Provérbios 15:3

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Provérbios 15:3. The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

THE omnipresence of the Deity is plain and obvious to all, who have learned to acknowledge the unity of God. The heathens indeed, who worshipped a multitude of gods, assigned to each his proper limits, conceiving that they who could exert their power in the hills, were destitute of power in the neighbouring valleys. But this absurd idea arose from their polytheism; and vanishes the very instant we confess the true God. The Scriptures place this matter beyond a doubt: every page of the inspired volume either expressly asserts the omnipresence of God, or takes it for granted as an unquestionable truth. In the words before us, Solomon not only affirms it, but declares, that God is actively employed throughout the whole universe in inspecting the ways of men.
In discoursing on his words we shall shew,

I. The truth of his assertion—

[One would suppose that reason itself might discern the point in question: for, if God be not every where present, how can he either govern, or judge, the world? His creatures, if removed from the sphere of his observation, would be independent of him: and, if withdrawn from his sight, would cease to feel any responsibility for their actions; since, being ignorant of what they did, he would be altogether unqualified to pass upon them any sentence of condemnation or acquittal.
But, to proceed on surer ground, let us notice the declarations of holy men, and especially of God himself, respecting this point.

If we look into the Old Testament, we shall find, that the testimony of all the prophets is in perfect correspondence with those words of David, “The Lord searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts [Note: 1 Crônicas 28:9.].” Sometimes they assert this matter as a thing they know, and are assured of; “I know,” says Job, “that no thought can be withholden from thee [Note: Jó 42:2.].” Sometimes, with yet greater energy, they make it a subject of appeal to the whole universe, defying any one to gainsay, or even to doubt, it; “Doth he not see my ways, and count all my steps [Note: Jó 31:4.]!” Sometimes they labour to convey this truth under the most impressive images: “His eyes behold, his eye-lids try, the children of men [Note: Salmos 11:4.].”

In the New Testament, the same important truth is inculcated in terms equally clear and energetic. Not to mention mere assertions [Note: João 3:20], or acknowledgments [Note: João 21:17.], that “God knoweth all things,” the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews represents the perfect insight of the Deity into the hearts of men under the image of the sacrifices, which, when flayed and cut down the back-bone, were open to the minutest inspection of the priests: “All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do [Note: Hebreus 4:13.].”

But let us now turn our attention to God’s own declarations. He is peculiarly jealous with respect to this attribute. In reference to “places” and “persons,” he says, “Am I a God at hand, and not a God afar off? Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord: do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord [Note: Jeremias 23:23.].” Again, in reference to things that might be supposed most beyond his reach, he says, “I know the things that come into your mind, every one of them [Note: Ezequiel 11:5.Deuteronômio 31:21.].” And when an atheistical world have entertained doubts respecting this, and said, “Thick clouds are a covering to him [Note: Jó 22:13.];” “he cannot see, he will not regard us;” he has risen with utter indignation to vindicate his injured honour; “Understand ye brutish among the people; and, ye fools, when will ye be wise? He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall he not see [Note: Salmos 94:7.]?”]

To multiply proofs of so plain a point is needless.
We shall therefore pass on to shew,


The concern we have in it—

[Here the text directs and limits our views. “The evil and the good” are objects of his unwearied attention; and consequently, both the one and the other are equally interested in the subject before us.
Let “the evil” then consider their concern in this momentous truth. God views them all, at all times, in all places, under all circumstances. If they come up to worship in his sanctuary, he sees their impious mockery, while “they draw nigh to him with their lips, but are far from him in their hearts [Note: Mateus 15:7.].” He follows them to their families, and observes all their tempers, dispositions, and conduct. He enters with them into their shops: he inspects their weights and measures; he examines their commodities; he hears their bargains: he marks their deviations from truth and honesty [Note: Miquéias 6:2; Miquéias 6:10.]. He retires with them to their chambers, and “compasseth about their beds,” (for “the darkness and light to him are both alike”) and notices their every thought [Note: Salmos 139:1.]. If they were to go up to heaven, or down to hell, they could not for one moment escape his all-seeing eye [Note: Salmos 139:7.].

But for what end does he thus “behold” them? Is he a mere curious or unconcerned spectator? no: “he pondereth all their goings [Note: Provérbios 5:21.],” in order to restrain that excess of wickedness which would militate against his sovereign appointments [Note: Gênesis 20:6; Gênesis 31:24.]; to confound their daring attempts against his church and people [Note: Êxodo 14:24. “looked.” and Isaías 37:28.]; to over-rule for the accomplishment of his own purposes the voluntary exercise of their own inveterate corruptions [Note: Salmos 2:1.]; and finally to justify himself in the eternal judgments, which he will hereafter inflict upon them [Note: Jeremias 17:10; Jeremias 16:17 and Salmos 51:4.].

O that the wicked would consider these things, and lay them to heart, while yet they might obtain mercy!
Next let “the good” consider their concern also in this truth. “God’s eye is on them also: and his ear is open to their prayers [Note: Salmos 34:15.].” He meets them in his house of prayer [Note: Isaías 64:5.Mateus 18:20.]: if there were but one broken-hearted sinner in the midst of a whole congregation, God would fix his eye in a more especial manner upon him [Note: Isaías 66:2.]. When they go forth into the world, he follows them as closely as their shadow [Note: Josué 1:9. with Hebreus 13:5.], When they retire to their secret chamber, he “draws nigh to them [Note: Tiago 4:8.],” and “manifests himself to them as he does not unto the world [Note: João 14:22.].”

And wherefore is all this solicitude about such unworthy creatures? wherefore is all this attention to their concerns? “Hear, O heavens; and be astonished. O earth.” God has deigned to inform us on this subject, and to declare, that he “beholds the good,” to protect them in danger [Note: 2 Crônicas 16:9; Salmos 121:5.]; to comfort them in trouble [Note: Salmos 41:1; Salmos 41:3.]: to supply their wants [Note: Salmos 33:18; Salmos 34:9.]; to over-rule for good their multiplied afflictions [Note: Malaquias 3:3. “as a refiner.” Jó 23:10. with João 15:2.]; lastly, he notices them, to observe the workings of his grace in them [Note: Oséias 14:8; Jeremias 31:18; Jeremias 31:20.], in order that he may proclaim before the assembled universe the secret exercises of piety in their hearts [Note: Mateus 6:4; Mateus 6:6; Mateus 6:18.], and give a lively demonstration to all, that in exalting them to a participation of his glory, he acts agreeably to the immutable dictates of justice and equity [Note: Romanos 2:5. “righteous judgment.”].

Let the righteous then “set the Lord always before them [Note: Salmos 16:8. See also Mateus 25:35; Mateus 25:46.].” Let them “walk circumspectly,” that they may not grieve him [Note: Êxodo 23:20.]; and actively, that they may please him well in all things [Note: Colossenses 1:10.]: and, whatever difficulties they may have to contend with, let them proceed boldly, and “endure, as seeing him that is invisible [Note: Isaías 41:10; Isaías 41:13.Hebreus 11:27.].”]

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