Deuteronômio 3:27-28
Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon
Deuteronômio 3:27. Thou shalt not go over this Jordan. But charge Joshua, and encourage him, and strengthen him; for he shall go over before this people, and he shall cause them to inherit the land which thou shalt see.
IN reading the records of God’s dealings with the Jews, we are sometimes tempted to bring him to the bar of human reason, and to arraign his character as severe. Such hasty judgment, however, would be impious in the extreme; since we are wholly incompetent to decide upon matters, which are so far beyond our reach. There may be, and doubtless are, ten thousand reasons to justify his conduct, where our slender capacities cannot find any: and such light has been cast upon his procedure, in many instances, by the Gospel, as may fully evince the necessity of shutting our mouths, and of giving him credit for perfect equity, even where his dispensations most oppose our natural feelings. We may instance this in the exclusion of Moses from the promised land. He had brought the people out of Egypt, and, with most unparalleled meekness, had endured their perverseness forty years in the wilderness: yet, when he had led them to the very borders of Canaan, he was not suffered to go in with them; but, on account of one single offence, was obliged to devolve on Joshua his office, his authority, his honours; yea, he was forbidden even to pray for an admission into that good land [Note: ver. 23–27.]. Dark as this dispensation must have appeared at the time, we are enabled to discern a propriety and excellency in it. It was altogether of a typical nature: for while he represented the law, Joshua, his successor, was a very eminent type of Christ. The text naturally leads us to shew this: and we shall,
I. Trace the resemblance which exists between Joshua and the Lord Jesus Christ—
Joshua resembles Christ—
1. In his name—
[The name of Joshua was intended to designate his work and office. His name originally was Osea, but was altered by Moses to Joshua [Note: Números 13:16.]. This, doubtless, was of God’s appointment, that he might be thereby rendered a more remarkable type of Jesus. This name imported, that he should be a divine saviour [Note: Jah, which was prefixed to his name, is the name of God.]; and though, in the strictest and fullest sense, it could not properly belong to him; yet, as he was to be such a distinguished representative of Jesus, it was very properly given to him.
The name of Jesus still more fitly characterized the work that was to be performed by him. This name is precisely the same with Joshua in the Greek language; and repeatedly do we, in the New Testament, translate it, “Jesus,” when it ought rather to have been translated, “Joshua [Note: Atos 7:45; Hebreus 4:8.].” It was given to our Lord by the angel, before he was conceived in the womb [Note: Mateus 1:21.]: and the express reason of it was assigned, namely, that “he should save his people from their sins.” To him it is applicable in the fullest extent, because he is “God manifest in the flesh,” “Emmanuel, God with us;” and because he is the author, not of a typical and temporary, but of a real and eternal, salvation to all his followers [Note: Hebreus 5:9.]
This striking coincidence, with respect to the name, may prepare us for fuller discoveries of a resemblance,
2. In his office—
[Joshua was appointed to lead the Israelites into the promised land. Moses was not permitted to do this. He was destined to represent the law, which was admirably calculated to lead men through the wilderness, but could never bring them into the land of Canaan: one offence against it destroyed all hope of salvation by it [Note: Gálatas 3:10.]: it made no provision for mercy: its terms were simply, Do this and live [Note: Romanos 10:5.]: and, for an example of its inexorable rigour, Moses himself was, for one unadvised word, excluded from the land of promise. The office of saving men must belong to another; and, for this reason, it was transferred to Joshua, who had been both appointed to it, and thoroughly qualified by God for the discharge of it [Note: Deuteronômio 34:9.].
Jesus also was commissioned to bring his followers into the Canaan that is above. He, probably in reference to Joshua, is styled the Captain of our salvation [Note: Hebreus 2:10.]: and he appeared to Joshua himself in this very character, proclaiming himself to be the Captain of the Lord’s host [Note: Josué 5:13.]. “What the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh,” the Lord Jesus Christ came to effect [Note: Romanos 8:3.]. He has been divinely qualified for the work; and, like Joshua, was “encouraged to it, and strengthened in it,” by an assurance of God’s continual presence, and support [Note: Isaías 42:1; Isaías 42:4; Isaías 42:6.]. He leads his people on from grace to grace, from strength to strength, from victory to victory [Note: Salmos 84:7; 2 Coríntios 3:18; Apocalipse 6:2.]. Nor will he ever desist from his work, till he shall have subdued his enemies, and established his people in their promised inheritance.]
Happily for us the resemblance may be likewise traced,
3. In his success—
[Nothing could oppose any effectual bar to Joshua’s progress. Though Jordan had overflowed its banks, its waters were divided, to open him a path on dry land [Note: Josué 3:17.]. The impregnable walls of Jericho, merely at the sound of rams’ horns, were made to fall [Note: Josué 6:20.]. Confederate kings fled before him [Note: Josué 10:16.]. City after city, kingdom after kingdom, were subjected to his all-conquering arms: and almost the whole accursed race of Canaanites were extirpated, and destroyed [Note: Josué 12:7.]. The promised land was divided by him amongst his followers [Note: Josué 11:23; Josué 18:10.]: and he appealed to them with his dying breath, that not so much as one, of all the promises that God had given them, had ever failed [Note: Josué 23:14.].
And shall less be said respecting our adorable Emmanuel? He “triumphed over all the principalities and powers” of hell; and causes his followers to trample on the necks of their mightiest foes [Note: Romanos 16:20 with Josué 10:24.]. He leads them safely through the swellings of Jordan, when they come to the border of the promised land [Note: Isaías 43:2.]; and, having given them the victory, he divides among them the heavenly inheritance [Note: Mateus 25:34.]. Thus will all of them be put into possession of “that rest, which remained for them [Note: Hebreus 4:1; Hebreus 4:9; Hebreus 4:11.],” in the hope and expectation of which they endured the labours of travel, and the fatigues of war.]
Having traced the resemblance between Joshua and Christ, I will,
Take occasion to suggest from it some salutary advice—
1. To those who desire to possess the promised land—
[Grieved I am to say, that many desire that good land, yet never attain unto it; first, because they do not seek it with sufficient earnestness; and next, because they do not seek it in God’s appointed way. Respecting the former of these our blessed Lord says, “Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many shall seek to enter in, and not be able [Note: Lucas 13:24.]:” and of the latter, the Apostle Paul, speaking of the great mass of the Jewish people, says, that, though they “followed after the law of righteousness, they did not attain to the law of righteousness; because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law [Note: Romanos 9:30.].” He bare them record that they had a zeal of God: but it was not according to knowledge: for, being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, they would not submit themselves to the righteousness of God. Christ was the end of the law for righteousness to every one who believed. “But they, instead of believing in him for salvation, stumbled at him as a stumbling-stone and a rock of offence;” and thus they perished, whilst the Gentiles by believing in him were saved [Note: Romanos 10:2.]. Now, my brethren, I cannot too earnestly impress upon your minds the necessity of abandoning altogether the law of Moses as a ground of hope before God, and of trusting entirely in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. If Moses himself was not suffered to lead his followers into the earthly Canaan, or even to go in thither himself, much less can he lead you into the heavenly Canaan. As a guide through the wilderness, Moses is excellent: but as a Saviour, he will be of no use. Joshua alone can give you the possession of the promised land; that is, Jesus alone can effect your complete salvation. If you read the epistles of St. Paul to the Romans and Galatians, you will find the main scope of both is to establish and enforce this truth. Bear in remembrance then that you must “die to the law,” and seek salvation by Christ alone: for “by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified.”]
2. To those who are fighting for the possession of it—
[Though Canaan was promised to the Israelites, yet they must fight for it. And you must also fight for the promised inheritance of heaven. Remember however, that you are not to fight in your own strength. You must “be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might,” if you would gain the victory over your spiritual, enemies. And this is your great encouragement: for through Him the weakest shall be strong, yea, shall prove “more than conqueror” over all his enemies.” What took place in the contest of Israel with the Midianites shall be accomplished in God’s Israel throughout all the world. Against the numerous hosts of Midian only twelve thousand armed Israelites (a thousand from each tribe) were sent to fight: and when the whole Midianitish army was destroyed, it was found, on investigation, that not a single Israelite was slain [Note: Números 31:49.]. So shall it prove with you, my brethren, in your spiritual warfare. Only fight manfully in the Saviour’s strength; and what he said to his heavenly Father in reference to his disciples while he was yet upon earth, he will repeat before the whole assembled universe in the day of judgment, “Of those whom thou hast given me, not one is lost [Note: João 17:12.].” True, there are Anakims of gigantic stature to contend with, and cities walled up to heaven to besiege: but “greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world:” and all your enemies, with Satan at their head, “shall be bruised under your feet shortly [Note: Romanos 16:20.].” “They all are but, as it were, bread for you [Note: Números 14:9.],” and not one shall ever be able to stand before you.]
3. To those who yet retain their hostility to the Lord Jesus—
[You have seen what was the issue of the contest between Joshua, and all the kingdoms of Canaan. No less than thirty-one kings fell before him [Note: Josué 12:24.]. And Le sure that you also must perish, if you continue to fight against our adorable Lord and Saviour. I would earnestly recommend to you the example of the Gibeonites. They felt assured, that they could not withstand Joshua; and therefore, feigning themselves to belong to a nation remote from Canaan, they came, and entreated him to make a league with them. There needs no such collusion on your part. You may come to Jesus, and he will enter into covenant with you to spare you [Note: Josué 9:15.]. And, if your submission to him provoke the hostility of the world against you, he will come to your support, and will save you by a great deliverance [Note: Josué 10:4.]; and will make you eternal monuments of his power and grace. Let me also recommend to you the example of Rahab. She cast herself and all her family on the mercy of Joshua; and bound the cord wherewith she had let down the spies from the walls of Jericho, about her window, as the sign of her affiance in the pledge that had been given her. For this faith of hers, and for her works consequent upon it, was she commended both by St. Paul, and St. James [Note: Josué 6:22; Josué 6:25 with Hebreus 11:31 and Tiago 2:25.]. And, if you also with like faith cast yourselves upon the Lord Jesus, and, like her, evince also by your conduct the sincerity of your faith, you “shall be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation,” and have a portion accorded to you amongst the Israel of God for ever and ever.]