Atos 8:37

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Atos 8:37. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

CIRCUMSTANCES, apparently casual, are often productive of the most important results. The Ethiopian Eunuch, a proselyte, “had been up to Jerusalem to worship;” and, on his return homewards, was reading a portion of the 53rd chapter of Isaiah. Philip, who was at that time at Samaria, was ordered by an angel to go southward, towards Gaza. In this journey he saw the Eunuch, sitting in his chariot, and reading: and, being directed by the Holy Spirit to go and join himself to the chariot, he did so; and, at the Eunuch’s request, went up and sat with him in his chariot, and explained to him the portion of Scripture which he was reading. The Holy Spirit then accompanied the word with power to the Eunuch’s soul: and Philip, on the Eunuch’s expressing a wish to enter into the Christian Church by baptism, admitted him to that ordinance, having first heard from him this open confession, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God [Note: ver. 26–28.].”

Now, at first sight, there appears little that is interesting in this acknowledgment. But we shall find it highly instructive, if we consider it, as we ought,

I. As a summary of Christian doctrines—

Such it has been regarded on all occasions. Nathanael addressed our Lord in terms precisely similar: “Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel [Note: João 1:49.].” And Peter also, in his own name and that of all the Apostles, said, “We believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the Living God [Note: João 6:69.].” In these expressions all of them intended to convey a general view of their creed; and not of their speculative opinions merely, but of the most influential convictions of their souls. The avowal in my text was given in answer to that question, “Dost thou believe with all thine heart?” It must be understood, therefore, as comprehending,

1. A simple affiance in Christ—

[This, of necessity, is comprehended in it: for to what end would it be, to acknowledge Christ as the Messiah, if we do not rely upon him in that capacity? The devils could say of him, “We know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God;” but they had no hope in him, nor could they derive any benefit from him. True faith brings us to Christ for salvation; causes us to renounce every other hope; and engages us to rely on him as our “All in all” — — —]

2. An unreserved devotion to him—

[If we believe in Christ as having redeemed us by his blood, we must also of necessity surrender up ourselves to him as his peculiar people. Has he offered himself a sacrifice for us; we must “offer up ourselves as living sacrifices to him [Note: Romanos 12:1.].” To call him Lord, Lord, without doing his holy will, would only delude us to our ruin. If we believe that “he has bought us with a price, we must glorify him with our body and our spirit, which are his [Note: 1 Coríntios 6:20.].”]

But this confession must also be considered by us,


As a qualification for Christian privileges—

In this precise view it was uttered by the Eunuch. He applied for Christian baptism: and this question was put to him as a test, “Dost thou believe with all thine heart? If so, thou mayest.” Now this is, to all, a necessary qualification,

1. For baptism—

[Children cannot, in their own persons return an answer to this question; and therefore the question is put to their sponsors; who have no right to appear as sponsors, unless they can answer it from their hearts, as the Eunuch did. And they bind themselves to contributa, as much as in them lies, to the instilling of these principles into the minds of the children whom they thus present to the Lord. And the children themselves, when they come to an age capable of comprehending the engagements thus made for them, are bound to take them upon themselves; and, when confirmed by the bishop, they do actually take them upon themselves; professing, each for himself, his belief in Christ; and devoting himself entirely to the service of his Lord. And in this view, the ordinance of confirmation, as administered in the Established Church, is of the utmost importance to be well improved by ministers, for the benefit of their flocks; and by young people, for the everlasting benefit of their own souls.]

2. For the Lord’s Supper—

[To come to the Lord’s table, as many do, at the three great festivals of the Church, and to neglect it all the year besides, is to shew at once, that they enter not into the true spirit of that ordinance. And to attend it as a test for the holding of a public office, is an horrible abuse of it: which, we thank God, is now abolished. But, for judging of ourselves, whether we be in a state fit to attend upon that divine ordinance, we cannot conceive a better test than this, which Philip here administered. In corning to the table of the Lord, we profess to feed upon the body of Christ which was broken for us and the blood of Christ which was shed for the remission of our sins; and to dedicate ourselves to him afresh, as his devoted servants. If we do not this in reality, we only deceive our own souls. Here, however, it may be useful to mark what the proper medium is, in the application of this test to persons as a qualification for attending upon the table of the Lord. The Church of England, in her practice at least, is too lax; whilst those who dissent from her are too rigid. That minute inquiry, into what is called the experience of individuals, and persons sitting in judgment upon it, goes far beyond what is authorized by Scripture. The Apostle says, “Let a man examine himself, (not stand up to be examined by others and so let him come [Note: 1 Coríntios 11:28.].” The true medium is that which Philip observed: and if the Eunuch had answered falsely, as Simon Magus unhappily did [Note: ver. 20, 21.], the blame must have rested on himself alone. But I cannot too earnestly exhort every one of you to put the question to himself with deep sincerity; and never to approach the table of the Lord but under a sense of your entire dependence upon Christ, both for “mercy to pardon, and for grace to help you in the time of need.”]

In fact, this view of Christ is never duly appreciated, unless it be regarded,


As a title to all Christian blessings—

[Nothing but faith in Christ is necessary for salvation. (Of course, I speak not of it as a speculative assent, but as an operative and influential principle, such as we have represented it under our first head.) So it was declared to be by St. Paul, and by our Lord Jesus Christ himself [Note: Gálatas 5:6; João 3:14; João 3:18; João 3:36.]. Such it was declared to be in the commission given by him to his Apostles [Note: Marcos 16:16.]. Such it was proclaimed to be in the answer given to the inquiring Jailer, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved [Note: Atos 16:31.].” By this are we made children of the Living God [Note: João 1:12.Gálatas 3:26.]. By this we obtain peace to our own souls [Note: Romanos 5:1.]. By this are we sanctified from the power of sin [Note: Atos 15:9.]. And by this are we made partakers of the kingdom of heaven [Note: Apocalipse 1:5.]. Without this operative faith, nothing under heaven will prevail for any man’s salvation. Not Paul himself, in his unconverted state, could have been saved without it [Note: 1 Coríntios 3:11.]. On the other hand, no man, whatever he may have been or done, can perish, not even Manasseh himself, if he come to God with a simple faith in the Lord Jesus: for we are assured, that “the blood of Jesus Christ will cleanse from all sin [Note: 1 João 1:7.],” and that “all who believe in him shall be justified from all things [Note: Atos 13:39.].”]

Now, then, permit me to inquire, brethren,

What is the state of your souls in relation to this all-important matter?

[Can you, in the very way that the Eunuch did, declare, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?” I ask not, Whether you approve of that as an article of your creed? but whether it forms the one ground of all your hopes, the one source of all your happiness? Dear brethren, be not satisfied with repeating it in your creed; but get it fixed as a rooted and influential principle in your hearts — — — You must acquire it, even as the Eunuch did, by a diligent study of the Holy Scriptures, and by the teaching of the Spirit of God — — —]

2. What effect does it produce on your hearts and lives?

[You see what effects this faith produced on the Eunuch, how he desired baptism, and devoted himself to the Lord, without ever once considering what effect this conduct might have on his earthly prospects. Like Moses, he esteemed the “reproach of Christ greater riches than all the treasures of Ethiopia,” and greater honour than all that Candace could confer upon him. And to him it became a source of the sublimest joy, such as he had never experienced in all his life before: “He went on his way rejoicing [Note: ver. 39.].” Let me then ask, whether your faith operate in this way on you? It should so operate: it will so operate, if it be genuine. O that all of you might go to your respective homes this day, in the very spirit in which the Eunuch prosecuted his journey! God brought Philip to him for this end. And who can tell, hut that God has brought us also together for the same blessed end at this time? Dear brethren, rest not till your faith fill you with the same heavenly joy; nor ever cease to wrestle with God in prayer, till he make you like monuments of his grace on earth, and like heirs of his glory in a better word.]

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