Apocalipse 3:12-13

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Apocalipse 3:12. Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches.

HEAR—hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches, and to every individual soul that hath an ear to hear it. We have already heard “exceeding great and precious promises” made unto the Church: but in the passage before us there is a grandeur which overpowers the mind, and a depth which it is scarcely possible to fathom. What a thought! that you, who are here assembled, are soon to be made pillars in the temple of God above, provided you now “fight the good fight of faith,” and obtain the victory over the enemies of your souls! Attend then, I pray you, and lift up your hearts to God for his blessing, whilst I endeavour to set before you,

I. The reward prepared for God’s victorious servants—

They shall be pillars in the temple of the Lord—
[The precise import of this promise it is not easy to declare; because the allusion which is here made to pillars erected in heathen temples had not any thing to correspond with it in the temple of Solomon. As for the two pillars named Jachin and Boaz, they were in the porch of the temple, and not in the temple itself; nor had they any inscription whatever upon them [Note: 1 Reis 7:21.]. For the elucidation of our subject, we must look, not to them, but to a practice which obtained amongst the Greeks and Romans, of erecting monuments to their generals, who had obtained great success against their enemies. These were often pillars, with inscriptions on them; and they were placed, sometimes near the temples of their gods, and sometimes within them. ‘Now,’ says our blessed Lord, ‘such pillars my victorious saints shall be in heaven: “I will make them pillars in the temple of my God.” ’ And whereas the pillars constructed in earthly temples must in time fall to decay, the saints should retain their honour through eternal ages: “They shall go no more out:” the temple in which they are placed shall stand: and they also shall endure as long as heaven itself shall endure, even through all eternity.]

On them, also, shall there be a suitable inscription—
[On the pillars in the heathen temples were inscribed the name of the god to whose power they ascribed the victories, and whom they sought to honour as the author of them. There was also written the name of the city that had given birth to this great general, or been the peculiar place of his residence: and further, there was inscribed also the name of the sovereign whose servant he was, or of the commander under whose direction he fought.
Now, in conformity with these customs, our Lord says, that on his people, who shall themselves be the pillars, he will “write” the name of “his God;” (for Jesus, as Man and as Mediator, calls Jehovah “his Father and our Father, and his God and our God:”) yes, the name of Jehovah, who enabled them to gain the victory, and to whom alone the glory of it is due, shall be written upon them.

On them also shall be written “the name of the city of his God, the New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from his God.” The New Jerusalem is the Church of God [Note: Gálatas 4:25.]. And it “comes down from God out of heaven,” precisely as the tabernacle and temple did; a model of the one being shewn to Moses for a pattern [Note: Êxodo 25:40.], and to David for the other [Note: 1 Crônicas 28:12; 1 Crônicas 28:19.]. This descent of the city from heaven is repeatedly mentioned in the Holy Scriptures [Note: Apocalipse 21:2; Apocalipse 21:10.]: and it is deserving of particular notice in this place, because there is not a stone in the whole building which was not taken out from the quarry by God himself, and formed and fashioned for its station. The strokes that are given to each stone with the hammer and the chisel, are given in this world, at a distance from the temple above. When the stones are carried thither, the sound of any tool is not once heard [Note: 1 Reis 6:7.]; every stone being already fitted for the place, which, in His sovereign will, he has ordained it to occupy.

Further, on them also will our blessed Lord “write his new name, Jesus” which was given him at his birth: for He it is who called them to be soldiers, and directed all their efforts, and strengthened them for the combat, and beat down their enemies before their face; and, consequently, to Him also, as the Captain of their salvation, must all honour be ascribed.
Now then I say, “Hear,” brethren, if indeed “ye have ears to hear,” what inconceivable honour is reserved for God’s faithful servants: and attend yet further, whilst I endeavour to point out to you,]


The excellency of this reward—

Methinks, nothing can add to the terms that are here used, or enhance the grandeur of the description here given. Yet it may be well to consider this reward in the light in which it will then appear:

1. As the consummation of God’s eternal purposes—

[From all eternity did God determine to take unto himself a people from our fallen race, and to exalt them to thrones of glory in his kingdom. From all eternity, also, did he “predestinate persons to be his adopted children [Note: Efésios 1:5.],” and “choose them unto salvation [Note: 2 Tessalonicenses 2:13.],” even to that very salvation which they will in due time enjoy. In their appointed season he “called them by his grace, and justified” them from their sins, and sanctified them by his Spirit: and when they shall be “glorified [Note: Romanos 8:30.],” then shall all his counsels be fulfilled, and all the wonders of his love be unravelled, from beginning to end. Then will the reason of all his dispensations appear; just as does the reason of the builder’s conduct towards every individual stone of a pillar, when it shall be found in a place ordained for it. O! how will this enhance the value of the reward, when the conferring of it shall be found to have occupied the Divine mind from all eternity; and all the wisdom, and power, and love, and faithfulness of God shall be seen to have been employed in preparing the soul for the enjoyment of it.]

2. As the completion of all Christ’s glorious engagements—

[What he undertook was, to redeem our souls by his own most precious blood, and to search us out, and bring us home, and keep us in his fold, and introduce us finally to his fold above [Note: Ezequiel 34:11; Ezequiel 34:23.]. The effecting of this was “the joy that was set before him;” in the prospect of which “he endured the cross and despised the shame, till he sat down triumphant at the right hand of God [Note: Hebreus 12:2.].” And when he shall behold the exaltation of his redeemed people, then will he “see the travail of his soul, and be fully satisfied” with all that he ever did or suffered for the attainment of this great object [Note: Isaías 53:11.]. Contemplate, then, the satisfaction which Christ will feel, in “making us such pillars,” and in “inscribing all these characters upon us,” (for in my text, you see it is his entire work;) and then tell me, whether the reward bestowed upon us be not, beyond all expression, great. If viewed only as a benefit conferred, it is beyond measure glorious: but if viewed as the perfection of the Redeemer’s work, it absolutely far exceeds all the powers of language to express, or of any finite comprehension to conceive.]

3. As the crown of all our labours—

[This is that reward to which all the patriarchs looked [Note: Hebreus 11:13.]: and for which Moses forsook all the pleasures and honours of the first nation upon earth [Note: Hebreus 11:25.]. And it is by that, that all the saints, at this day, are sustained in their conflicts with sin and Satan. Whilst here on the field of battle, they have some foretastes of that glory; for now “have they the Spirit of adoption, to cry Abba, Father [Note: Romanos 8:15.];” now do they feel themselves to have come unto Mount Zion [Note: Hebreus 12:22.], and to be “fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God [Note: Efésios 2:19.];” and now is “Jesus truly precious” to their souls [Note: 1 Pedro 2:7.]. These names, I say, are already written upon their hearts by the Spirit of God; yea, and “their own names, too, are written in heaven [Note: Lucas 10:20.].” But still they have many conflicts, as long as they continue in this world: it is not till they get to heaven that they “rest from their labours [Note: Apocalipse 14:13.]:” but there they have their happiness unmixed with any alloy of pain or sorrow; “all tears having been wiped from their eyes by God himself; and “every thing that can occasion pain having passed away for ever [Note: Apocalipse 21:4.]” Was it, think you, a joy to the whole nation of Israel to see all their enemies dead upon the sea-shore? Be assured, that this is the happiness that awaits you: for as, on the one hand, “you shall never more go out” to meet your enemies, so “into that world shall nothing ever enter [Note: Apocalipse 21:27.]” to disturb your peace.]

4. As a monument erected to the honour of God himself—

[In monuments raised to out own naval and military commanders, even in those which are erected in the temples of our God, the creature is too much lauded, and God too much forgotten: but in heaven, on every pillar is inscribed the name of God, and of Christ, and of that blessed city, the New Jerusalem, to which we belong: but in no instance is there any record of self. No; self is altogether forgotten there; and no praise is offered but to Him who redeemed us to God by his blood. Even the angels, who never sinned, utter not a word in commendation of themselves; but all unite in one harmonious song of praise, “to God, and to the Lamb, for ever and ever.”

Now, then, conceive of the millions, more numerous than the sands upon the sea-shore, established in heaven as living and imperishable monuments of God’s power and grace: how will this very circumstance enhance the blessedness of the redeemed! To honour God below, and be witnesses for Him on earth, was no little joy: but to be such monuments in heaven, and to exhibit to all eternity the glory of that God who ordered all, and of that Saviour who accomplished all, this will be indeed the perfection of bliss, and may well determine every soul of man to live only for the attainment of it.]

And now, I ask,

[Who amongst you will not enlist in this army? or who, having once enlisted, will not fight manfully against all his enemies? — — — Come, gird yourselves, brethren, for the combat: put on the whole armour of God: and never cease to fight in your Saviour’s strength, till he shall have crowned your efforts with victory. You well know what efforts men will make, what labours they will sustain, what privations they will submit to, and what dangers they will encounter, for a corruptible crown, some title of honour, some earthly estate, or some monumental record, that shall transmit their names to posterity; which yet they may never attain, and which, if attained, must soon perish;—and shall there be any thing for you to do or suffer in the prospect of this sure reward, which will be perpetuated through eternal ages? Fight ye then, I say, and “war a good warfare;” and rest assured, that, at the close of your contest, your triumph shall be complete, and this reward be accorded to you by that adorable Saviour under whom you have fought.]

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