Provérbios 18:10

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Provérbios 18:10. The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

IN the Proverbs of Solomon we must not expect to find long and accurate statements of Divine truth, nor elevated strains of devotion founded upon it: the scope of the book is rather by brief sentences to fix upon the mind truths already acknowledged, and to shew the excellency of them in their effects. The passage before us is very instructive in this view, namely, as illustrating the blessedness attendant on true piety. But it commends itself to us yet more forcibly, by exhibiting a contrast between the dispositions and habits which religion inspires, and those which are indulged by the whole ungodly world. The text informs us what “the righteous man” does: the verse following our text informs us what the worldling does: the one makes God his refuge; the other trusts in his wealth, or some other idol equally vain: the one founds all his hopes on God, as made known to us in the Scriptures of Truth; the other, on some vanity, that has no title to confidence but “in his own conceit.”
It was to mark this contrast that the blessedness mentioned in our text was confined to “the righteous.” Solomon did not mean to intimate, that an unrighteous man, if he would flee to this tower, should be shut out: for the most unrighteous man in the universe is invited to come to it: and, like the cities of refuge, its gates stand open day and night for the admission of all who desire to flee to it for refuge. But the truth is, that none but the righteous will run to it: none but they who are sensible of their guilt and danger, and are fleeing in earnest from the wrath to come, will enter in. All others deny the necessity of submitting to so humiliating a measure: they think they are safe enough without it. The believing penitent, on the contrary, is thankful for such a refuge, and is in the habit of running to it on every occasion: and therefore to him, and to him alone, is the security confined.
To elucidate the passage, we will endeavour to unfold,

I. The character of God—

By “the name of the Lord” we are not to understand the mere word, Jehovah, as though that would afford us any security. This is a vain and foolish superstition, that has no foundation whatever in the Oracles of God. But, by “the name of the Lord” we must understand his character; as we learn from that expression of David, “They that know thy name,” i. e. thy character, “will put their trust in thee [Note: Salmos 9:10.].” Consider then the character of Jehovah,

1. As described by himself—

[God, in infinite condescension, was pleased to make himself known to Moses, and by an audible voice to “proclaim his name [Note: Êxodo 34:5.]:” “The Lord passed by and proclaimed, The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth; keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty [Note: Êxodo 34:6.].” Now we would ask the trembling sinner, What character he would wish Jehovah to bear? Would he wish God in no instance to testify his displeasure against sin, but to treat all men alike, putting no difference between “the guilty” who are going on in all manner of wickedness, and the penitent, who are turning from all iniquity? No: there is not a penitent in the universe that would wish God to act in a way so unworthy of his Divine Majesty. But if he desire to be assured of mercy to returning penitents, it is not possible that any words he could devise could more richly portray this attribute, than those which God himself has used. Consider them distinctly and separately, — — — and see how constantly they have been verified towards you hitherto, and how abundantly they contain all that you can desire.]

2. As revealed to us in Christ Jesus—

[The Lord Jesus Christ is “Emmanuel, God with us;” and he is particularly called, “The image of the invisible God.” because in him the whole character of the Deity is made, as it were, visible to mortal men. He is “the brightness of his Father’s glory, and the express image of his person;” and his whole character is marked in the name given him before he was conceived in the womb [Note: Mateus 1:21; Mateus 1:23.]. The name “Jesus” is the same with Joshua, or “Jehoshua,” that is, Jah Hosea, Divine Saviour. What a glorious and comprehensive name is this! All that he has done and suffered for us, and all that he has promised to us, is contained in it; together with his perfect sufficiency for all that he has undertaken to effect. The trembling sinner finds in the very name of Jesus a pledge of all that he wants. Besides, whilst we contemplate him in the whole of his work and offices, we are expressly authorized to apply to ourselves the benefit of them all, and to call him, “The Lord our Righteousness [Note: Jeremias 23:6.].” Follow this idea in all its bearings, and what unsearchable mysteries of love and mercy will it unfold to our view!]

Such being the name and character of God, let us contemplate,


The interest we have in it—

It is indeed “a strong tower”—
[Consider every perfection of the Deity: there is not one which is not “a chamber where we may hide ourselves till every calamity be overpast [Note: Isaías 26:20.].” The wisdom, the goodness, the love, the power, the faithfulness of Jehovah—who that is encompassed by them does not feel himself in an impregnable fortress? Truly they are not merely a wall, but “a wall of fire” round about the righteous; of fire, which whilst it protects the fugitive, will devour the assailant. — — — What a tower too is the Lord Jesus Christ in the whole of his work and offices! Well is he said to be “a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall [Note: Isaías 26:4.].” Yes, “the man” Christ Jesus, in his Mediatorial character, is such “a hiding-place [Note: Isaías 32:2.],” where no adversary shall “ever penetrate.”]

All who run to it shall “be safe”—
[Who shall ever approach “to harm” those who are thus protected [Note: 1 Pedro 3:13.]? Surely “they shall be kept in perfect peace.” They are “safe:” safe from the curses of the broken law: for “there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus [Note: Romanos 8:1.]” — — — They are safe too from the assaults of Satan; for “their lives are hid with Christ in God,” where Satan can never come [Note: Colossenses 3:3.] — — — In a word, they are safe from every kind of evil: for God has said of those who make the Most High their habitation, that “no evil shall befall them [Note: Salmos 91:9.]” — — — The persecutor may touch their body, but cannot reach their soul [Note: Lucas 12:4.]: they shall sooner be fed with ravens, than be suffered to “want any manner of thing that is good [Note: Salmos 34:9.].” And if any thing occur that has the semblance of evil, they may be assured that it shall work for their present and eternal good [Note: Romanos 8:28; 2 Coríntios 4:17.]. Like Elisha, they are surrounded with horses of fire and chariots of fire [Note: 2 Reis 6:14.]: and any assaults made upon them shall only terminate as in Elijah’s case, with the confusion and ruin of their enemies [Note: 2 Reis 1:9.]

“Suffer now a word of exhortation”—

Study much the character of God—

[“To know God, and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent, is,” as our Lord informs us, “eternal life.” All other knowledge is mere vanity in comparison of this. Without this we have nothing to warrant our hopes, or to dissipate our fears — — — “Acquaint then yourselves with God, and be at peace” — — —]

2. Maintain constant and intimate communion with him—

[You know how a child runs to his parent on every occasion: do ye in like manner run unto your God. This is the very character of the true Christian; “The righteous runneth unto God as his strong tower.” Get to him under every fear, and every want, and every distress: and “cast your care on Him who careth for you” — — —]

3. Assure yourselves of the safety which you are privileged to enjoy—

[Well may you say, “If God be for me, who can be against me?” See how David exulted in his security [Note: Salmos 18:1; Salmos 27:1.]! — — — and learn like him to glory in your God: for it is God’s desire that you should enjoy all possible consolation [Note: Hebreus 6:18.]. Your Saviour has assured you, that “none shall pluck you out of his hands:” lie there then in peace and safety, “knowing in whom you have believed, and that he is able to keep that which you have committed to him” — — — When he has lost his power to save, then, and not till then, shall any enemy prevail against you.]

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