Isaías 52:8

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Isaías 52:8. They shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion.

EXCEEDINGLY strong and animated are the descriptions given us, in the prophetic writings, respecting the return of the Jews from Babylon [Note: Read the first three verses of this chapter.] — — — And in that event is God represented as to be preeminently glorified [Note: ver. 6. with chap. 60:21.]. But we must not, in reading these glowing passages, confine our attention to that one event: we must bear in mind, that it was altogether typical of our deliverance by Christ; and we must therefore regard it in that view, comprehending under its vivid representations that infinitely greater redemption which it was intended to prefigure. In truth, to understand the prophecies aright, we must remember that they contain, in general, a primary and a secondary sense; primary, as having a literal fulfilment; and secondary, as having a mystical accomplishment under the Christian dispensation. By the deliverance of the Jews from Babylon, God’s glory was made to appear: but it was more clearly seen in the apostolic age; and will be yet more fully manifested at the latter day. Those periods, it is true, in respect of time, are far asunder: but in respect of purpose they are one; and may be considered, therefore, as declaring one great event, in its commencement, its progress, and its completion. It is in that view that I enter upon the passage before us: from which I shall take occasion to shew you,

I. The views which men had of Christ under the Mosaic economy—

Certainly, under the Mosaic dispensation, their views of Christ were very indistinct—
[True it is, that Christ was then prefigured in his person, work, and offices. It may well be doubted whether there was so much as a pin in the tabernacle which did not correspond with something in Christ; or whether there was any thing in Christ which was not prefigured: for God gave to Moses a model; and agreeably to “that pattern shewn him in the mount,” was every thing made. Still, however, the Mosaic ritual was only a shadow: and, as a shadow will give but a very imperfect conception of a man, especially in his intellectual and moral powers, so did the laws of Moses give a very inadequate representation of Christ, and of the salvation which he was to work out for us. It was to intimate this, that Moses put a veil on his face when he spake to the people under his charge [Note: 2 Coríntios 3:13.]: and even the best informed of the prophets themselves were far from comprehending the full import of what they conveyed to us [Note: 1 Pedro 1:10; 1 Pedro 1:12.]. Doubtless “Abraham saw the day of Christ, and rejoiced in the sight [Note: João 8:56.];” but still both he and all his posterity saw but little, in comparison of what was afterwards revealed to Moses and the prophets: and the prophets themselves, yea, and even John the Baptist, who was the greatest of them all, were inferior in knowledge to the least and meanest of the followers of Christ [Note: Mateus 11:11.]

The deliverance from Babylon added but little to the knowledge which the Law conveyed—
[That event indeed, duly considered, would serve to throw light upon our redemption by Christ; and more especially in the view in which it is foretold in the preceding context: “Thus saith the Lord: Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money [Note: ver. 3.].” And, as we shall see presently, it was intended to shadow forth that stupendous effort of God’s mercy and love. But still, the temporal blessing that was then imparted, so occupied the minds of all who partook of it, as to swallow up every consideration of the spiritual benefits which the temporal deliverance was ordained to prefigure.]

But men’s views of Christ will be found greatly enlarged, if we consider,


Those which were vouchsafed to them in the apostolic age—

The passage manifestly refers to that period—
[In the verse preceding our text, the prophet, seeing, as it were, his prediction already carried into effect, exclaims, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good; that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth [Note: ver. 7.].” And this very passage does St. Paul quote, as fulfilled, under the Christian dispensation, by those who preach the Gospel of Christ [Note: Romanos 10:15.]. This shews clearly, that the one event was typical of the other; and that we must look to the Christian dispensation for the accomplishment of the prediction before us. Indeed, it is under the Christian dispensation alone that God does “bring again Zion” to the state from which it had fallen through the apostasies of his unbelieving and gainsaying people.]

Then was Christ seen, comparatively, “eye to eye,” and face to face—
[He did assume our nature, and tabernacle amongst men. And though his appearance was mean, even like “a root out of a dry ground [Note: Isaías 53:2.],” yet to a chosen few he revealed himself in a more especial manner, as “the brightness of his Father’s glory, and the express image of his person [Note: Hebreus 1:3.].” On one occasion he was transfigured before them, “shining forth as the sun” in its meridian lustre [Note: Mateus 17:2.]: to which event St. Peter refers, when he says, “We were eye-witnesses of his Majesty [Note: 2 Pedro 1:16.].” Indeed, his disciples generally “beheld his glory, the glory as of the only-begotten of the Father [Note: João 1:14.].” Not that they fully understood his character and mission, until the day of Pentecost: but when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon them, then they saw him to be indeed “the Son of God, the Saviour of the world [Note: 1 João 4:14.].” They had seen him, and conversed familiarly with him after his resurrection, for the space of forty days; and had now received the promised effusion of the Holy Ghost; so that there remained no longer any doubt upon their minds: and hence St. John, speaking of him as the incarnate “Word,” the eternal Son of God, says, “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled of the Word of life …. that which we have seen and heard, declare wo unto you …. And these things we write unto you, that your joy may be full [Note: 1 João 1:1.].” How clear their knowledge was, in comparison of that which men possessed under the Mosaic economy, will be seen to advantage by reading the Epistle to the Hebrews; where the whole of his work and offices, as depicted in the ceremonial law, is fully developed and explained. Hence, then, it was justly said by St. Paul, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him: but God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit [Note: 1 Coríntios 2:9.].”]

We must however, for the full understanding of the text and views which are there spoken of, we must, I say, look forward to,


Those which shall be enjoyed in the latter day—

To this period our text has a still further reference—
[Doubtless many of the Jews were converted to Christ, and many of the Gentiles also, through the ministry of the Apostles: but the bulk of the Jewish nation rejected their testimony, as did the great mass also of the Gentile world: so that Zion still needs to be “brought again,” no less than at the first promulgation of Christianity. It cannot yet be said that “the Lord hath made bare his arm in the eyes of all the nations, and that all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God [Note: ver. 10.].” But that period shall arrive, as the prophet has said; and then only shall my text be fully accomplished.]

Then, indeed, shall men behold our Lord “eye to eye”—
[Some have thought that Christ will appear again personally upon earth, and be seen amongst his followers. Certainly, if that should be, our text will then receive a most remarkable accomplishment, But without determining any thing respecting that, one thing is clear; namely, there will be a vast increase of light bestowed upon the Church in that day; insomuch, that “the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun sevenfold, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound [Note: Isaías 30:26.].” We know that there is a veil upon our hearts when we read the word and attend upon God’s ordinances; and that, for the most part, it is on some particular occasions only that Christ appears to us in his glory, and manifests himself to us in all the wonders of his love. But in that day this will be a common occurrence amongst all the members of his Church; for “the whole earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea [Note: Habacuque 2:14.].” And so glorious will be the discoveries vouchsafed to them, that “the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the Lord of hosts shall reign in Mount Zion, and before his ancients, gloriously [Note: Isaías 24:23.].” Then shall be fulfilled what St. John has spoken in the book of Revelation: “There shall be no more curse in the Church; but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: and they shall see hit face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. And there shall be no night; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever [Note: Apocalipse 22:3.].”]

And now let me ask,

What views of Christ have you?

[St. Paul speaks of Christ as “revealed in him [Note: Gálatas 1:16.]:” and such is the revelation which we also must have, if ever we would partake of his saving benefits. That he has been revealed to us in the word, will only tend to our heavier condemnation, if “an understanding be not given us, that we may know him;” and a vital power also communicated, “that we may be in him,” as branches of the living vine [Note: 1 João 5:20.]. O Brethren, rest not in a head-knowledge of the Saviour; but beg of God that he would pour out upon you the Holy Spirit, as “a Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him; that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened [Note: Efésios 1:17.],” you may know him in all “his excellency and glory [Note: Isaías 35:2.].” It is the Spirit’s office to glorify Christ; and to take of the things that are his, and to “shew them unto you [Note: João 16:14.].” Pray ye therefore, without ceasing, that God, of his infinite mercy, would give you his Holy Spirit, and, through his divine agency, impart to you that “knowledge of Christ in which alone consists eternal life [Note: João 17:3.].”]

2. What effect has your knowledge of Christ produced upon you?

[From my text we may learn, that, in proportion as we see Christ “eye to eye,” we may hope, both in our individual and collective capacity, to be restored to God. And to the same effect says St. Paul; “We all, with open and unveiled face, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord [Note: 2 Coríntios 3:18.].” Now what know you, Brethren, of this experience? It is not the Law, with its terrors, that can ever effect this: no, nor can a desire of heaven give us a sufficient stimulus, or obtain for us so rich a benefit. Nothing but a sight of Christ can transform the soul into his likeness. Even in heaven this assimilating efficacy is felt and acknowledged: for we there “shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is [Note: 1 João 3:2.].” Study, then, I pray you, his glorious character: survey him diligently, as he is revealed in the word: and cease not to contemplate the wonders of his love, till, “by comprehending the breadth and length and depth and height of it,” as far as such an incomprehensible subject can be known, “you be filled with all the fulness of God [Note: Efésios 3:18.].”]

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