Oséias 8:7

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Oséias 8:7. They have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.

MISERY is attached to sin as its inevitable consequence. This connexion does not always appear to a superficial observer. On the contrary, transgression often seems productive of happiness; and obedience: to be a source of much affliction and trouble: but, whatever conclusions we may be led to draw from present appearances, we are sure that the wicked are not happy; nor have they any reasonable expectation of happiness in the eternal world. The Israelites had forsaken the true God for idols, and God warned them of the judgments which would ere long come upon them: but the declaration in the text may be understood as a general position. We shall take occasion from it to shew,

I. Who may be said to sow the wind—

To “sow the wind” is a proverbial expression for labouring in vain. It is applied to idolaters, because the silver and gold lavished on idols was unprofitably spent, and it may well be applied to all who seek happiness in a way of sin:

1. To sensualists—

[They expect to find much comfort in the indulgence of their lusts. Hence they yield themselves up to all the gratifications of sense. But they find that such pursuits can afford them no real happiness. While they forsake the Fountain of living waters, they hew out to themselves only broken cisterns that can hold no water [Note: Jeremias 2:13.]. Solomon, with the amplest means of enjoyment, confessed this [Note: Eclesiastes 2:1; Eclesiastes 2:10.]. And we may address that appeal to all the votaries of pleasure [Note: Romanos 6:21.]—.]

2. To worldlings—

[The lovers of this present world seem to follow something substantial. They hope to obtain, not a momentary gratification, but solid and lasting benefits. They promise to themselves the acquisition of ease, and affluence, and respect. But riches are justly, and on many accounts, termed “uncertain [Note: 1 Timóteo 6:17.].” No dependence can be placed on their continuance with us [Note: Provérbios 23:5.]. Our cares are also generally multiplied by means of them: but if they were more conducive to happiness now, what shall they profit in the day of wrath [Note: Provérbios 11:4.]? What advantage has he now, who once took such delight in his stores [Note: Lucas 12:19.]? or he, who placed his happiness in sumptuous fare, and magnificent apparel [Note: Lucas 16:19; Lucas 16:23.]? Surely all such persons will find ere long, that they “sowed the wind.”]

3. To formalists—

[The performance of religious duties seems more calculated to make us happy. It is certain that no one can be happy who disregards them. But a mere round of services can never satisfy the conscience. “The form of godliness without the power” will avail little. It will leave the soul in a poor, empty, destitute condition. Some indeed delude themselves with an idea that it will secure the Divine favour; and, under that delusion, they may be filled with self-complacency [Note: Lucas 18:11.]. But if God send a ray of light into the mind, these comforts vanish. A sight of sin will speedily dissipate these self-righteous hopes [Note: Romanos 7:9.]. Nor will any thing satisfy an enlightened conscience but that which satisfies God. There was but one remedy for the wounded Israelites in the wilderness [Note: João 3:14.]. Nor can a wounded spirit ever be healed but by a sight of Christ.]

4. To false professors—

[Many wish to be thought religious, when they are destitute of spiritual life. They perhaps are zealous for the doctrines of the Gospel, and for their own particular form of Church government. But they are not solicitous to live nigh to God in holy duties; nor do they manifest the efficacy of religion in their spirit and conduct. Yet, because of their professing godliness, they think themselves possessed of it, and buoy up themselves with expectations of happiness in the world to come. Alas! what disappointment will they one day experience [Note: Mateus 25:11.]! What will it avail them to “have had a name to live, while they were really dead?” or to have “cried, Lord, Lord! while they departed not from iniquity?” The pains they have taken to keep up a profession will all be lost. Nothing will remain to them but shame and confusion of face.]

From the seed which they sow, we may easily perceive,


What they may expect to reap—

“A whirlwind” is a figure used to represent extraordinary calamities. [Note: Provérbios 1:27.]And such is the harvest which they will reap in due season. Their calamities will be,

1. Sudden—

[The corn ripens gradually for the sickle, and its fate is foreseen; but the destruction of the ungodly cometh suddenly and at an instant. They indeed have many warnings from all which they see around them; but they put the evil day far from them, and think it will never come [Note: 2 Pedro 3:4.]. Thus it was with the whole world before the Deluge. Though Noah preached to them for many years, they would not regard him; and were taken by surprise at last, as much as if no notice had been given them. [Note: Mateus 24:38.] Thus also it will be with all who reject the Gospel salvation. Solomon has expressly declared it in reference to those who sow discord [Note: Provérbios 6:14.]. And St. Paul has asserted it respecting all that live in a neglect of God [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 5:2.]

2. Irresistible—

[Sinners of every description can withstand the word spoken by their fellow-creatures [Note: Ezequiel 20:49.]; but they will not be able to resist God when he shall call them into judgment. Then, if the whole universe should enter into a confederacy to protect one sinner, they would fail in their attempt [Note: Provérbios 11:21.]. There is not any thing more irresistible to man, in some climates, than a whirlwind. Yet far less power shall the ungodly have to avert the wrath of God. They will be carried to destruction as the chaff before the wind [Note: Salmos 1:4.]; and call in vain to the rocks to fall upon them, or the hills to cover them [Note: Apocalipse 6:15.]

3. Tremendous—

[Nothing can be conceived more dreadful than the desolation made by whirlwinds. Yet this suggests a very inadequate idea of the ruin that will come on the ungodly. The raining of fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrha must have been exceedingly terrible. But even that was light, when compared with the vials of God’s wrath which will be poured out upon the ungodly world. Who can comprehend the full import of that threatening in the Psalms [Note: Salmos 11:6.]? Who can form a just idea of the judgment denounced by Isaiah [Note: Isaías 5:24.]—? May we never experience such dreadful calamities! May we tremble at the apprehension of them, and seek shelter in Christ [Note: Isaías 32:2.]!]


How earnest should we be in redeeming time!

[The present hours are given us that we may sow for eternity. Every action, word and thought is as seed that will spring up hereafter. According to what we sow now, we shall reap at the last day [Note: Gálatas 6:7.]. Every moment increases our “treasure of wrath,” or our “weight of glory.” How should we be affected with this consideration! Let us lay it to heart, and “walk, not as fools, but as wise men [Note: Efésios 5:15.].” And let that just expostulation shame us to a sense of duty [Note: Isaías 55:2.]—.]

2. How blessed are they who are living to God!

[There is not a work which they perform for him that will not be rewarded. God would esteem himself unjust, if he made them no recompence [Note: Hebreus 6:10.]. However small and insignificant the service be, it shall not be forgotten [Note: Mateus 10:42.]. Some perhaps may complain, that they cannot do any thing for God, and. that they can only weep for their unprofitableness. But the sighs and tears of the contrite are “precious seed.” They will spring up to a glorious and abundant harvest [Note: Salmos 126:6.]. Let the humble then go on “sowing in tears till they reap in joy.” Let them persist in their labour, assured that it shall not be in vain [Note: 1 Coríntios 15:58.]

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