Provérbios 2:1-6

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Provérbios 2:1. My Son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee; so that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding; yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding; if thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord giveth wisdom; out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.

WISDOM is justly considered as the first of human attainments. It is that which elevates us in the scale of being, and to it we are indebted for all the most refined comforts of civilized society. But there is a spiritual wisdom totally distinct from that which is merely intellectual, and as much superior to it both in its qualities and effects, as reason is superior to instinct. What this is, and how it is to be attained, we are informed by Solomon in the words before us. Let us then consider,

I. Wherein true wisdom consists—

The nature of true wisdom is plainly declared in the text—
[That which in one verse is called, “Wisdom,” and “Understanding,” in a subsequent verse is called, “The fear of the Lord,” and “The knowledge of God.” The wisdom which unregenerate men possess, resides only in the head; but that of which the text speaks is seated in the heart. The former consists merely in a knowledge of men and things, with a faculty of applying that knowledge to present circumstances: but the latter consists in a knowledge of God as reconciled to us in Christ Jesus, together with a correspondent fear and love of his name. The former enlarges the mind, and directs the conduct in things relating to time: the latter informs and regulates the soul in reference to eternity.]
This description is just and accurate—
[We confess that the knowledge and fear of God is not so reputed by the world: on the contrary, it is stigmatized as folly and madness. But that which arrogates to itself an exclusive title to the appellation of wisdom, is by no means so deserving of it as this: because, whatever excellencies it possesses, its operations are weak, uncertain, transient: whereas “the wisdom that is from above” brings into subjection every rebellious passion, and progressively prepares us for the enjoyment of our God. It was with this wisdom that the Messiah himself was endued [Note: Isaías 11:2.]. And it is of this that Solomon speaks, when he declares that nothing else is worthy the name of wisdom [Note: Provérbios 9:10.]

Respecting wisdom the text further informs us,


By what means it is to be attained—

The wisdom of this world may be gained by study only: but spiritual wisdom requires,

1. Sincerity—

[If a man have not a disposition to obey the word of God, he will find occasion of cavil and dispute in the plainest expressions. The Pharisees of old, though conversant with the sacred writings, and instructed by our Lord himself, remained ignorant of the truth, because “they loved darkness rather than light.” Thus it will be with us. However good the seed that is sown may be, it will never bring forth fruit to perfection, unless it be “received into an honest and good heart.” If we would be truly wise, we must imitate the docility of Cornelius [Note: Atos 10:33.]; or, in the language of the text, we must “receive God’s word, and hide his commandments with us,” as an inestimable jewel which we are solicitous to possess and keep.]

2. Diligence—

[This idea is strongly inculcated in the words before us: “we should incline our ear, and apply our heart to understanding, and seek it as silver, and search for it as for hid treasures.” We should consider the inspired volume as an inexhaustible mine, which yields nothing to a superficial observer, but will richly repay those who explore its inmost recesses. To this effect was the direction given to Joshua [Note: Josué 1:8.]; and if we follow that advice, we shall succeed like the Bereans of old [Note: Atos 17:11.]. It is the diligent hand, and that only, that can ever make us rich.]

3. Prayer—

[Nothing will succeed without prayer. A man might commit to memory the whole Bible, and yet not understand one spiritual truth contained it, if he trusted in his own powers, instead of looking up to God for the teaching of his Spirit. Our blessed Lord assures us, that none knoweth the Father, but he to whom the Son shall reveal him [Note: Mateus 11:27.]. And this also is intimated in the repeated direction given us in the text, to “cry after knowledge, and lift up our voice for understanding.” The Apostles themselves needed to have “their understandings opened, before they could understand the Scriptures [Note: Lucas 24:45.].” Yea, established Christians still need “a spirit of wisdom and revelation to be given” to them, in order to their obtaining a juster view of revealed truths [Note: Efésios 1:17.]. All of us therefore, if we would be taught of God, must cry with David, “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law [Note: Salmos 119:18.].”]

For the encouragement of all, Solomon further declares,


The certain issue of those means—

God is the source and giver of all spiritual knowledge—
[Nothing can be more positive than the assertion before us. That “God giveth wisdom, and that out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.” It is in this view that he is called, “The Father of lights [Note: Tiago 1:17.];” because as that bright luminary, the sun, was the work of his hands, so all light, intellectual or spiritual, is derived from him. Human learning gives a man no advantage towards the attainment of true wisdom. All, under God, depends on the state of mind with which men seek divine knowledge: if they be willing to “learn of the Father [Note: João 6:15.],” he will teach them: if they be too proud to submit to his instructions, he will leave them to wander further and further from the right way. He will “take the wise in their own craftiness [Note: 1 Coríntios 1:19; 1 Coríntios 3:19.],” and “reveal to babes what he hides from the wise and prudent [Note: Mateus 11:25.].”]

Nor will he suffer us to use the appointed means in vain—
[Frequent are the assurances which God has given us respecting this [Note: Salmos 25:9; Salmos 25:12; Salmos 25:14.]. And he has made distinct promises to each of the foregoing means. Are we sincere? he will open our eyes [Note: João 7:17.]. Are we diligent? he will reveal himself to us [Note: Provérbios 8:17.]. Are we importunate in prayer? he will give us liberally, and without upbraiding [Note: Tiago 1:5.]. No want of learning, no weakness of intellect, shall be any obstacle to him, or deprive us of the benefits which we seek [Note: Isaías 35:8.]. On the contrary, he will make use of the weakest and most contemptible of men to confound the wise and mighty [Note: 1 Coríntios 1:27.]


How highly should we value a preached Gospel!

[Men spend much time and money in acquiring human knowledge, and are glad to avail themselves of all lectures, public or private, whereby they may gain instruction. But a frequent ministration of divine ordinances, and a faithful dispensation of God’s word, are deemed worthy of censure rather than of approbation; and the very persons for whose benefit the word is preached, can scarcely be prevailed upon to lend an ear to the instruction that is freely offered. Little do they think what it is that they thus despise. The ordinances are appointed of God for the express purpose of “converting souls, and making wise the simple [Note: Jó 23:12.Salmos 19:7.].” How many are there now in heaven, who would have “perished for lack of knowledge,” if the voice of God in his ministers had not reached their hearts, and “brought them out of darkness into marvellous light [Note: 1 Pedro 2:9.]!” Let all then improve the ordinances with diligence, and pray that by means of them they may be “made wise unto salvation [Note: 1 Pedro 2:2. Hebreus 2:1].”]

2. How precious should the Scriptures be in our sight!

[It is only at certain seasons that we can attend on public ordinances: but the Scriptures we may read at all times. In them is contained all that we need to know. And the Holy Spirit is promised us, to guide us into all truth [Note: João 16:13; 1 João 2:20; 1 João 2:27.]. Let the sacred volume then be our delight, and our meditation all the day [Note: Salmos 1:2.]. Let us not cavil at any part of it, or say. This is a hard saying [Note: João 6:60.]: but let us receive it with meekness, knowing that, if it be engrafted in our hearts, it is able, and shall be effectual, to save our souls [Note: Tiago 1:21.]

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