Isaías 61:10

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Isaías 61:10.—I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of rightteousness, as a Bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a Bride adorneth herself with her jewels.

THE abruptness of this passage cannot but strike every one who reads it. But this is common in the prophetic writings. The prophets are wont to pass over hundreds or even thousands of years, as though they were already past; and to represent as existing before their eyes, the things which shall exist at periods the most remote. It is in this way that they express their confidence in the truth of their own predictions, and encourage us also to look forward to the accomplishment of them with the fullest assurance.
The words are uttered, as it were, by the Jewish Church at the period of their conversion to Christianity. In the three first verses of this chapter the Lord Jesus Christ declares his commission to save the world [Note: ver. 1–3. with Lucas 4:17.]. In the three next, the Jews, notwithstanding their desolate condition previous to that time, are assured of their participation in his benefits, being themselves restored to their own country, and converted to the faith of Christ. In the three next verses they are informed, that they shall be pre-emimently blessed, far above all that ever their nation experienced in its most favoured seasons; insomuch, that they shall be objects of admiration and envy through the whole Gentile world. These things being predicted, the Jewish Church is introduced as exulting in the actual experience of them: “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord; my soul shall be joyful in my God.” But it is as members of the Christian Church that they use this language: and therefore without confining our attention to them, we shall consider our text as expressing,

I. The believer’s boast—

To boast in any thing of our own would be absurd and impious: but to boast in God is highly becoming; as David says, “In God we boast all the day long, and praise thy name for ever [Note: Salmos 44:8.].”

The mercy vouchsafed to him is exceeding great—
[He is “clothed with the garments of salvation, and covered with a robe of righteousness,” that has been formed for him by God himself. In the 6th verse of this chapter the Jews are informed, that “they (not the tribe of Levi only, but their whole nation) shall be named the priests of the Lord, and the ministers of their God.” Now for the priests there were certain garments appointed, wherein they were to minister, especially the linen ephod; which was intended to intimate to them the purity that became their high office. For the high priest there were some other “garments for glory and for beauty [Note: Êxodo 28:2.].” In reference to these it is that the believer says, “He hath clothed me with the garments of salvation;” for every believer under the Christian dispensation is “a king and a priest unto his God [Note: Apocalipse 1:6.]:” the whole body of them are “a royal priesthood [Note: 1 Pedro 2:9.]:” and for them a robe of righteousness is prepared, which shall be to them a garment of salvation. This robe of righteousness may be understood of that righteousness which the Lord Jesus Christ hath wrought out for his people by his own obedience unto death, and “which is unto all, and upon all, them that believe in him [Note: Romanos 3:22.].” This is the righteousness which the Prophet Daniel speaks of as to be brought in by the Messiah [Note: Daniel 9:24.], and which St. Paul desired to possess, “not having his own righteousness which was of the law, but the righteousness which was of God by faith in Christ [Note: Filipenses 3:9.].” It is by imparting this righteousness to the believer that “Christ is made righteousness unto him [Note: 1 Coríntios 1:30.],” and that he acquires that title which is given him by all his people, “The Lord our Righteousness [Note: Jeremias 23:6.].”

But these garments of salvation may also be understood of that righteousness which the Holy Spirit imparts to all who believe in Christ. He forms them anew: he enables them to “put on the Lord Jesus Christ [Note: Romanos 13:14.];” or, in other words, to “put off the old man, and to put on the new, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness [Note: Efésios 4:24.].” This is the idea which the priestly garments were more immediately intended to convey: for though they were an outward covering, they were chiefly emblematic of inward purity; in reference to which it is said, “Ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation [Note: Êxodo 19:6.].” And this may well be called “a garment of salvation:” for, though it is not that which justifies us before God, it constitutes our meetness for the heavenly inheritance [Note: Colossenses 1:12.], and is that “without which no man shall see the Lord [Note: Hebreus 12:14.].”

With these garments and this robe is the believer clothed: the very moment he comes to Christ, the one is imputed to him, so that he is “accepted in the Beloved [Note: Efésios 1:6.];” and the other is begun within him, to be progressively advanced and “perfected unto the day of Christ [Note: Filipenses 1:6.].”]

In this he may well boast—
[So far is it from being an act of presumption to boast in this, it is the believer’s duty to do so: for the Prophet Isaiah expressly says, “Surely shall one say, In the Lord have I righteousness and strength. In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory [Note: Isaías 45:24.].” The believer ought to contemplate the mercies he has received, and to acknowledge the goodness of God in conferring them upon him. If he did not give glory thus unto his God, “the very stones would cry out against him.”]

Such being the believer’s experience, we shall not wonder at,


His determination—

When the blessed Virgin was congratulated on the mercy vouchsafed to her, she burst forth into this devout acknowledgment, “My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour [Note: Lucas 1:46.].” So every believer, reviewing the mercies conferred on him, says, “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord: my soul shall be joyful in my God.” And this determination is,

1. Highly reasonable—

[Contemplate the comparison which the prophet himself institutes between the ornaments thus put on the believer, and those in which persons are wont to deck themselves at the celebration of their nuptials: for “he is covered with a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.” Are they happy in the prospect of their union, and shall not he be happy in the union which has already taken place between Christ and his soul? For it is not only to serve his God that he is now brought, but to enjoy him; and that too in an union the most intimate and endeared that can possibly be conceived. A man and his wife are one flesh; but “he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit [Note: 1 Coríntios 6:17.].” Nor is this union in prospect merely, but in actual existence. From the moment that the believer is clothed with the garments of salvation, he is espoused to his God: he is set apart for God; and God reserves himself, as it were, for him [Note: Oséias 3:3.]: and in due time the union will be perfected in glory. And does not this call for joy and thanksgiving? See what feelings it will create in heaven, the very instant that the period shall have arrived when the Spouse shall be presented to her Lord, to be happy for ever in more immediate fellowship with him: “A voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him both small and great. And I heard, as it were, the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth! Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him; for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted, that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints [Note: Apocalipse 19:5.].” Shall the believer then stay till he arrives in heaven before he begins his joy? No: the language of his heart and lips should be that of David; “I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof and be glad. O magnify the Lord with me; and let us exalt his name together [Note: Salmos 34:1.].” Thus will he not be contented with praising God himself: he will stir up all around, to join him in this delightful, this reasonable service.]

2. Most pleasing to God—

[The command of God to every Believer is, “Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, Rejoice [Note: Filipenses 4:4.].” “Let Israel rejoice in Him that made him; and the children of Zion be joyful in their king [Note: Salmos 149:2.].” Indeed it is in this way only that we can give him the honour due unto his name. It may appear as if our feeble praises were nothing: and it is true that they can add nothing to the Lord: but still it is true, that they are the tribute which he requires, and by which he considers himself as honoured: “Whoso offereth me praise, glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God [Note: Salmos 50:23.].”]


Let none put away this honour, as too great for them to expect—

[It is not uncommon for persons of a desponding frame to think that such privileges and blessings are not for them. But can any one be in a more hopeless state than the Jews? View them in any light, and say whether there is, humanly speaking, any probability of their being brought to the state described in the preceding context, and to the frame expressed in our text? Yet that shall be: nor shall all the powers of darkness ever prevent it. Be strong then, and of good courage, thou desponding soul; and go unto thy God with the prayer of faith. Then, though thou hast been like the prodigal in extravagance and sin, thou shalt be clothed in the best robe that is in thy Father’s house, and “be presented faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy [Note: Jude, ver. 24.].”]

2. Let none abuse this honour to the purposes of licentiousness—

[There are those who “turn the very grace of God into licentiousness;” and who pervert the doctrine of imputed righteousness to sanction and to justify their continuance in sin. But it is a certain fact, “that Christ is never made righteousness to any man, without being made his sanctification also [Note: 1 Coríntios 1:30.].” If Christ have redeemed you by his blood, it is that you may be mude “a peculiar people, zealous of good works [Note: Tito 2:14.].” Without this inward change, all your joy and glorying will be an empty boast: and “every sacrifice which you offer to your God, will be an abomination to him [Note: Provérbios 15:8.].” You well know the fate of him who presumed to sit down at the marriage supper, not having on a wedding garment: and if he, a mere guest, “was cast out into outer darkness,” what must be the fate of one who should claim the privileges of the Bride herself, whilst yet she possessed not the only qualities that could endear her to the Lord? Be assured, you must be “all glorious within, and have your clothing also of wrought gold,” if you would find acceptance with the King of kings, and “be brought with gladness and rejoicing to the palace” of the heavenly Bridegroom [Note: Salmos 45:13.]

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