doctrines among those who undertake to teach — — — and, that error is more prevalent than truth — — — But the multitudes who throng the broad road, cannot procure safety for those who walk in it. We must dare to leave the beaten track of self-righteousness and formality, for the less frequented path of faith and holiness; nor must we hope to reach the fold of God, unless we follow the footsteps of his flock [Note: Cântico dos Cânticos 1:8; Mateus 7:13.]

2. Try what you hear by the touchstone of God’s word—

[The Scriptures are the only proper rule of our faith and practice: to them we must refer every thing as to an unerring standard [Note: Isaías 8:20.], nor must any human authority supersede the exercise of our own judgment [Note: Mateus 23:8.]. If an angel from heaven were to preach, we ought to try his word by this test. This was approved in the Bereans of old [Note: Atos 17:11.]; and it is expressly enjoined on us [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 5:21.]

3. Seek the instruction and guidance of the Holy Spirit—

[However plainly man may preach, God alone can enable you to profit [Note: Isaías 48:17.]. Of yourselves you will be far more ready to embrace the self-exalting tenets of deceivers, than the humiliating doctrines of the Gospel. But the Holy Ghost shall be given to those who seek his influence [Note: Lucas 11:13.], and shall guide into all truth those who submit to his teaching [Note: João 16:13; 1 João 2:20.]. Let all then, whatever be their capacity or attainments, implore his help: then, though babes in human science, they shall be taught the things that are hid from the wise and prudent [Note: Mateus 11:25.]

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