Marcos 10

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon

Verses with Bible comments







1416. Marcos 1:14.

The Scope of our Lord’s Ministry

1417. Marcos 1:45.

The Leper healed

1418. Marcos 2:8.

The Paralytic healed

1419. Marcos 2:17.

The Whole and the Sick, the Righteous and Sinners described

1420. Marcos 2:27.

The Use and Benefit of the Sabbath

1421. Marcos 3:5.

The Man with the withered Hand

1422. Marcos 3:31.

Christ’s Love to his People

1423. Marcos 4:26.

The springing Field

1424. Marcos 4:30.

The Grain of Mustard Seed

1425. Marcos 5:16.

The Gadarene Demoniac

1426. Marcos 5:25.

The Woman with a bloody Flux healed

1427. Marcos 6:6.

Prevalence of Unbelief

1428. Marcos 6:51.

Christian Gratitude delineated

1429. Marcos 7:14.

The Means of spiritual Defilement

1430. Marcos 7:32.

The deaf and dumb Man healed

1431. Marcos 8:23.

The blind Man healed

1432. Marcos 8:38.

Guilt and Danger of being ashamed of Chris

1433. Marcos 9:25.

A deaf and dumb Spirit cast out

1434. Marcos 9:28.

Fasting and Prayer

1435. Marcos 9:41.

Christ’s Interest in his People

1436. Marcos 9:43.

An offending Member

1437. Marcos 9:49.

Christians to have Salt in themselves

1438. Marcos 10:13.

Christ blesses little Children

1439. Marcos 10:21.

The rich Youth forsaking Christ

1440. Marcos 10:23.

The Danger of Riches

1441. Marcos 10:28.

Reward of those who suffer for Christ

1442. Marcos 10:35.

Ambition of James and John reproved

1443. Marcos 10:41.

Legitimate Ambition illustrated

1444. Marcos 10:49.

Blind Bartimeus cured

1445. Marcos 11:24.

The Importance of Faith in Prayer

1446. Marcos 12:6.

The Regard due to Christ

1447. Marcos 12:17.

Duties to our earthly and heavenly King

1448. Marcos 12:26.

The Resurrection proved from the Pentateuch

1449. Marcos 12:28.

Love to God the great Commandment

1450. Marcos 12:31.

Love to our Neighbour

1451. Marcos 12:32.

Excellence of the Moral Law

1452. Marcos 12:34.

Not far from the Kingdom of God

1453. Marcos 12:41.

The Widow’s Mite

1454. Marcos 13:32.

The Duty of Watchfulness enforced

1455. Marcos 13:37.

We should watch for our Lord’s Second Coming

1456. Marcos 14:8.

Commendation of Mary’s Love

1457. Marcos 14:17.

The Self-diffidence of the Apostles

1458. Marcos 14:31.

Self-confidence condemned

1459. Marcos 14:71.

Peter’s Denial of his Lord.

1460. Marcos 16:9.

Christ appearing to Mary Magdalene

1461. Marcos 16:15.

On the Gospel Message

1462. See the End of Claude’s Essay (in the separate eBook module)

1463. See the End of Claude’s Essay. (in the separate eBook module)

1464. See the End of Claude’s Essay. (in the separate eBook module)

1465. See the End of Claude’s Essay. (in the separate eBook module)