Marcos 9:25-27

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Marcos 9:25. When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, Come out of him, and enter no more into him. And the spirit cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him: and he was as one dead; insomuch that many said, He is dead. But Jesus took him by the hand, and lifted him up; and he arose.

VARIOUS, and extremely opposite, were the states, which our Lord, in the course of his ministry, experienced. He was not wholly a stranger to seasons of exalted joy; but he was chiefly conversant with scenes of sorrow and affliction. He had just come down from the mount on which he had been transfigured, and the splendour of his glory was yet visible in his countenance [Note: This is not absolutely asserted by the Evangelist: but it is the most probable reason for the “great amazement” which the people discovered at the sight of him, ver. 15. This idea is confirmed by the account given us of Moses the Jewish lawgiver, who experienced a similar continuance of glory on his countenance after conversing with God on Mount Sinai, Êxodo 34:29. with 2 Coríntios 3:7.]; but he descended only to behold the miseries to which sin had reduced us, and to renew his labours among a scoffing and unbelieving people.

To bring into view the various circumstances of the history before us, we shall consider,

I. The wretched state of the youth who was brought to him—

Imagination can scarcely point out a more distressing scene than that exhibited in the context:
[Here was a youth afflicted with an epilepsy, or falling-sickness [Note: Mateus 17:15.]. This affliction was greatly increased by his being a lunatic [Note: Mateus 17:15.]: to complete his misery, he was possessed by an evil spirit [Note: Lucas 9:39.]. This evil spirit took advantage of his natural infirmities, and impelled him, on the returns of his disorder, to rush into the fire, or into the water [Note: ver. 22]: he moreover tare and rent the youth with most excruciating agonies [Note: ver. 18.], and deprived him of the powers of speech and hearing [Note: ver. 25.]. Thus had Satan tormented him even from his very childhood [Note: ver. 21.]: so that, in the very bloom of life, the youth pined and languished in the extremest misery [Note: ver. 18.]

This scene too justly describes the invisible influence of Satan over the souls of men—
[We have reason to rejoice that his power over men’s bodies is now greatly contracted, if not wholly destroyed. What a miserable world would this be, if the malice of that fiend were not restrained! but his power over the souls of men is as extensive as ever [Note: 1 Pedro 5:8.]. He still takes advantage of our constitutional propensities [Note: Some he stimulates to the pursuit of vain amusements, others to the gratification of grosser lusts and pleasures.]; and impels us to the commission of of the most self-destructive acts [Note: Atos 13:10.]. Doubtless much of our wickedness must be ascribed to our depraved appetites; but our malicious adversary concurs with them, and actuates us by them [Note: Compare João 12:6. with Lucas 22:3.];. While we continue to walk after the course of this world, and of those who are of the same age and station with ourselves, we are altogether his vassals [Note: Efésios 2:2.]; and the whole world, if viewed in a spiritual light, exhibits little else than such wretched spectacles as that before us [Note: 2 Timóteo 2:26.]

With such scenes, however, Jesus was continually conversant—


The application made to Jesus on his behalf—

The father of the youth had in vain applied to the Disciples for relief—
[The Disciples had been endued with power to cast out devils [Note: Mateus 10:8.]; but in this instance they were foiled in their attempt to exercise that power. This disappointment afforded to the unbelieving Scribes much occasion for malicious triumph [Note: ver. 14.]. Our Lord, being asked afterwards by his Disciples in private, assigned the reasons of their failure. They had not made the attempt in the full exercise of faith [Note: Mateus 17:20.]. Had they truly believed, nothing should have been impossible to them. They had moreover neglected to use extraordinary means on this extraordinary occasion. They should have had recourse to God in fasting and prayer [Note: Mateus 17:21. It seems from hence that some of the evil spirits have more power and malignity than others. See also Mateus 12:45.]. From these circumstances we may gather much useful instruction. Our Lord has promised us the victory over all the powers of darkness [Note: Romanos 16:20.]; but we must have our strength renewed by fasting and prayer [Note: Efésios 6:18.] — — — and must put it forth in a believing dependence on his word [Note: Efésios 6:16.]: nor can we hope to succeed but in the use of these appointed means.]

He now applied to Jesus himself—
[Kneeling with deepest humility, he implored the mercy which he needed [Note: Mateus 17:14.]; but manifested that the disappointment he had experienced had shaken his faith even in Jesus himself [Note: ver. 22.].Our Lord gently reproves him for his unbelief, and bids him be more concerned about the increase of his own faith than about the ability of the person to whom he was applying [Note: ver. 23.] The father instantly with tears confesses the justice of the reproof [Note: ver. 24.], and entreats the Lord to increase and confirm his faith. (How amiable was this concern for his child, and this contrition for his fault!) And should we be less earnest in interceding for our unconverted relatives? Like him, when human powers have failed, we are ready to question the sufficiency of God himself: but we should be careful never to limit the almighty power of Jesus; and should deeply bewail the sad remains of unbelief that are within us! Let us then labour more to imitate this afflicted parent, and in every application to Jesus offer that suitable petition [Note: ver. 24.]—.]

Like thousands of other suppliants he soon obtained his request—


The miracle which Jesus wrought for him—

Our Lord immediately interposed for the relief of the youth; and Satan laboured to the utmost to obstruct his design—
[Jesus ordered the young man to be brought unto him. Satan, enraged at the prospect of his own disgrace, assaulted him with greater fury than ever, nor left him, till he had made one more effort to destroy his life [Note: ver. 26.]. Satan exerted himself thus to defeat our Lord’s purpose. Our Lord permitted him thus to act for the more abundant display of his own power. It is in this very manner that Satan still acts towards us; he cannot endure that any soul should come to Jesus for help; he usually makes his fiercest assaults upon us, when he is fearful of losing his dominion over us [Note: Some he discourages by inward suggestions, (you are not elect, your sins are too great, you have committed the sin against the Holy Ghost, &c.) and some by opposition from without.]. Yea, not infrequently does he reduce us almost to a despair of life, just before our perfect deliverance is about to be effected.]

But in vain were Satan’s efforts against the sovereign power of Jesus—
[Jesus raised up the youth, who lay, to all appearance, dead, and delivered him in perfect health to his astonished father [Note: Lucas 9:42.]. Thus shall also the grace of Jesus finally prevail in his people’s hearts. In vain shall be the renewed attacks of their great adversary: however fiercely they be assaulted, they shall be more than conquerors over every enemy [Note: Romanos 8:37.] — — — And the malice of Satan shall only render them more distinguished monuments of their Redeemer’s power.]

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