1 João 1:5-10

Comentário de Ellicott sobre toda a Bíblia


First Half. God is Light (1 João 1:5 to 1 João 2:28).




FIRST INFERENCE: The true fellowship (1 João 1:6); the Christian must not sin.


SECOND INFERENCE: Confession of sins (1 João 1:8); the Christian must not conceal his sin.


THIRD INFERENCE: Remedy for sins (1 João 2:1).










Signs whereby they should know the forerunners of the last time (1 João 2:18).


Exhortation to continue in the light (1 João 2:24).]

(1) (5) This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you. — What the Son had received from the Father, this the Apostles were to report to the world. The attention is aroused, as by the silence before the thunderstorm, to expect a central and fundamental notion of the utmost importance.

That God is light. — Here is the essence of Christian theology, the truth about the Deity as opposed to all the imperfect conceptions of Him which had embittered the minds of the wise. To the heathen, Deity had meant angry, malevolent beings, worshipped best by the secrecy of outrageous vice; to the Greeks and Romans, forces of nature transformed into superhuman men and women, powerful and impure; to the philosophers, an abstraction either moral or physical; to the Gnostics it was a remote idea, equal and contending forces of good and evil, recognisable only through less and less perfect deputies. All this John, summing up what the Old Testament and our Lord had said about the Almighty Father, sweeps away in one simple declaration of truth. Light was God’s garment in Salmos 104:2; to Ezekiel (Ezequiel 1:2), the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord was brightness; to Habakkuk (1 João 3:3), His brightness was as the light; Christ had called the sons of God children of the light (João 12:36), and announced Himself as the Light of the World (João 8:12); in the Hebrews (Hebreus 1:3), Christ was the refracted ray of the Father’s glory, “the express image of His person;” to James, the Almighty was the Father of all lights (Tiago 1:17); to Paul, He dwells “in the light that no man can approach unto” (1 Timóteo 6:16); to St. Peter, the Christian state is an admission “into His marvellous light” (1 Pedro 2:9). These ideas John comprehends: God is Light. Light physical, because (1) it was He who called everything first out of darkness, and (2) from whom proceeds all health and perfection; light intellectual, because (1) He is the source of all wisdom and knowledge, and (2) in His mind exist the ideals after which all things strive; light moral, because (1) His perfection shows that the difference between good and evil is not merely a question of degree, but fundamental and final, and (2) the life of Christ had exhibited that contrast sharply: once for all. Thus, on this declaration depends the whole doctrine of sin: sin is not merely imperfection; it is enmity to God. There can be no shades of progression, uniting good and evil: in Him is no darkness at all. Good and evil may be mixed in an individual: in themselves they are contrary.

(2) (6) If we say. — A favourite form with John, expressing sympathetic delicacy.

That we have fellowship with him.... — Some of the Gnostics (like the Anabaptists) said that on account of their spiritual knowledge they were free to act as they liked, without committing sin. For walking as a description of the spiritual state, compare 1 João 2:6; 2 João 1:6; Romanos 6:4; Romanos 8:4; Efésios 4:17; Filipenses 3:20.

Darkness would include any conscious habit which was opposed to God’s example of perfection.

We lie. — We are a self-contradiction, and we know it.

And do not the truth. — The truth with St. John is as much a matter of action as of thought and word; that sphere of conduct which is in harmony with God, whose nature is Light.

(7) As he is in the light. — The effulgence of the atmosphere of the perfectly good, the sinlessly loving, the gloriously pure, which, created by God and proceeding from Him, is specially “His throne.” At the same time, wherever such characteristics of Divine Light are found, there He is particularly present.

We have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. — The antithesis to “lying and doing not the truth,” presented under the twofold aspect of (1) the brotherly result of walking with God, (2) its purifying influence. Each human being that comes near us becomes the object of our friendly sympathy; and the sacrifice of Christ has both put away the sin of the world and prevents sin from reigning in our mortal bodies; it obtains forgiveness for us, and by reminding us that it was sin that brought Jesus to the cross, has a continually purifying power over us, through the Spirit of Christ and of the Father. (See 1 Coríntios 6:11; Efésios 1:7; Efésios 1:19; Hebreus 9:14; 1 Pedro 1:19.)

(3) (8) If we say that we have no sin. — The preceding words had reminded St. John that even mature Christians, though certainly not “walking in darkness,” yet have sinful tendencies in themselves: sensuous impulses, non-spiritual inclinations, lack of self-knowledge, a lowered standard, principles and views borrowed partly from the world, wavering of will, and hence even graver faults. Not to admit this would be to mislead ourselves, and in us the power and energy of light, searching the very corners of the heart, would not be working. (See Romanos 7:18; Gálatas 5:17.)

(9) If we confess our sins. — An advance in the thought from the general “having sin.” Confession to God must recognise and measure each particular fault. (Salmos 32:5; Salmos 51:3; Provérbios 28:13; Lucas 15:21.)

He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. — He, from the context, cannot possibly be any other than God. Here another grand progression of thought meets us: not merely “we are in the truth,” but the actual and glorious result on God’s side; faithful and just on account of Christ’s sacrifice and our repentance. For the double notion of forgiving and cleansing, see Note on 1 João 1:7. The Romish interpreters, in their arbitrary way, limit the cleansing here to purgatory.

(10) If we say that we have not sinned. — The argument of the passage equally excludes the interpretation “freedom from guilt since conversion” as “innocence during the whole life.” St. John is here repeating, in a more emphatic form, the thought of 1 João 1:8.

We make him a liar, and his word is not in us. — Stronger far than “we lie,” or “the truth is not in us.” Our foolish presumption is regarded in its worst aspect: an impiety against God, whose word, revelation, appeal to our conscience, and witness by the Spirit, are thus blasphemously contradicted. Parallel to “we do not the truth” and “the truth is not in us,” the practical result here is that we cannot be regarded as having in any sense received God’s revelation into our hearts.

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