Romanos 2:28-29

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Romanos 2:28. He is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: but he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

IF we were to estimate men’s religion by the degree of confidence which they expressed, we should be ready to think that the glory of the latter day were already arrived, so universal are men’s claims to Christian knowledge and experience. But it is often found, that, where there is the strongest confidence, there is the least ground for it. None could ever be more firmly persuaded of their acceptance with God than the carnal Jews; yet were they fatally mistaken: for though they enjoyed many privileges, and abounded in outward observances, they were destitute of that vital principle, without which their religion was a vain ceremony, an empty form.
In the preceding context the Apostle is proving to the Jews that they stood in need of a Saviour no less than the idolatrous Gentiles: and, knowing what a stress they laid upon their outward privileges, he tells them, that it was not an outward and carnal, but an inward and spiritual service that God required, and that was necessary to justify their pretensions to the Divine favour.

His words naturally lead us to shew,

I. The vanity of a mere outward and nominal religion—

All are apt to rest in external forms—
[There is nothing in mere forms, which does not gratify, rather than counteract, our natural tendency to self-righteousness, and self-applause. Hence arises that universal readiness to substitute something that is of an external nature, in the place of vital godliness. The Jews valued themselves on their descent from Abraham, and on their admission into covenant with God by the right of circumcision: they also boasted of the law in which they were instructed, and of the ordinances wherein they drew nigh to God: and such was their dependence on these things, that they would not suffer themselves to doubt one moment their title to heaven. Precisely such also are the grounds on which the generality of Christians hope to obtain eternal happiness: they have been born of Christian parents, devoted to God in baptism, instructed in the truths of the Gospel, and brought up in a constant attendance, if not on the Lord’s supper, at least on the other ordinances of religion. If they can boast thus far, they will conclude that all is well with them, and that their salvation is quite secure.]
But the form of godliness without its power is of no avail—
[Testimonies to this effect are exceeding numerous and strong. John the Baptist particularly cautioned the Jews against trusting in their descent from Abraham [Note: Mateus 3:9.]: our Lord also warned his hearers, that though they were Abraham’s children after the flesh, they could not be considered as the seed to whom the promises were made, because they did not the works of Abraham [Note: João 8:39.]. St. Paul also, having enumerated the great and glorious privileges to which the Jews were entitled, yet declares that “all were not Israel who were of Israel,” and that the spiritual seed alone should be partakers of the promises [Note: Romanos 9:4.].

However therefore our knowledge of divine truth be enlarged, or our outward services be multiplied, we can never be admitted into God’s sanctuary, unless we have a better righteousness than the Scribes and Pharisees attained [Note: Mateus 5:20.]: we may indeed, “have a name to live; but we are really dead [Note: Apocalipse 3:1.].”]

In confirmation of this point we proceed to state,


The nature and excellence of true religion—

True religion extends its influence to the inmost dispositions of the soul—
[Circumcision and baptism are mere signs and shadowy representations of something inward and spiritual; they are intended to lead our minds to “the circumcision of the heart,” and “the washing of regeneration [Note: Compare Deuteronômio 10:16; Deuteronômio 30:6. with Colossenses 2:11 and Tito 3:5.].” True religion rests not “in the letter of the law,” but goes to “the spirit” of it; and inclines the heart to an uniform, unreserved compliance with the will of God. God himself has informed us fully upon this point; “Neither circumcision availeth any thing nor uncircumcision, but a new creation [Note: Gálatas 6:15. κτίσις.]. The renovation of our inward man after the Divine image, is that which alone constituted a person a Jew in God’s estimation; nor is any thing less than this necessary to constitute us Christians in the sight of God. Without this, the circumcision of the Jew was a mere concision; and the baptism of the Christian is a worthless ablution [Note: Filipenses 3:2; 1 Pedro 3:21.]

Wherever this operates, God looks upon it with pleasure and delight—
[Man’s approbation is confined to the outward forms of religion; the life and power of which are reprobated by him as hypocrisy and enthusiasm. But God, who sees the emptiness of mere outward services through the specious veil that is put upon them, beholds also the intrinsic worth of those dispositions which are cultivated by the true Christian. The sighs and groans of a penitent are as a sweet-smelling savour unto God; while the self-exalting thoughts and expressions of a proud Pharisee are as an offensive “smoke in his nose,” which excites nothing but disgust and abhorrence [Note: Jeremias 31:18; Jeremias 31:20; Isaías 65:5. See also Lucas 18:11.]. Nor is there a good desire rising in the bosom from a principle of pure religion, but it is instantly noted in the book of God’s remembrance [Note: Malaquias 3:16.], and shall be recorded to the Christian’s honour in the great day of our Lord’s appearing [Note: 1 Pedro 1:7. 1 Coríntios 4:5]]


Those who are resting in outward forms—

[Persons who are diligent in external duties, never doubt but that they are true Christians: but if they be not equally attentive to their inward motives and principles, God himself tells us that they are no Christians. Let us then inquire, not whether we be descended from Christian ancestors, but whether we he born of God? Let us ask, not whether we have “cleansed the outside of the cup and platter;” but whether we are “purified from all spiritual as well as fleshly filthiness [Note: 2 Coríntios 7:1.]?” And let us remember, that “the King’s daughters are all glorious within;” and that their brightest ornament is “the hidden man of the heart [Note: Salmos 45:13; 1 Pedro 3:4.]:” nor is it he who commendeth himself that is approved of God, “but he whom the Lord commendeth [Note: 2 Coríntios 10:18.].”]

2. Those who disregard religion entirely—

[It has already been seen that persons may be Christians in appearance, and very observant of all the ordinances of religion, while yet they are no Christians in the sight of God: how far then must they be from deserving this appellation, who habitually violate the commandments of their Divine Master, and live in a constant neglect of the most acknowledged duties! Surely “their circumcision is become uncircumcision;” instead of being Jews “they are of the synagogue of Satan:” and the unbaptized heathen, who walk agreeably to the light of nature, shall condemn them, who, having been baptized into the faith of Christ, are yet despising his authority, and trampling on his laws [Note: ver. 25–27. with Apocalipse 2:9.]. Let then the very name of Christian be renounced at once, or let the spirit of Christianity be made apparent in our lives.]

3. Those who are cultivating a spiritual and heavenly mind—

[Amidst the abounding of iniquity there yet are many who are devoted to God both in heart and life: and unspeakably blessed is their state. “Their praise indeed is not of men:” by men they are derided as enthusiasts and fanatics: but they have “praise of God.” God beholds them with pleasure, and forbears to destroy the world for their sake [Note: Isaías 1:9; Mateus 24:22.]. He accounts them his servants, his children, his glory [Note: Isaías 46:13.]; and in a little time he will welcome them to his bright abodes, saying, “Well done, good and faithful servants, enter ye into the joy of your Lord.” At the day of judgment too will the Lord Jesus Christ confess them before his Father and his holy angels; “These were Christians indeed; they followed me in the regeneration, and shall therefore now be seated on thrones of glory: as I have already shewn my mercy to them, so will I now evince my righteousness in them; they shall walk with me in white, for they are worthy [Note: Apocalipse 3:4.].” Go on then, beloved, from grace to grace: never think that you have yet attained, or that you are already perfect; but forget all that is behind, and press forward for that which is before, knowing assuredly, that “to him who worketh righteousness shall he a sure reward.”]

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